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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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48 minutes ago, coprolite said:

If it isn't about cost savings why close the plant? It's not stopping them investing. 

I think you've got yourself a false dichotomy there. 

Pedantry over, from what you've said about Japan and others about Turkey it does look likely that brexit is way down the list of contributory factors for the decision. Happy to accept well informed argument ahead of my idle speculation. 

Honda have committed to consolidating all European manufacture in Japan and to be all electric by 2040.  They must have decided that there was more investment potential by closing and selling the UK site (which they have already done) than in investing in an already under-utilised production site.

Pretty shite for Swindon but they have had 2 years to prepare and Honda have been upfront about the timetable right from the start.

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It was being discussed on the radio the other day. Essentially Honda only have a 2% market share of the car industry within Europe, and it just simply doesn’t make sense for them from a business perspective to have manufacturing bases on this continent. They’ll be predominantly focusing on the US and APAC regions instead.

Brexit is a nightmare for a lot of manufacturing / building at the moment with significant delays and shortages on supplies, but it’s not the contributing factor in this instance.

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8 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Here's an article with his reasons for wanting to leave the EU. Regulations apparently.


He doesn't make clear how he thinks leaving would mean that he would have fewer regulations to comply with. 

Usual wishful/magical thinking i guess. 

He also says Scottish smoked salmon is shite compared to his cockernee product. 

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41 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

EU citizens being jailed illegally despite having applied for settled status before the 30th June deadline.


Sounds a bit overblown tbh.

When it comes from the Guardian I’d be wary.

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On 01/08/2021 at 15:26, welshbairn said:

EU citizens being jailed illegally despite having applied for settled status before the 30th June deadline.


"1,500 inmates at Wandsworth prison, south London, almost 500 are believed to be EU nationals"


must admit at being surprised by that, seems quite high but maybe its not

Edited by BigDoddyKane
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