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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:
9 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
When you're coming from f**k all rises always appear larger,  we had the largest growth due to every other mob getting their shit together much quicker than ourselves.

Sure, we had the slowest recovery from a recession in history because of the Tories austerity policies but we were finally getting decent figures before the vote and now we're back down to 1.2% or so. Even Portugal is doing better.

Aye, 1.2% ain't exactly the immediate armageddon we were promised.

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Your forensic questioning really adds a lot to these threads.
I assume you are unable to think in terms of cause and effect. Previously no one really thought about what would happen beyond a Yes vote. Now it's clear that Westminster would make separation as difficult as possible whilst using all their media assets and Scottish unionists to campaign for a second referendum.
Surely that depends on whether, after a Yes vote there was increasing public pressure, clear trends back towards No following revelations of illegal campaigning and numerous lies told by the winning side, complete disarray in the Scottish Govt and businesses leaving the imminently independent Scotland in their droves having been called scaremongers in the lead up having pledged to do so?

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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

Regardless of all of that I think that Westminster negotiating in bad faith would be enough to swing some people especially since the numbers involved are unlikely to be huge.

Again I'd suggest Westminster acting in bad faith will simply push people more towards independence.

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4 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

We're still in the EU. Goods are flowing freely through the Channel Tunnel and our ports.

That was always going to be the case, didn't stop the fearmongering.

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3 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
12 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
Aye, 1.2% ain't exactly the immediate armageddon we were promised.

The BoE reckon the economy is £40bn smaller now than it would be if we'd voted remain. That's exactly the kind of effect that we'd been warned about.

You now appear to be sucking up everything you're told from those you used to question on a daily basis, if those at the BoE and elsewhere blindfolded themselves and used a pin to decide their forecasts the results would be no worse than they've been in recent years, might even be better.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

So if you understand that, why are you expressing mock surprise that the economy isn't yet in recession?

We were promised armageddon from the getgo, just one of many lies from the remain side, the fact that only peapods believed the bullshit on either side doesn't detract from the fact that both sides were less than honest with the electorate.

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You now appear to be sucking up everything you're told from those you used to question on a daily basis, if those at the BoE and elsewhere blindfolded themselves and used a pin to decide their forecasts the results would be no worse than they've been in recent years, might even be better.
They outlined the possible effects of a leave vote, the vote happened and they've broadly been right. That's a fact. Obviously leavers find that inconvenient and upsetting but it's still a fact.
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15 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

It's not a lie.

At best, it is disingenuous.

The Brexit vote has already had some relatively severe, negative effects on the British economy. If and when the UK actually leaves the EU, there will be further consequences. Had the UK voted to remain, the economy would be in a better place than it is now.

The "Alternative timeline theory" espoused by Doc Brown in Back to the Future Part 2 is my prescription for you as a basic entry into this.

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I recall Georgieboy promising us that the disaster would be "immediate and profound", yet here we are living in a growing economy with decent employment and unemployment figures, may well get worse if we ever actually leave but there's been nowt to write home about so far.

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3 minutes ago, Ross. said:

At best, it is disingenuous.

The Brexit vote has already had some relatively severe, negative effects on the British economy. If and when the UK actually leaves the EU, there will be further consequences. Had the UK voted to remain, the economy would be in a better place than it is now.

The "Alternative timeline theory" espoused by Doc Brown in Back to the Future Part 2 is my prescription for you as a basic entry into this.

No, it's more disingenuous to suggest that we weren't promised an immediate meltdown by the great and good on the Remain side.

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