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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

The half a million job losses that never materialised points to them predicting a meltdown

This makes no sense.

2 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

TBF, I think ayrmad is having a bit of a meltdown

I think he's just a melt.

2 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

He was forecasting what would happen if we leave, not if we vote to leave.

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6 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Economically - lost 10% value of currency overnight- not recovered to pre result levels. Large number of job losses= reduced exports. Industry and financial sector moving to EU, even businesses owned by fcuking brexit campaigners are leaving ffs. Recession forecast. Slowest growing g7 economy. Lack of inward foreign investment.

Politically/culturally- loss of eu migrants who contribute to our economy, including doctors, care staff and manual workers. The rise of the extreme right buoyed by brexit. Increase in hate crime in many areas of the UK. Unemployment forecast to rise even further and no contingency being made. Government incapable of consensus dominated by extremists. Government incapable of planning, see the ferry scandal and lack of contingency for medicines and cancer treatment materials post brexit.

Economically fucked, getting worse if it happens and culturally and politically fucking bankrupt. But aye its ok because it’s not impacted you.

All these things were promised immediately after the vote, next to f**k all has happened in real terms so far, nothing you or anyone else has posted detracts from my original point that we were promised all sorts of cataclysmic events after the vote, project fear was real and it failed miserably, they badly underestimated how much immigration meant to Joe Soap down south.

JP Morgan had us in recession 2 years ago, still waiting.

Edited by ayrmad
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He was forecasting what would happen if we leave, not if we vote to leave.
You asked for a meltdown and I gave you one. Mind Osbourne's kid on where he said he'd have to rewrite the budget the day after a leave vote ? What actually happened was the people in England called his bluff and he resigned.
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41 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

All these things are out there, recession( still waiting on the contraction, in fact it grew quicker than estimated at one point), 500,000 job losses(nearly a million wrong), of course these predictions never happened and weren't pushed to death by the MSM.

No recession, but growth has dropped relative to the rest of the G7, real term wage growth has dropped where it hasn't in other places, the rate of household borrowing has increased, investment by domestic and foreign business has dropped, and UK stocks have performed poorer than their contemporaries in the developed world.

Not all of that can be attributed to Brexit. It could of course, all be completely coincidental.

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Still waiting on Osbourne's emergency budget to plug his imaginary and immediate 30 billion blackhole after a leave vote. To suggest that remain weren't lying scumbags like leave is beyond parody. Two of the worst campaigns I have ever seen, side by side, talking complete shite.

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Just now, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Economically - lost 10% value of currency overnight- not recovered to pre result levels. Large number of job losses= reduced exports. Industry and financial sector moving to EU, even businesses owned by fcuking brexit campaigners are leaving ffs. Recession forecast. Slowest growing g7 economy. Lack of inward foreign investment.

Politically/culturally- loss of eu migrants who contribute to our economy, including doctors, care staff and manual workers. The rise of the extreme right buoyed by brexit. Increase in hate crime in many areas of the UK. Unemployment forecast to rise even further and no contingency being made. Government incapable of consensus dominated by extremists. Government incapable of planning, see the ferry scandal and lack of contingency for medicines and cancer treatment materials post brexit.

Economically fucked, getting worse if it happens and culturally and politically fucking bankrupt. But aye its ok because it’s not impacted you.

Aye! But we won the war!

Edited by Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier
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Remember that time when the UK found vibranium deposits on the moon and became the richest and most advanced nation on Earth?


Well it's not my fault you don't remember it. It was everywhere. But I won't prove it. You have to.

Edited by DA Baracus
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16 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Still waiting on Osbourne's emergency budget to plug his imaginary and immediate 30 billion blackhole after a leave vote. To suggest that remain weren't lying scumbags like leave is beyond parody. Two of the worst campaigns I have ever seen, side by side, talking complete shite.

What did remain lie about?

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2 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

You do know that Brexit hasn't happened, don't you?

You do know that project fear promised loads of shit in the 2 years following a Leave vote, it ain't happened, the fact that a few numbnuts on here keep saying Brexit hasn't happened yet doesn't detract from that fact, in all honesty why should Leavers believe any of the forecasters predictions after we leave when the great and the good have proven to be useless at best and lying b*****ds at worse.

The last 4 and a half years have just shown how much of a riproaring c**t we made of our own referendum, we've tied ourselves indefinitely to the biggest bunch of useless fuckers that have ever held power in our lifetime, that's saying something when you look back at some of the shambles we've had over the decades.

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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:

Please do furnish us with that evidence that you famously back up your claims with.

You're the one that is/was involved in politics, JP Morgan, the treasury and others were allowed to spout their shit about a recession, the fact that you can endlessly post pictures that suit your agenda but can't recall/find plenty of proof about the doom mongering says much about you.

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