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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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35 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

...The final deal will have to include a UK wide Customs Union that avoids a hard border in Ireland and in the Irish Sea...

That's only doable with an EEA type arrangement, which effectively means staying inside the EU but having no political say and the ERG type Brexiters won't accept that. With May's deal any attempt to break meaningfully from the EU on issues like trade deals in future leaves NI in the EU's Customs Union and leads to border checks at the Irish sea. Both Brussels and Westminster know this and no amount of intellectual contortions will change that reality. The DUP and TUV were morons to back Brexit in the first place.

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46 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:
2 hours ago, Suspect Device said:
According to the link we have a net contribution of £8.9bn but according to your map we get £9.3 bn back.
Seems like a good deal to me.
ETA and why has the north of Scotland been cut off your map? Typical central belt bias.

How much of the 9.3billion is tax and how much is borrowing

No idea. Actually, looking at the figures in the link, they don't even include money from the structural fund so I think I'll need some more investigation. 

That's the problem with taking what folk on here say as fact. If you don't know the sources and dig deeper into them they're not much use. Including the link I posted.


Much like a headline figure on the side of a bus.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

If true these c***s must be immediately expelled from the Labour Party.



One Labour MP involved told The Independent: “If we get the assurances we want, then up to 20 Labour MPs could back her when the vote comes back.

Oh they'll get these "assurances" but will they mean anything?

We saw what happened with all these "assurances" she claimed to have got from the EU on the backstop. They just didn't exist.

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I'm delighted to have personally contributed to this; four of us used to meet every second Friday at the local Spoons but immediately Martin started peddling his Brexit message on the beermats that was enough for me. He followed up on that by dropping a range of continental drinks.

An astute businessman would maybe ponder the outcome but it would appear the grizzled fool has Trumposis.
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4 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

That looks like a right good turnout for Farage's 'March Of Mistruths'. One hundred folk really shows the overwhelming conviction of the Brexit lobby and fully justifies the media coverage.

Posted this picture on the Civil War thread. You get more people turning up for a car boot sale in Forres. Can't see many of them managing the 20 miles a day.


Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

That looks like a right good turnout for Farage's 'March Of Mistruths'. One hundred folk really shows the overwhelming conviction of the Brexit lobby and fully justifies the media coverage.

It's good that they are getting typical 'little english' weather for their walk. I hope there's a whole fucking alphabet of storms lined up over the next two weeks.  

Storm 'Nigel' will fizzle out before really starting.

(I know it's Niamh ;))

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Agree that the UUP and indeed even the SDLP should have been in a good position to hoover up votes if the DUP cave this week, but as you say welshbairn, UUP hold a similar line on Brexit. Still don't see how any political party can set a red line and then overturn it when nothing has changed though.

Just need everyone to hold the line on Tuesday and push the EU into a long extension at the moment. Brings the chance of revocation closer.

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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:


A little bribery and corruption can work wonders. (Especially with politicians)

How awful will it be if her tactics of running the clock down see her crap deal get voted through.

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9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


A little bribery and corruption can work wonders. (Especially with politicians)

How awful will it be if her tactics of running the clock down see her crap deal get voted through.

I still think the SNP should go for 5 billion and an indy ref.

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