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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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23 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

I said overlooked, not misunderstood.

You seem to have completely missed the point as I didn't overlook anything. In fact, the 'if' bit was the most important part. 'If the EU had any say' directly implies that the EU doesn't, in fact, have any say in much of our affairs. Yet apparently we're a vassal state run by unelected bureaucrats whose first language isn't even English. I've got a great slogan for the side of a bus: Vote Leave, the EU will stop you having a referendum, but they can't and won't. Let's take back control.

Go back and read it at your leisure, but next time think a bit harder about the words I've written.  

Strangely enough, the Simpsons' scene I quoted encapsulates the fucking idiot/not a fucking idiot back and forth happening right now perfectly.

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13 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

You seem to have completely missed the point as I didn't overlook anything. In fact, the 'if' bit was the most important part. 'If the EU had any say' directly implies that the EU doesn't, in fact, have any say in much of our affairs. Yet apparently we're a vassal state run by unelected bureaucrats whose first language isn't even English. I've got a great slogan for the side of a bus: Vote Leave, the EU will stop you having a referendum, but they can't and won't. Let's take back control.

Go back and read it at your leisure, but next time think a bit harder about the words I've written.  

Strangely enough, the Simpsons' scene I quoted encapsulates the fucking idiot/not a fucking idiot back and forth happening right now perfectly.

But nobody was saying the EU could veto a referendum taking place. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t control plenty of other stuff. So what was the point you were trying to make? Other than Brexiters are thick, Remainers are clever.

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8 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

But nobody was saying the EU could veto a referendum taking place. 

I never said anyone said that. You insinuated they would if they could. The point I made was that even though you agree with me that they can't do something like that, somehow everything we can or cannot do is decided in Brussels. It makes zero sense.

9 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t control plenty of other stuff. 

Go on. A list of stuff that the UK has no say in. Remember the UK is a member state. Be specific.

12 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

Brexiters are thick, Remainers are clever.

Finally. There's hope for you after all.

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4 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

I never said anyone said that. You insinuated they would if they could. The point I made was that even though you agree with me that they can't do something like that, somehow everything we can or cannot do is decided in Brussels. It makes zero sense.

Go on. A list of stuff that the UK has no say in. Remember the UK is a member state. Be specific.

Finally. There's hope for you after all.

You are a snidey twister of words, aren't you? Another minor political activist no doubt. Having a 1/28th say doesn't, of course, negate the fact that all the nation states have for decades been (willingly) passing their powers upwards to what now openly aims to be a US of E.

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3 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

You are a snidey twister of words, aren't you? 

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever called me. :wub:

The rest of your comment is straight out of the Daily Mail. I'll unsnide my comment then. What don't we control? Be very specific.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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11 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever called me. :wub:

The rest of your comment is straight out of the Daily Mail. I'll unsnide my comment then. What don't we control? Be very specific.

Tariffs, quotas, standards for trade with the rest of the world.   http://www.tuaeu.co.uk/how-the-eu-starves-africa/

How UK waters are fished,

And - good Daily Mail answer - freedom of movement within the EU.

Related - but not EU dependent - ECHR

There are of course some opt-outs but they are resented and don't always withstand pressure  (contribution to Greece/Euro bail out.

Soon to come EU Army?

And let's not forget control of who gets to win The Eurovision Song Contest and reg 224 b ii) re radius of bananas.

Anyway, Night night. Don't you have some pamphlets to folding for delivering tomorrow?


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Here's a mad scenario. 
Brexit party wins most seats in next election, then prorogues parliament indefinitely and rules as a dictatorship.
Seems to be a possibility given the present government's line.
Which is exactly the point I've made to the more moronic gammons I know - this goes way beyond Brexit and sets a dangerous precedent.
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Great point made by one of the justices:
That by issuing a 5 week prorogation which included recess, the government deprived Parliament of the chance to debate and vote whether or not to go in to recess, when all previous recesses had involved a vote on whether or not to enter recess.
That's the point that those playing the "prorogation is the norm" line - prorogation happens because Parliament agrees for it to happen not an unelected PM and an unelected Privy Counsellor.
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So do I. But how the f**k do we expect any Yes vote to be respected? We'll have the Slippery Dems campaigning to revoke. We'll have Labour saying they can only accept a "jobs first" independence. We'll have Phil Hammond and the Changelings claiming that there will be economic catastrophe if Scotland goes it alone - unless we sign an Agreement that negates our independence. We'll have hard-line Britishers claiming that there must, just must be no hint of an actual border etc etc. One third of SNP voters voted Brexit and are sickened by the way MPs and the EU have behaved. The case for a calm, sensible, friendly independence has not been helped by the establishment's reaction to the surprise Brexit vote.
There's a big difference between the back of a potage stamp promises of the Leave campaign and a 650 page White Paper as there was in 2014 - anyone who says they don't know what a Scexit means would be lying because any IndyRef2 will have a similarly detailed White Paper again.
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10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
5 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:
So do I. But how the f**k do we expect any Yes vote to be respected? We'll have the Slippery Dems campaigning to revoke. We'll have Labour saying they can only accept a "jobs first" independence. We'll have Phil Hammond and the Changelings claiming that there will be economic catastrophe if Scotland goes it alone - unless we sign an Agreement that negates our independence. We'll have hard-line Britishers claiming that there must, just must be no hint of an actual border etc etc. One third of SNP voters voted Brexit and are sickened by the way MPs and the EU have behaved. The case for a calm, sensible, friendly independence has not been helped by the establishment's reaction to the surprise Brexit vote.

There's a big difference between the back of a potage stamp promises of the Leave campaign and a 650 page White Paper as there was in 2014 - anyone who says they don't know what a Scexit means would be lying because any IndyRef2 will have a similarly detailed White Paper again.

Have to fess up - I didn’t read that 650 page document. Did you? Indyref and Brexit - they are points of principle. People don’t vote on whether they might be 5 or 10% better or worse off in 10 years time.

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Tory government 'looking at' granting Australians freedom of movement denied to EU citizens after Brexit, cabinet minister Liz Truss says

So long as they're not bleedin' Polish, amiright?

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