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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Guest Bob Mahelp
17 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Last poll on Scottish Independence...more than 50% of the population here still think that it is better to be shackled to Westminster and its political system, and that view doesn't appear to have budged over the last few weeks/months. Despite everything that has happened that equates to more than 50% of people preferring Teresa May and her ilk) as their Prime Minister rather than being Independent. EU must be pretty astonished at that as well.

I don't understand why people can't get that the Unionist vote in Scotland is completely hardened. There is literally no clusterf*ck that the Westminster government can make, no f*ck up big enough, no shambles strong enough,  that will convert people from 'No' to 'Yes'. 

Those looking for some kind of magic bullet that are going to convert people to 'Yes' are sadly mistaken.  Literally the only thing that will stop hundreds of thousands of Scots from voting No over and over again, is old age and death. 

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Corbyn has no interest in becoming PM. It's the only logical conclusion given his continually ridiculous behaviour. 

He really is a useless c**t. Nearly 70 years old and behaving like a fucking child at this of all times. 

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Jesus it just gets worse. There`s not a hint of leadership on show amongst any of the so called main players. Total intransigence and endless utterances of the same old shit that got us into this fecking mess.

Some of the statements coming out make Grayling`s  f**k up with the Ferry contract with a company with no ferries look like a minor indiscretion.

What a pair of self serving c***s May and Corbyn are. Utterly pathetic.


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