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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:



You do know when you're driven by a guy on the internet to looking up stuff to this degree that you're not winning, right?


Killjoy, they're getting close to infinitesimal difference when they'll have to go within the molecular structure of the ink used for punctuation to ascribe meaning.   For what it's worth I worked for a charity that recieved, gave away all sorts of goods. Anything electrical had to be tested for function and safety, and anything antique with ancient wiring and fittings just had everything vaguely electrical ripped out before being sold. Perfectly sensible and nobody cared whether it was EU or UK rules we were following, or even which came first. 

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6 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Either we will get a deal or the PM will lose to win a VONC to be the party respecting the result of the referendum against the anti democratic remainers.

How long will it be before it would be democratic to have another referendum? Quite a few facts have come to light since the last one that may have shifted public opinion. Or should democracy be permanently fixed in 2016 with a 2% margin?

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So am I going to be able to sell unsafe electricals after October, or what? I've got a skip full of Christmas trees with exposed wires, cracked plugs, you name it. Could be a big seller if the Brussels bureaucrats keep their noses out.

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44 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

So am I going to be able to sell unsafe electricals after October, or what? I've got a skip full of Christmas trees with exposed wires, cracked plugs, you name it. Could be a big seller if the Brussels bureaucrats keep their noses out.


Take them to Spain.

You'll make a fortune with no questions asked. Despite the fact they are in the EU.

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25 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

If it comes to the bit yes.

Leave or remain.

That was it.

Deal or no deal included.


I personally know some people who voted leave in 2016 on the understanding that the leave campaign were talking about soft Brexit, stay in the customs union and retain free movement etc. They'd prefer to stay in than leave without a deal.

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Going by the polling numbers the Tories would easily win a GE and batter Corbyn’s Labour out of sight.

A VONC was a gubbins idea and correctly stopped by The Lovely Jo Swinson as Corbyn now admits.
Cross party collaboration and getting pro-Remain Tory MPs involved to go down the legislative route is a far better idea for stopping No Deal Brexit.

TLJS will stop the far right Tories and No Deal Brexit herself.

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Of all the many lies that have been told during the Brexit debacle, none is bigger than the one that states the referendum result legitimises No Deal.

Not a single Brexiteer campaigned on this proposal and most of them are on record saying the exact opposite.

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9 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

It's obviously very important to Strichiner to attempt to prove that the charity shop woman can't sell lethal electrical devices due to the nasty, interfering EU. All I did was point out that it is actually UK legislation that creates these offences.  When incorrectly accused of being mistaken, I defended my views.

So, as promised, I fired up SRAWEB today, and went looking for a couple of relevant offences to prove my point.  SRAWEB contains a list of common law & statutory offences in Scotland. Unfortunately, it also includes some obsolete charges, so you need to check that the legislation is still in force.

Charge Code CPRT198700110001 is still in force. It relates to selling unsafe electrical equipment, just like I said. The draft charge ends "CONTRARY to the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994 regulation 14(1) and the Consumer Protection Act 1987, Sections 11 and 12"

Charge Code PLUG199400120100 is also still in force. It relates to supply of an appliance which is not correctly fitted with a standard UK plug. The draft charge ends ""CONTRARY to the Plugs and Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994 regulation 12(1) and the Consumer Protection Act 1987, Sections 11 and 12"

Either charge code can be googled and the charge confirmed.

I think that concludes this tedious debate. Strichiner was wrong.

Thanks for that. I feel empowered with a knowledge I will never need.



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The desperate act of a man who knows he is beaten. 

Confidence vote the only option and parliament has one chance to fucking get over itself and appoint a caretaker. Strangely this may be a good thing, as we can't just legislate ourselves an extension like Swinson and all seemed to think was the way forward. 

One last chance to avoid no deal. Here it is,  Parliament - take it or you won't stop it. 

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29 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

Government to ask Queen to suspend Parliament

All the fannying around for the past few weeks seems time well spent now. 

The ides of September

Et Tu Gove.

Mibbes no Gove, but one of them is bound to do the dirty on Boris.

And it will be glorious.

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