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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Out of interest, what would you do in the SNP’s shoes? 

Refuse any GE bill without the concession of an independence referendum as a quid pro quo - ideally by permanently moving that power to Holyrood. It would be unlikely for that offer to be taken up of course, but that move would set out the stakes clearly before any election campaign and would allow them to keep Johnson to be humiliated by a rebellious Parliament into the new year. Emptying wandering hands Thomson and a dozen Tory goons - delicious as it will undoubtedly be - ultimately does nothing to progress the cause.

The same offer should have been on the table for both May and Johnson’s Brexit ‘deals’. It’s not the SNP’s job (and they’re not capable) to steer the entire UK towards remaining in the EU: the fundamental task is to give Scotland the chance to self-determine their own relationship with Europe. Instead they’re now relying on the most unpopular opposition leader in polling history to avoid getting comprehensively shoed across gammonland or the whim of Boris Johnson to take a power that rightfully belonged to Scotland already. It is a strategic mistake that could easily haunt them.
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Nice to see original recipe Oaksoft back now the alias accounts have been binned. Hopeful for some real raging meltdowns as we approach the season of family togetherness and good cheer.

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18 minutes ago, virginton said:


Refuse any GE bill without the concession of an independence referendum as a quid pro quo - ideally by permanently moving that power to Holyrood. It would be unlikely for that offer to be taken up of course, but that move would set out the stakes clearly before any election campaign and would allow them to keep Johnson to be humiliated by a rebellious Parliament into the new year. Emptying wandering hands Thomson and a dozen Tory goons - delicious as it will undoubtedly be - ultimately does nothing to progress the cause.

The same offer should have been on the table for both May and Johnson’s Brexit ‘deals’. It’s not the SNP’s job (and they’re not capable) to steer the entire UK towards remaining in the EU: the fundamental task is to give Scotland the chance to self-determine their own relationship with Europe. Instead they’re now relying on the most unpopular opposition leader in polling history to avoid getting comprehensively shoed across gammonland or the whim of Boris Johnson to take a power that rightfully belonged to Scotland already. It is a strategic mistake that could easily haunt them.


Thanks for that, as ever a lot of sense in there. However, you admit yourself that such an offer would never be taken by this Gov (or any Tory Gov imo) so I'm unsure how that would further the cause either.

If there's a Tory majority and the SNP perform well then Indy/IndyRef will end up in the courts imo.

Edited by Londonwell
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Refuse any GE bill without the concession of an independence referendum as a quid pro quo - ideally by permanently moving that power to Holyrood. It would be unlikely for that offer to be taken up of course, but that move would set out the stakes clearly before any election campaign and would allow them to keep Johnson to be humiliated by a rebellious Parliament into the new year. Emptying wandering hands Thomson and a dozen Tory goons - delicious as it will undoubtedly be - ultimately does nothing to progress the cause.

The same offer should have been on the table for both May and Johnson’s Brexit ‘deals’. It’s not the SNP’s job (and they’re not capable) to steer the entire UK towards remaining in the EU: the fundamental task is to give Scotland the chance to self-determine their own relationship with Europe. Instead they’re now relying on the most unpopular opposition leader in polling history to avoid getting comprehensively shoed across gammonland or the whim of Boris Johnson to take a power that rightfully belonged to Scotland already. It is a strategic mistake that could easily haunt them.
Interesting you mention strategy there - I've become concerned at the SNP's ability to differentiate between it and tactics.
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That Deputy Speaker (Lindsay Hoyle) seem like a total arse. Sounds like something out The Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club  (affiliated).  Google it if you've never heard of it.

Bercow is going to be seriously missed. I hope he'll be persuaded to stay on after the GE.

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50 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

"This group is bad."

How dare you call this bad group bad. You are bad because you called them bad.

If you're going to virtue signal, try making sense and try not defending a group of vermin like Tories

Ideally, you play the ball and not the man. You say that person's ideas are bad/dangerous/repugnant - whatever. Okay, so  sometimes we all see the red mist and say that the person is bad/dangerous/repugnant. The problem with the vermin tag is this. What do we do with vermin? We exterminate vermin. It's beyond the pale to call a person, let alone a whole group of people, vermin. The implication is that the person or group of people deserve nothing better than extermination. Sane people don't mean it literally -  on this site, it's just intended as a virtue signal of how macho and left wing the poster is. But it's the sort of language and imagery that ultimately encourages the unhinged in society towards actions like the Jo Cox murder. 

Edited by Pet Jeden
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Ideally, you play the ball and not the man. You say that person's ideas are bad/dangerous/repugnant - whatever. Okay, so  sometimes we all see the red mist and say that the person is bad/dangerous/repugnant. The problem with the vermin tag is this. What do we do with vermin? We exterminate vermin. It's beyond the pale to call a person, let alone a whole group of people, vermin. The implication is that the person or group of people deserve nothing better than extermination. Sane people don't mean it literally -  on this site, it's just intended as a virtue signal of how macho and left wing the poster is. But it's the sort of language and imagery that ultimately encourages the unhinged in society towards actions like the Jo Cox murder. 
...and you and your little tirade with the one indisputable example of why it is more than acceptable to describe those on the far right as vermin.
Anyone who has any shred of agreement with a Party which deports our own citizens, allows its veterans to sleep on the streets, watches as avoidable early death numbers spiral upwards, and has sold off every National asset it can get it's grubby thieving hands on, is, in my mind, lower than vermin. At least my daughter's rats seem to get on well together and co exist in peace.
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40 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

That Deputy Speaker (Lindsay Hoyle) seem like a total arse. Sounds like something out The Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club  (affiliated).  Google it if you've never heard of it.

Bercow is going to be seriously missed. I hope he'll be persuaded to stay on after the GE.


Arse Hoyle

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