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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Donathan said:



Right, because they got a majority all the other times that Corbyn led Labour into a GE.

Are you thick?



I agree with you in general about Corbyn, he’s performed far better than has been predicted and recent polls show no sign of that changing despite the over-hyped anti-Semitism campaign.*

I think where Labour will fall down in a GE will not be as a result of Corbyn’s leadership per se but rather as a result of them failing to offer a clear position on Brexit.

I think Labour will try to fudge the issue as they have all along and it will backfire.  They will lose votes to the Lib Dem’s and those marginal votes will make a difference and will see a majority Tory Government returned.

The SNP will pick up seats but that will be limited consolation.

* expect this to be ramped back up if a GE is called.



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1 hour ago, Donathan said:


Right, because they got a majority all the other times that Corbyn led Labour into a GE.

Are you thick?



While @Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier automatically loses the argument by referring  to Hitler I reckon Corbyn is no longer the "shiny new penny" he was in 2017 and Labour's ambiguous policy on Brexit which would the main (only?) issue in a snap election would cost votes/seats as GD has outlined above.

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3 hours ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

With Corbyn in charge the Tories, even they are led by Hitler would regain a majority. 

Strange comparison considering Hitler was a fantastic orator and manipulator..........

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59 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I agree with you in general about Corbyn, he’s performed far better than has been predicted and recent polls show no sign of that changing despite the over-hyped anti-Semitism campaign.*

I think where Labour will fall down in a GE will not be as a result of Corbyn’s leadership per se but rather as a result of them failing to offer a clear position on Brexit.

I think Labour will try to fudge the issue as they have all along and it will backfire.  They will lose votes to the Lib Dem’s and those marginal votes will make a difference and will see a majority Tory Government returned.

The SNP will pick up seats but that will be limited consolation.

* expect this to be ramped back up if a GE is called.



The SNP would be independence heavy in any GE so it would be interesting to see what happens to their seat numbers. Not a given they would increase. 

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Rees-Mogg now claiming it's a choice between May's deal and No Brexit, which seems an odd interpretation seen as the default after April 12th is No deal, but it looks like he may be walking back his original opposition.



Edited by renton
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Guest Bob Mahelp

Reeks-Smug this morning saying that it now comes down to May's deal, or no deal. He's now saying that Brexit is not an event, it's a process.

I suspect strongly that May's deal will still be grudgingly voted through, with the batshit crazy Brextremists sharpening their claws for the years of interminable negotiation that will follow.


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15 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

The SNP would be independence heavy in any GE so it would be interesting to see what happens to their seat numbers. Not a given they would increase. 

Well, if they didn't there would be no point holding a 2nd referendum anyway.

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2 minutes ago, renton said:

Well, if they didn't there would be no point holding a 2nd referendum anyway.

Exactly the point, yes. With a section 30 unlikely to be granted a GE would be used as yet another mandate or put the issue to bed if they did not perform well. 

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20 minutes ago, renton said:

Well, if they didn't there would be no point holding a 2nd referendum anyway.

It is entirely possible that many Labour voters would be in favour of independence but would rather attempt to get Corbyn into power in a GE as indeed some SNP supporters might also do, which, is not surprising as it would be a GE and not an independence referendum.

Unfortunately this ridiculous narrative that voting independence means a lifetime dictatorship by the SNP seems to be insinuated at every turn and those who aren't quite up to speed with politics are buying it hook line and sinker............

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The number of Scottish voters sympathetic to Corbyn is negligible given how horrendous Scottish Labour are. My choice at the last election was a strong Labour campaign and Paul Sweeney in my constituency versus a stagnant SNP and Anne McLaughlin. Even then I didn’t decide until the Monday before. If the SNP put someone up remotely decent then it’ll be a tough choice.

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

It is entirely possible that many Labour voters would be in favour of independence but would rather attempt to get Corbyn into power in a GE as indeed some SNP supporters might also do, which, is not surprising as it would be a GE and not an independence referendum.

Unfortunately this ridiculous narrative that voting independence means a lifetime dictatorship by the SNP seems to be insinuated at every turn and those who aren't quite up to speed with politics are buying it hook line and sinker............

If the SNP want to use a GE as a mandate, or indeed a renewed mandate for IndyRef 2 and didn't gain seats? That's be a fairly useful stick to beat the SNP with. Ultimately if you want an Indyref then there is only one party to vote for at the GE. If you want a Unionist, pro-Brexit Government dedicated to the continuing denial of an IndyRef mandate, vote for any of the others.

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If there is a GE the SNP have to stop with the kid gloves. Go for the jugular against all parties highlighting the Scots Tories all traipsing through the lobbies to make Scotland poorer, highlight Scot Lab voting against carers getting an increase and the baws up with the council wages at GCC. Liberals hypocrisy about 2nd refs and how a liar is 2nd in command in Scotland. They should be out posting harum scarum  posters of a coked up thomson grabbing for scrotums.

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3 minutes ago, renton said:

If the SNP want to use a GE as a mandate, or indeed a renewed mandate for IndyRef 2 and didn't gain seats? That's be a fairly useful stick to beat the SNP with. Ultimately if you want an Indyref then there is only one party to vote for at the GE. If you want a Unionist, pro-Brexit Government dedicated to the continuing denial of an IndyRef mandate, vote for any of the others.

I don't believe that it's quite as simple as that, due to the fact that the majority of the population don't have any real interest in politics and are easily led with the "fed up" narrative from the msm and their unionist masters. Many will also be led with local issues and whether or not their respective MP's are doing a good job for their constituency.

Again It's all very well for you, me, and the rest of us who post on here to discuss mandates but the majority who turn up at the ballot box are led by what they read or hear in the media, coupled with their own ingrained beliefs which are very difficult to shift in some people, irrespective of the arguments and evidence you provide them with.

In fairness Scotland is probably more political savvy on the whole compared with England, however I suppose much of it would depend on the narratives that the political parties are providing and of course how that's reported and whether or not the SNP would indeed be publicly turning a GE into a mandate for Indy ref 2 ?


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17 minutes ago, renton said:

If the SNP want to use a GE as a mandate, or indeed a renewed mandate for IndyRef 2 and didn't gain seats? That's be a fairly useful stick to beat the SNP with. Ultimately if you want an Indyref then there is only one party to vote for at the GE. If you want a Unionist, pro-Brexit Government dedicated to the continuing denial of an IndyRef mandate, vote for any of the others.

If the SNP didn't gain seats in that situation then the probability of the nation voting for independence would not "be certain" which IIRC was one of NSs conditions for Indy Ref2.

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