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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 hours ago, cyderspaceman said:

If the depth of disgust dahn saff is as deep as portrayed on the comments sections of several 'British' newspapers, then the SNP could sweep to power on the back of the  'get rid of the Jocks' sentiment. 

At least it would split the Brexit party vote.

We could have a situation where the UK government passes a no-confidence vote in itself and the English vote for Scottish independence. :1eye

It's political incorrectness gone mad, I tells ya.


It's not just the comments sections.

Even an established and 'respected' newspaper such as The Telegraph has completely lost the plot over this, with editorials and opinion pieces effectively accusing 11 Supreme court justices of being wrong and of being treasonous traitors. 

The right-wing mantra is now 'people v the establishment', where anyone who disagrees with the madness of Brexit............whether they are MPs, or teachers, or doctors, or businessmen, anyone with an iota of intelligence.....is an enemy of the people. 

Insanity is in the air. 

Edited by Bob Mahelp
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48 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It's not just the comments sections.

Even an established and 'respected' newspaper such as The Telegraph has completely lost the plot over this, with editorials and opinion pieces effectively accusing 11 Supreme court justices of being wrong and of being treasonous traitors. 

The right-wing mantra is now 'people v the establishment', where anyone who disagrees with the madness of Brexit............whether they are MPs, or teachers, or doctors, or businessmen, anyone with an iota of intelligence.....is an enemy of the people. 

Insanity is in the air. 


It's absolutely staggering. 

Just beggars belief.


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5 hours ago, dorlomin said:

Let the civil war begin






What fun. Nobody has hardcopies of their TV licences to tear up so I guess crowds will descend on Great Yarmouth town centre with their iPads for a simultaneous clicking on the cancellation option. "Right everybody click Cancel ... Now! Oh damn, it says 'Are you sure?' Right everybody click Yes .. Now!  Oh damn, it says 'server is down'. Damn, damn, damn".

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9 hours ago, Donathan said:

Labour are clever enough to realise that No Deal is not economically viable, would lead to tend of thousands of deaths in an Irish civil war and is not something the UK public can be trusted to vote on. They're absolutely right to rule it out.


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9 hours ago, Donathan said:


Enough of your shite.  The IRA will re-arm almost immediately after a no deal and we'd likely see several terrorists attacks on British and Irish soil within the year leading to tens of thousands of deaths. That's the stark reality of a no deal Brexit and hard border. It needs to be avoided at all costs.


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10 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:


Excellent use of the Doublespeak in this headline.

If you don't want to click, it isn't an opinion piece, just the transcript. I had to read it a few times before I realised they've probably missed out a comma which changes the meaning a wee bit. Quite clever, to be honest.

The comments section is something else.


Tangy16, Northampton, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

Welcome to the world of JUDGE Dredd. They judges have decided Scottish Law takes precedent over English law by their failure to take into account the Lower English Court decision, you can now be guilty until proven innocent and intention does not need to be proved but is assumed to be correct. They are above the law despite being unelected, they are not independent and we have no way of proving they are not biased. And Bercow is their unelected Champion. The UK now has an unelected dictatorship thanks to Tony Blair and his cronies. It is all right Tony you can suspend parliament to go to war with Iraq but anything else is wrong.



David Bornean, skipton, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

I dont remember electing this woman and who can trust a lawyer



richie-h71, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

Which law did he break? What evidence have the judges used to reach their conclusion?


Edited by RiG
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How many times does it have to be explained to interviewers, the reason why the opposition is not calling for a general election now?  Are they really  that thick? Or do they just keep asking so that the genuinely thick, watching their goggle-boxes, get the message? 

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5 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

How many times does it have to be explained to interviewers, the reason why the opposition is not calling for a general election now?  Are they really  that thick? Or do they just keep asking so that the genuinely thick, watching their goggle-boxes, get the message? 

I don’t think it’s either.  I think they’re trying to undermine the strategy.

That said I’d like a more vitriolic response from those been interviewed.  Something along the lines of “You’ve asked a number of opposition MPs that question and we’ve all given you the same answer.  Are you really that stupid that you don’t understand it?”


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The right-wing mantra is now 'people v the establishment', where anyone who disagrees with the madness of Brexit............whether they are MPs, or teachers, or doctors, or businessmen, anyone with an iota of intelligence.....is an enemy of the people. 
Insanity is in the air. 

A culmination of anti-intellectualism over a sustained period of time.

Brass Eye's Decline episode from the 90s is probably more relevant now than it was then.
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Given that the earlier rounds of court cases produced a mixed bag of 4 judges for and 4 judges against, is nobody just a wee bit curious about these supreme court judges all reaching a unanimous 11-0 conclusion?  And if the issues really were that clear cut, then just how incompetent were the previous 1 Scottish and 3 English judges to not spot what seems to have been so obvious to the 11?

Just f**k off aye. [emoji23]
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7 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It's not just the comments sections.

Even an established and 'respected' newspaper such as The Telegraph has completely lost the plot over this, with editorials and opinion pieces effectively accusing 11 Supreme court justices of being wrong and of being treasonous traitors. 

The right-wing mantra is now 'people v the establishment', where anyone who disagrees with the madness of Brexit............whether they are MPs, or teachers, or doctors, or businessmen, anyone with an iota of intelligence.....is an enemy of the people. 

Insanity is in the air. 


I think another 'respected' publication needs editing,

"And the thick shall inherit the Earth, and they shall not know what to do with it .  And lo, in the widerness, they shall be shafted ."

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Pretending not to understand and refusing to be taught.

Marr was a genuine disgrace with whichever Labour no-mark they put up for that special show last night. He’d explained three times and was still getting ‘CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO MY VIEWERS...’

There is no crazy, underhand masterplan at work here. The opposition hold the balance of parliament, and wish to get the PM who said he’d rather be dead in a ditch than extend Brexit beyond October 31st to extend Brexit beyond October 31st. When that is guaranteed, they bring him down. They’ve repeated that for a while now, circa a month. There’s no chance at all guys like Andrew Marr don’t understand it.
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8 minutes ago, Paco said:

Marr was a genuine disgrace with whichever Labour no-mark they put up for that special show last night. He’d explained three times and was still getting ‘CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO MY VIEWERS...’

There is no crazy, underhand masterplan at work here. The opposition hold the balance of parliament, and wish to get the PM who said he’d rather be dead in a ditch than extend Brexit beyond October 31st to extend Brexit beyond October 31st. When that is guaranteed, they bring him down. They’ve repeated that for a while now, circa a month. There’s no chance at all guys like Andrew Marr don’t understand it.


Yes, he probably does understand it but the question was "can you explain it to my viewers".  He obviously thinks his viewers are as thick as mince.

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10 hours ago, Donathan said:


Enough of your shite.  The IRA will re-arm almost immediately after a no deal and we'd likely see several terrorists attacks on British and Irish soil within the year leading to tens of thousands of deaths. That's the stark reality of a no deal Brexit and hard border. It needs to be avoided at all costs.

Agree no deal needs to be avoided at all costs, but think fears of a return to something anything like as intense as the Troubles were are overblown. The IRA were given sanctuary by the RoI last time around in a way that is unlikely to ever be repeated again in the present day and today's younger generation on both sides of the divide are far less likely to be willing to do what their grandfathers did back in the late 60s and early 70s because that would mean straying way too far from their Sky TV, iphone and computer.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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7 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Yes, he probably does understand it but the question was "can you explain it to my viewers".  He obviously thinks his viewers are as thick as mince.

There seems to be a trend in broadcasting news that every question has to be reduced to a binary absolute choice or it's befuddled and confusing. Either that or they're all trying to portray Labour as weak and indecisive when they have a clear and rational strategy.

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