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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, weegienative said:

The ultimate aim of the EU is a federal state. To Do this, national identity and pride needs to be diminished. Easiest way to do that? Import millions of people who will have no loyalty to their host. Will It also help backfill an ageing workforce? Potentially but no more so than economic incentives to parenthood for existing citizens. 

The EU was started with good intentions as you correctly say. Do you think the people who voted to join knew what it would involve now? Presumably not judging by the age distribution of voters in Brexit.

If you want to talk about campaign donations and influence, look no further than a certain Hungarian globalist billionaire.

Ah, you reveal yourself. 

Your views are those of a racist, anti-Semitic troll.

Please leave the forum.


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44 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Theory doesn’t equal practice. I also don’t see the shower of tears from free speech warriors over the governments Prevent strategy.


Actually it does equal practice. I want less government, you want more. It fits perfectly with the left and right wing theory. 

The prevent strategy which helps combat terrorism and thereby preserving life?

Preserving life is one of the legitimate duties of government.

Doesn't really fit with the "conservatives are literally Hitler" type mantra which typically exists in left wing echo chambers does it?

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2 minutes ago, weegienative said:

You're right, I think it should be called immediately. We should really push for this.

I wonder what nikla is waiting for?

I agree.

She is probably just waiting for the Comms Team to okay the campaign.

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1 minute ago, Scary Bear said:

I agree.

She is probably just waiting for the Comms Team to okay the campaign.

I was being slightly facetious but genuinely, if Indyref has a chance, it is right now during this shambles of a Tory party.

If the snp still aren't confident they'll win they may aswell park any Indy ambitions for a generation because they'll never have a better opportunity.

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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

Letting the two (alleged) creeps back in to vote for her is about as low as you can go.

I doubt we will hear much about this on the BBC but it's a disgrace.

It's ecumenical perv whipping, they're expected to cancel each other out.

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4 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Wonder what it is specifically about George Soros that right wing capitalists object to.

It's like Lord James Mackay getting kicked out of the Wee Frees for going to the funeral of a Catholic friend.

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