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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Whitburn Vale said:

Sad thing is it will probably be England that ends the union somewhere in the future and not us,probably when the oil and gas is gone and we're no more of use to them.

Remember the Poll Tax,we sat on our arses and took it,apart from the non payment campaign.

Down in sassanach land they took to the streets and rioted when it was being introduced there a year later!!

If Nigel had called his party EIP,  they might already have  been out of two unions.  

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I can understand why CEO's, FTSE 100 directors and members of the glitterati are so afraid of socialism, however it seriously confounds me when the ordinary working class and even the middle classes treat it as some sort of shocking disease which should be avoided at all costs.

Maybe they're all just brainwashed or completely thick.............

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10 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I can understand why CEO's, FTSE 100 directors and members of the glitterati are so afraid of socialism, however it seriously confounds me when the ordinary working class and even the middle classes treat it as some sort of shocking disease which should be avoided at all costs.

Maybe they're all just brainwashed or completely thick.............

Maybe they know more about socialism than you do.

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Rees-Mogg now claiming it's a choice between May's deal and No Brexit, which seems an odd interpretation seen as the default after April 12th is No deal, but it looks like he may be walking back his original opposition.
It's also being reported that the ERG are split and he might not take that many with him.
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I hope you're right but I still encounter lots of people on a daily basis who despise the SNP, Sturgeon and anything related to our independence.
They can't actually give me a valid reason when I question their thinking, however they honestly believe that England supports us and that we would be bankrupt without them.
I have pointed them in the direction of Slovakia and the Rep of Ireland as prime examples of small countries with less natural resources thriving on their own, however they have closed minds and just aren't prepared to listen.
Those sort of people (like my mother) will never be swayed. You could have a Saint as SNP FM and they would still say they were the devil incarnate.

When you ask them for specifics they at usually not able to give any or parrot some shite they've read in the Mail.
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This poll tells you everything you need to know about the mentality of the Brexiteers.  Only 6% (of people in total not just Brexiteers) think the U.K. will get a good deal yet 45% still want to leave.
”Yeah I think it’s going to be shit but I’m still going to do it”.
It’s a bit like my approach to going to United games.  [emoji20]
These c***s would get on the Titanic if they were told its destination was Leave.
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I hate these people. If they believed this to be the case, they should have supported the deal at the first time of asking, months ago, instead of pushing us to the brink.


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