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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Absolutely. We won't get results with candlelit marches and a few choruses of "We Shall Overcome".
I spoke to a few Met coppers after the Tottenham riots in 2011. A couple of them told me they'd done what they could to nick somebody early doors, because:
1. The paperwork kept them away from the front line for a few hours.
2. Said front line was looking as far from being under control as they'd seen.
3.Had the rioters decided to turn their attention to the police more than flat-screens and trainers, an orderly retreat was the best option. An undignified rout was more likely.
4. Those who patrolled those streets in quiter times had seen something like this coming for a while, and
5. Frankly, they were not totally unsympathetic towards the rioters.
Fast forward eight years, and we have:
1. 20,000 fewer frontline officers.
2. A demoralised and undervalued Police Service.
3. An even more divided society where those at the bottom have been told in no uncertain terms that that's where they're staying, and no matter how hard they work, their lives won't improve.
4. A Criminal Justice system which cannot cope with those it looks after now, let alone the vast number of charges and sentences it would have to cope with in the event of concerted National indiscipline.
5. A lack of respect for the rule of law amongst those who are being lumped together in the lowest strt=ata of any social or economic grouping. Mainly because we now have the best justice system money can buy.

I think largely in England the cops take far too much shite. Ive seen people up screaming, being abusive in their faces etc and they are allowed to walk away. The other things you list are absolutely spot on btw.
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27 minutes ago, Frankie S said:

This from Tom Peck in The Independent sums it up: 

“I suppose the screenwriters of The Crown have had a good day, for when they finally get round to penning the landmark Brexit series, there will be Her Majesty, perched on a tartan chesterfield, fending off nervous enquiries from private secretaries about what her third born did or did not know about the untimely death of his convicted paedophile friend when in waltzes Jacob Rees-Mogg, opera coat flapping in the highland breeze, to let her know that, with regret, there’s going to have to be a civil war and could she just sign here.”

The suspension of parliamentary democracy, as the monarch signed off on this naked power grab by the reviled far right cabal masquerading as our government, represented by a pompous Latin-spouting Old Etonian in fancy dress, in the service of the smirking Old Etonian buffoon who is current squatting at No.10 and his unaccountable puppet-master Cummings, for whom ‘in-contempt-of-Parliament’ is both a fact and a raison d’etre, to facilitate a hard Brexit that almost no-one in Scotland wants. Yes, this happened at Balmoral. 

Royalty, the Conservative Party, Rees-****ing Mogg. Absurd anachronisms all, that have no place in modern Scotland. Time to end this charade.


Real heads will be tuning in for the Prince Andrew is a nonce cover up side plot complete with the Queen's phone call ordering the hit on Epstein.

Edited by NotThePars
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2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think largely in England the cops take far too much shite. Ive seen people up screaming, being abusive in their faces etc and they are allowed to walk away. The other things you list are absolutely spot on btw.

The statement that most makes me worry about what might happen in future was one lad, with a few years in, saying to me, "I looked across at them and thought, I don't blame you. I don't blame you at all"

Thatcher ensured the loyalty of the forces and Police by paying them well - standard Tory response of throwing money at a problem. The Police and Armed Forces are no longer the resource they were for that cúnt - neither in numbers or in loyalty. If Johnson wants to take on the People, he'll be taking on ALL the people.

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I like the argument currently being developed in the Court of Session in an attempt to get an interdict to prevent prorogation.

It's basically along the lines of: The Miller case determined that only primary legislation can remove fundamental rights - hence the Notification of Withdrawal Act. However, it was since ruled by the ECJ that the A50 notification can be revoked unilaterally by the UK, meaning that giving a notification to withdraw does not in itself lead to the removal of rights: there is an alternative route.

This would be huge. It means the legal default isn't in fact "no deal" but "revoke". 

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6 hours ago, Detournement said:

The Irish border issue solves itself in the event of No Deal. 

Either the EU install a border which means we can have a hard border or the EU leaves the border open which means the UK government plan is acceptable. 

At the moment there are lots of places in Ireland where you can cross the border and not even know it.
Last year I drove from Armagh to Monaghan and did not spot it.
Lots of people in Ireland can accept a border if it is as invisible as that.

As soon as it is made visible - everything changes.  Especially if anyone has to be stopped and asked questions.

Maybe nobody intends to return to violence but somebody might think the symbolic destruction of a border post would be okay.
Unfortunately they are not very careful and somebody gets killed.
"Can't have that.  Let's get back at them."
The Troubles were littered with hundreds of cases of tit-for-tat.

.. and all for something that the majority in the North don't want and the majority in the South don't want either.

That is how it will all return.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

The threat of violence seems to really motivate people concerning the Irish border. It might be worth expanding it to ending poverty and lowering emissions.....

To be fair, if you've just been knee-capped and you're thinking about the last cheese slice in the fridge or the unseasonably warm weather, you're a bigger man than most.

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If there is a hard border between the North and South of Ireland I think there will be a return to violence.  There was some guy on the telly or radio (think he was a retired Irish politician, I could be wrong) that said the following is concerning a hard border:
Cameras would have to be installed at border points, cameras get shot.
Police would then be at the border points, Police get shot.
Army would then be at the border points. 
Seems to me like it would be back to square one, hugely damaging to the peace process. 
No one will give a shit until they start blowing up Tories again
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I really think it’s a retrograde step as far as peace is concerned if we leave with no deal. I do believe that violence will occur & I’d imagine that any intelligence gathered, also suggests this to be the case, otherwise, why build a backstop into the EU/UK agreement proposed to the HoC? When pressed on the “technological” border, not one person I’ve seen interviewed has been able to explain what this is, how it would work etc. I’d be very nervous if I lived in NI right now.
Day of the Lords is quite correct, the Tories couldn’t give a f**k unless it affects them or their careers.

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Maybe the new Tory strategists like the idea of conflict in NI.  Orwellian perpetual conflict; promotion of an ‘us and them’ mentality.  Similar to what Trump is doing on the Mexican border.


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3 hours ago, Detournement said:

The threat of violence seems to really motivate people concerning the Irish border. It might be worth expanding it to ending poverty and lowering emissions.....

^^^ word salad

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8 hours ago, zidane's child said:

Ruth Davidson blaming MP's for voting down a deal 3 times.

It's always the fault of others with the Tories and they never accept they got a sh**e deal after nearly 3 years of negotiations.

She's not really wrong though. The government negotiated a deal with the EU that its own MPs refused to support. They then refused to support any form of leave put to them. The cause of the entire crisis is that Leave-supporting MPs rejected the government's deal and won't agree on what form of Leave they will vote for.

They may regard it as a shite deal, but it's the best they're going to get. Their choices are to suck it up, hurt the country badly or back a second referendum, and they're not going to do the last of those.

If Leave supporting MPs don't pick an option in the tiny number of Parliamentary days left then we're going to have No Deal. 

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4 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

I really think it’s a retrograde step as far as peace is concerned if we leave with no deal. I do believe that violence will occur & I’d imagine that any intelligence gathered, also suggests this to be the case, otherwise, why build a backstop into the EU/UK agreement proposed to the HoC? When pressed on the “technological” border, not one person I’ve seen interviewed has been able to explain what this is, how it would work etc. I’d be very nervous if I lived in NI right now.
Day of the Lords is quite correct, the Tories couldn’t give a f**k unless it affects them or their careers.

Many people are very nervous right now, and they don't all live in Northern Ireland.  In the event of No Deal I think there's a strong possibility of civil unrest on the UK mainland if supplies are badly affected and food and medicines run low - only tonight we've had a warning about shortages of flu vaccine.  It wouldn't take much for a mob mentality to take hold and the police and military wouldn't be able to contain it.  The Tories (and everyon else) will soon give a f**k in that event.

Edited by Frank Quitely
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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

There's a few bored and disillusioned old Republicans eager for any excuse to get some youngsters fired up for murder. And likewise in the Loyalist camp. You don't f**k around with this stuff.

The Loyalist's have not responded as yet.

I do remember the time when they said there will never be a Loyalist Backlash.

They were wrong though i don't believe there will be this time tbh.

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