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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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25 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Another one in the eye for those bureaucrats in Brussels.



Hopefully the junior minister who decided this waits a reasonable amount of time before starting their highly paid consultancy role at Apple. Got to keep up appearances. 

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30 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Hopefully the junior minister who decided this waits a reasonable amount of time before starting their highly paid consultancy role at Apple. Got to keep up appearances. 

Presumably though the GB ones will have a crown on them like the pint tumblers. Interesting rebellion over a really major issue. I'll certainly sleep more soundly having heard of this major victory. 🤣

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1 hour ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Another one in the eye for those bureaucrats in Brussels.



Pointless bit of nonsense.  Type C is already better in many ways, to Lightening including charge times and data transfer rates. 

However the general movement is towards more efficient wireless charging and cloud data transfers, so both may well be obsolete in the relatively near future.

On the plus side, it will bring down the cost of charging cables in the short term, because it will stop their buggeration factor of putting a chip in to 'ensure'  Apple certification (bunch of fucking erse)!

As with all contrarian nonsense thought up by this government, our 'freedom' to choose, could well end up with us spending more on outdated and more inefficient items.

File under 'world leading track and trace' or 'imperial measurements'.



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4 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Presumably though the GB ones will have a crown on them like the pint tumblers. Interesting rebellion over a really major issue. I'll certainly sleep more soundly having heard of this major victory. 🤣

It'll be a UKCA mark instead of a CE mark on electrical equipment. That's much better, and definitely safer, because it mentions the UK (even though it won't be valid in NI.)

Take that, Brussels.

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"The disastrous consequences of Brexit for living standards, for our economic wellbeing and for Britain’s reputation abroad, have so far been obscured by Covid, the war in Ukraine and the headline-grabbing story of our prime minister’s lack of truthfulness and integrity. But this week, the British press perhaps unintentionally revealed the real world that is emerging as a result of Brexit.

While readers of the Guardian have been kept closely informed about the continuing tragedy of Brexit, it’s only now that other parts of the British press have begun to consider the truth of its legacy. The economies of three of the regions that voted most heavily for Brexit were “smaller at the end of last year … than at the time of the vote”, wrote David Smith in the business section of this week’s Sunday Times. Despite a weak pound making Britain’s goods cheap for foreign buyers, “exporters are … struggling”, Jim Armitage wrote in the same paper. “First-quarter figures last week showed exports of food and drink to the EU were down 17%, or £614m, on pre-Covid levels. Exports to non European countries increased by 10.7%, or £223m, but not enough to offset the European decline.”

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"In my last column I suggested that Brexit is the biggest act of self-harm inflicted on the British economy since the return to the gold standard in 1925. Even arch-Brexiter Jacob Rees-Mogg has recently admitted that implementing the next stage of the bureaucracy associated with Brexit would be an “act of self-harm”. I did not make that up.

As minister for Brexit opportunities he has the sisyphean task of searching for such opportunities. One of the few he is reported to have come up with is the chance to abandon EU rules on the manufacture of vacuum cleaners, thereby making them more powerful and less environmentally friendly. I am not making that up either.

Why is the cartoonists’ favourite Lord Snooty character having such problems? The answer is staring him and British business in the face: Brexit is proving an unmitigated disaster and having a seriously deleterious impact on the economy. It is aggravating the inflation problem and having such a drastic impact on output, and hence living standards, that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development forecasts the UK will next year be the worst-performing economy in the G20 apart from, er, Russia."

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