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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Don't go on to me....it wasn't me said a pensioner 'On the Ruhr' and I'm sure he wasn't referring to German pnsioners with a penchant for boating. Btw glad you ScotNats have started using the correct spelling for Rhondda now. Shows you can learn from us Brits. Rhondda is a valley, a river and a community (town) and the people are real.The salt of the Earth.  So stick that in your exclusive rUKbad #harddoneby pipe and sook it up!.

I see myself as more of a floating voter than a ScotNat personally

My ethnicity is part English so the right to treat Wales with sneering derision is part of my heritage that I have every right to maintain
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It's not about touching nerves, that's just playground piffle, it's exasperation at the blinkered obsession with 'inclusivity' and 'political correctness' and such other piffle that your ilk use as a catch all to stifle debate over people's real concerns.
There is a glaring difference between a pensioner, or anyone of any age , on the Ruhr ( That's a river btw) so shall we say in Bochum and a pensioner  living in the Rhondda  Valley and that is that one is British and is under the auspices of the British Gov't and one is German and under the auspices of the German Gov't and I, for one, prefer to let Britain take primary responsibility for it's duty to  it's own citizens and Germany to do likewise. I'll not tell Germany how to treat it's citizens and hope Germany will be as respectful bi-laterally.
Rhondda Valley pensioners, or citizens of any age from the Rhondda valley therefore take precedence over any one living  anywhere else outside the UK.....
And that's as it should be.
Btw same goes for the citizens of  Ebbw Valley, Sirhowy Vally, Bargoed Valley, Cynon Valley and Taff Valley........and any others not mentioned and all other UK citizens!

What you mean by "people's real concerns" is the concerns of the white working class or what you define as the concerns of the white working class.
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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:





What you mean by "people's real concerns" is the concerns of the white working class or what you define as the concerns of the white working class.



Ok if You say so I guess that's what I must mean. But if I was to say so it might be a little different.

Y'see, it isn't just about the 'White' working class, that group so trivialised, marginalised and belittled, shunned and vilified by the liberal elite and the chattering classes on social media and in the Westminster/holyrood bubbles.

Real people includes everyone, of all classes, or no-class, of all colours and backgrounds, religions and races. People who are fed up of being 'TOLD' what they are supposed to be thinking, fed up of being lectured to about the supposed benefits of this or that socially engineered, politically expedient policy, such as mass immigration or multi-culturalism , the EU  or austerity  or the inevitability of globalisation, especially when told by disingenuous, dishonest, self aggrandising, self serving disconnected career politicians, media commentators, so-called experts and anyone who thinks because they got some two-bit degree from some 2nd rate university that gives them the right to Lord it over the masses, to subjugate them from their petty lower management positions and to be condescending towards them. These  real people have the one thing all the above lack.... honest to goodness decent common sense and they know bullshit when they see it and know when they are being lied to .  The 17+ million were not all White working class English. They were Black and Asian too, middle class too, Scottish folk too, lots of Welsh and Irish folk too, retired folk, students, company bosses, millionaires and J.A.M's. It was a grass roots movement and it won and it shook the World.......no wonder the ScotNats are seething.

The good people of the rUK  have taught us Scots a valuable lesson in how to take positive action when the opportunity arises. I respect them completely. They put their money where their mouth was. 

Nobody was listening to them, nobody was caring and not a single mainstream party or media organisation was on their side....Yet they won the referendum. The result is history in the making. I'm so proud to be a Leave voter, so ashamed of those fellow  Scots who were so taken in by Salmond and Sturgeon and all their lies and their vitriolic anti-British bile. It is to their eternal discredit they continue their seditious campaign to remain in the EU.

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Ok if You say so I guess that's what I must mean. But if I was to say so it might be a little different.
Y'see, it isn't just about the 'White' working class, that group so trivialised, marginalised and belittled, shunned and vilified by the liberal elite and the chattering classes on social media and in the Westminster/holyrood bubbles.
Real people includes everyone, of all classes, or no-class, of all colours and backgrounds, religions and races. People who are fed up of being 'TOLD' what they are supposed to be thinking, fed up of being lectured to about the supposed benefits of this or that socially engineered, politically expedient policy, such as mass immigration or multi-culturalism , the EU  or austerity  or the inevitability of globalisation, especially when told by disingenuous, dishonest, self aggrandising, self serving disconnected career politicians, media commentators, so-called experts and anyone who thinks because they got some two-bit degree from some 2nd rate university that gives them the right to Lord it over the masses, to subjugate them from their petty lower management positions and to be condescending towards them. These  real people have the one thing all the above lack.... honest to goodness decent common sense and they know bullshit when they see it and know when they are being lied to .  The 17+ million were not all White working class English. They were Black and Asian too, middle class too, Scottish folk too, lots of Welsh and Irish folk too, retired folk, students, company bosses, millionaires and J.A.M's. It was a grass roots movement and it won and it shook the World.......no wonder the ScotNats are seething.
The good people of the rUK  have taught us Scots a valuable lesson in how to take positive action when the opportunity arises. I respect them completely. They put their money where their mouth was. 
Nobody was listening to them, nobody was caring and not a single mainstream party or media organisation was on their side....Yet they won the referendum. The result is history in the making. I'm so proud to be a Leave voter, so ashamed of those fellow  Scots who were so taken in by Salmond and Sturgeon and all their lies and their vitriolic anti-British bile. It is to their eternal discredit they continue their seditious campaign to remain in the EU.

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Ok if You say so I guess that's what I must mean. But if I was to say so it might be a little different.
Y'see, it isn't just about the 'White' working class, that group so trivialised, marginalised and belittled, shunned and vilified by the liberal elite and the chattering classes on social media and in the Westminster/holyrood bubbles.
Real people includes everyone, of all classes, or no-class, of all colours and backgrounds, religions and races. People who are fed up of being 'TOLD' what they are supposed to be thinking, fed up of being lectured to about the supposed benefits of this or that socially engineered, politically expedient policy, such as mass immigration or multi-culturalism , the EU or austerity or the inevitability of globalisation, especially when told by disingenuous, dishonest, self aggrandising, self serving disconnected career politicians, media commentators, so-called experts and anyone who thinks because they got some two-bit degree from some 2nd rate university that gives them the right to Lord it over the masses, to subjugate them from their petty lower management positions and to be condescending towards them. These real people have the one thing all the above lack.... honest to goodness decent common sense and they know bullshit when they see it and know when they are being lied to . The 17+ million were not all White working class English. They were Black and Asian too, middle class too, Scottish folk too, lots of Welsh and Irish folk too, retired folk, students, company bosses, millionaires and J.A.M's. It was a grass roots movement and it won and it shook the World.......no wonder the ScotNats are seething.
The good people of the rUK have taught us Scots a valuable lesson in how to take positive action when the opportunity arises. I respect them completely. They put their money where their mouth was.
Nobody was listening to them, nobody was caring and not a single mainstream party or media organisation was on their side....Yet they won the referendum. The result is history in the making. I'm so proud to be a Leave voter, so ashamed of those fellow Scots who were so taken in by Salmond and Sturgeon and all their lies and their vitriolic anti-British bile. It is to their eternal discredit they continue their seditious campaign to remain in the EU.

Can you list some examples of Salmond and Sturgeons vitriolic anti-British bile ?
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1 hour ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Interesting to see this troll alternately lie hes scottish then other times admit hes not.



The fact that should matter to you is the real issue. The exclusive nature of Nationalism ultimately rears it's ugly head. You're a xenophobe by your own hand.

It shouldn't matter where anyone is from if they are giving an opinion.

I've lived in England , Wales and Scotland and as such have been a citizen of each nation, and respectfully so. Never once have a judged a person's worth on where his mother just happened to be decades before when she gave birth..


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7 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Look the thing you have to understand is that I talk shite.  Complete and unadulterated shite.  Please don't ask me to justify any of the nonsensical rubbish that I post here.  I can't.


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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Look the thing you have to understand is that I talk shite.  Complete and unadulterated shite.  Please don't ask me to justify any of the nonsensical rubbish that I post here.  I can't.

well done granny a true p***k. keep it up hen

Edited by hehawhehaw
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