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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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9 minutes ago, beefybake said:

Oh please. Grow a brain.

There have been no negotiations.  The only component of a negotiaition that has taken place was some junior knobhead taking a flight out to mainland Europe.

Then coming back again.

And you know this to be a fact because..............er....... all your like-minded “friends” on Twitter/Facebook say so. 

Please excuse me if I choose to use my 2 brain cells to think for myself.

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17 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

Think there was a YouGov poll for one of the English news papers that showed Boris was most popular leader. If I get the chance I'll see if I can find it

The lesson from this appears to be that the other party leaders need to make a spectacular c**t of themselves on a panel show ASAP.

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10 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

And you know this to be a fact because..............er....... all your like-minded “friends” on Twitter/Facebook say so. 

Please excuse me if I choose to use my 2 brain cells to think for myself.

I don't do Twiiter, nor hardly Facebook.   All you have to do, actually, is to read the more respected end of the mainstream media, yes.......

read between the lines of polite phrasing and see what has been happening. Or rather, hasn't.

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2 hours ago, glasgow-sheep said:

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 31% (+10)
LAB: 28% (-3)
LDEM: 19% (+6)
BREX: 15% (-4)
GRN: 2% (-3)

via @Panelbase, 05 - 06 Sep
**Chgs. w/ May**

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 35% (-)
LAB: 21% (-4)
LDEM: 19% (+3)
BREX: 12% (+1)

via @YouGov, 05 - 06 Sep

Let's recap last couple days of polls!

YouGov / Opinium / Panelbase / Survation

Con: 35% / 35% / 31% / 29%
Lab: 21% / 25% / 28% / 24%
LDem: 19% / 17% / 19% / 18%
Brx: 12% / 13% / 15% / 17%

Only full party numbers shown.


Worth remembering that the Cons had a 21 point lead, when Theresa May called her snap election in 2017.

The only part of the country where she had any significant success was Scotland - and guess what?

That ain't gonna happen again.

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And you know this to be a fact because..............er....... all your like-minded “friends” on Twitter/Facebook say so. 
Please excuse me if I choose to use my 2 brain cells to think for myself.
Even Ken Clarke would have voted with the Government if he thought there was serious progress towards a deal, or at least for delaying it if there was some attempts. All he saw was shutting down Parliament to wind the clock down to a hard Brexit. It's laughable to suggest he would have kept it quiet if anything at all was happening that could have saved his Government.
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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:
23 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:
And you know this to be a fact because..............er....... all your like-minded “friends” on Twitter/Facebook say so. 
Please excuse me if I choose to use my 2 brain cells to think for myself.

Even Ken Clarke would have voted with the Government if he thought there was serious progress towards a deal, or at least for delaying it if there was some attempts. All he saw was shutting down Parliament to wind the clock down to a hard Brexit. It's laughable to suggest he would have kept it quiet if anything at all was happening that could have saved his Government.

Ken Clarke openly admits that he doesn’t want the UK to come out of the Single Market and Customs Union at all - despite having stood on a manifesto to do just that. So I’m not sure why you hold him up as some kind of impartial judge of what’s going on (or not) behind the scenes.

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14 minutes ago, beefybake said:

I don't do Twiiter, nor hardly Facebook.   All you have to do, actually, is to read the more respected end of the mainstream media, yes.......

read between the lines of polite phrasing and see what has been happening. Or rather, hasn't.

Respected by whom? The mainstream media and the their customers - the urban middle classes - are in a self-reinforcing pant-wetting loop of outrage. They are are not objective and hilariously take every utterance from Brussels or Dublin or the CBI as some kind objective nugget of wisdom.

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Ken Clarke openly admits that he doesn’t want the UK to come out of the Single Market and Customs Union at all - despite having stood on a manifesto to do just that. So I’m not sure why you hold him up as some kind of impartial judge of what’s going on (or not) behind the scenes.
He voted for May's deal at every opportunity, unlike the people who actually want to leave. If he had had his way we would have left the EU in March and would be currently negotiating a trade deal.
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Ken Clarke openly admits that he doesn’t want the UK to come out of the Single Market and Customs Union at all - despite having stood on a manifesto to do just that. So I’m not sure why you hold him up as some kind of impartial judge of what’s going on (or not) behind the scenes.

Ken Clarke has voted to leave the European Union more times than just about anybody else in the country.
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16 hours ago, Donathan said:


Not quite, if the house passes a motion showing it has no confidence in the government, there's a 14 day period for any MP to show HM that they can command the confidence of the house. That could mean a unity government being formed to exclude the Tories and DUP.


Besides even if Boris tried to VONC himself, there's no guarantee the VONC would even pass. The government's "working majority" is -45 now that Amber Rudd has left the Tories. If the opposition want to trap Johnson they'll just vote no on a VONC motion. 

I was going to say that couldn't be right, but then I remembered they threw out 21, which put them well into the red.

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That deal bends the meaning of the word “leave” to breaking point though.
The WA was just the minimum conditions for negotiating a trade deal after leaving, so that trade can carry on as normal in the interim. The conditions would be exactly the same if we crash out, but with far less leverage and under much worse trading conditions.
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3 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Goes to jail (which turns out to be home arrest in No.10) for a month (no worse than an offshore work stint) and comes out to lead the UK to independence from the EU, being hailed as the 'White Mandela' and re-elected for years.


I was thinking more of the goes to jail, dictates a mental book to his cell mate, gets out and proclaims 1000 year Reich version.

Trump would have to proclaim him the White Mandela. That would be perfect.

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
17 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:
That deal bends the meaning of the word “leave” to breaking point though.

The WA was just the minimum conditions for negotiating a trade deal after leaving, so that trade can carry on as normal in the interim. The conditions would be exactly the same if we crash out, but with far less leverage and under much worse trading conditions.

You seriously think after signing the WA (incl the UK-wide Backstop) the EU would negotiate anything? How naive. That’s why they put up front the 3 biggies they were concerned about.

Are you the sort of person who pays a tradesman the whole price up front then wonders why you can’t get them to start or finish the job on time?

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1 hour ago, Pet Jeden said:

Respected by whom? The mainstream media and the their customers - the urban middle classes - are in a self-reinforcing pant-wetting loop of outrage. They are are not objective and hilariously take every utterance from Brussels or Dublin or the CBI as some kind objective nugget of wisdom.

Well,  off you go then, in your little bubble of delusion.

Edited by beefybake
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