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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, AlbionMan said:

As you rightly pointed out, the 'independence' sought by SNP  would not be independence but merely secession from the UK. It would be a transfer of dependency with even less influence in the new group than the old.


Completely agree. I think that a significant difference is that the SNP set out exactly what they were proposing (fiscal autonomy, monetary union etc) for Scotland.

There was no equivalent proposal for Brexit so people were sold many things at the same time.  I know some people who voted to leave on the assumption that the Norway model was inevitable and met a few that voted because immigrants. 

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1 hour ago, AlbionMan said:

An anonymous somebody with an unnamed friend in Brussels has put out a story in an unnamed publication, and expects to have it believed by other than the gullible.

I recall years ago some reporter talking to Brian Taylor.

"I have it from an anonymous source in the Conservative Party that this will not get approval".

BT: "Yes.  Teddy said the same thing to me".

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After Johnson’s unsuccessful dinner in Brussels he tried to arrange a 3-party telephone call with Merkel and Macron and was refused.
So much for the idea that the EU are not united in this.

Aye UK.right wing media trying to portray it as France just being France and Ireland just being difficult when in actual fact the other nations are fully behind them.
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49 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Sunday appears the deadline for a deal. 

You (and Ursula) would imagine Boris to be holed up with the negotiators and Cabinet 20 hours a day......nope.  Just got an email at work saying Boris visited our facility in Blyth this morning...

Was just about to post this. You'd have thought he'd have other things to get on with instead of travelling hundreds of miles for a photo opportunity.


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32 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Was just about to post this. You'd have thought he'd have other things to get on with instead of travelling hundreds of miles for a photo opportunity.


I'm trying to figure out if thats a big chute thing or a wee thing sticking out of the camera


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Was just about to post this. You'd have thought he'd have other things to get on with instead of travelling hundreds of miles for a photo opportunity.

Why, it’s well know he’s got the attention span of an ADD 5 year old, from what I’ve heard while Dominic Cummings was about as popular as a fart in a space suit the one good thing he could do was get Boris to actually make a decision (probably Cummings decision) absolutely amazing we have a openly racist PM who is lazy, doesn’t do detail and can’t make a decision but hey he’s got silly hair and an Etonian accent so let’s get Brexit done.
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4 hours ago, Paco said:

I suppose they could, yes. In fairness I hadn’t thought of that. It would undoubtedly help.

There’s still going to be a significant miss though. The numbers wouldn’t be close to equal. 

Why not?

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56 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


Why, it’s well know he’s got the attention span of an ADD 5 year old, from what I’ve heard while Dominic Cummings was about as popular as a fart in a space suit the one good thing he could do was get Boris to actually make a decision (probably Cummings decision) absolutely amazing we have a openly racist PM who is lazy, doesn’t do detail and can’t make a decision but hey he’s got silly hair and an Etonian accent so let’s get Brexit done.



15 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:


I don’t think we’re at Trumpian levels of adulation yet, however there appears to be a frightening reluctance amongst Tory voters to hold Johnson accountable for his words and actions.

I’m hopeful that when the shit hits the fan there will a change to this thinking but it’s likely to be marginal rather than wholesale, and even then I’m not holding my breath.

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:


I don’t think we’re at Trumpian levels of adulation yet, however there appears to be a frightening reluctance amongst Tory voters to hold Johnson accountable for his words and actions.

I’m hopeful that when the shit hits the fan there will a change to this thinking but it’s likely to be marginal rather than wholesale, and even then I’m not holding my breath.

Let them eat toast Image          

The Brit-tastic Mail giving us a look into post brexit cuisine.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Was just about to post this. You'd have thought he'd have other things to get on with instead of travelling hundreds of miles for a photo opportunity.


Aha yes thats my work...some of my colleagues in picture.  That's the hall where we test the worlds largest offshore turbine blades...the one in the pic is 107m long


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From the Guardian (apologies for layout)

UK customs not ready for end of post-Brexit transition, say peers

Britain’s customs system is not ready for the end of the post-Brexit transition, a House of Lords committee has said. In a letter to the Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove, the Conservative Lady Verma, who chairs the EU goods sub-committee in the Lords said:

We are not confident that all the necessary technological, physical and welfare arrangements will be in place in time to avoid or mitigate significant disruption following the end of the transition period. Key customs IT systems, some of them going live at the end of this month, are still in development and testing. Similarly, construction of port and inland customs facilities is still ongoing and, in some locations, yet to begin. 

The degree to which those involved in UK-EU trade are aware of what they need to do differently is a critical unknown element and the plans to protect the welfare of drivers stuck in what could be extremely long queues are insufficient. Amid this widespread uncertainty, the guidance provided by the government has been complicated and unclear, and we cannot assess how well targeted it has been.


The “and in some locations yet to begin” bit is an absolute belter.


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The byline on Today's Express shows how these arrogant wankers just don't get it.

Apparently the EU never truly understood the UK.

What utter bollocks.

The UK government wants it both ways.

Not be a member of the EU.

Not pay membership fees.

Not following EU rules.

But still retaining all the benefits.

It's the fascist scum at the Express who don't get it. 2020-12-11.jpeg

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6 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The byline on Today's Express shows how these arrogant wankers just don't get it.

Apparently the EU never truly understood the UK.

What utter bollocks.

The UK government wants it both ways.

Not be a member of the EU.

Not pay membership fees.

Not following EU rules.

But still retaining all the benefits.

It's the fascist scum at the Express who don't get it. 2020-12-11.jpeg

Er, aren't we getting are freedom? We won't have any agreements with the EU. We're on are own. What am I missing?

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8 hours ago, Paco said:

I just caught an interview with Oliver Dowden, the Culture Secretary, where he suggested that businesses adversely affected by a No Deal Brexit will be financially supported.


Now I know he’s just the Culture Secretary. A complete nobody only in post because he’s a Yes man who’d say absolutely anything he’s told to.


But we cannot seriously be suggesting that taxpayer money will be used to bail out business adversely affected by the government’s failings? Against a backdrop of crippling national debt and inevitable austerity?


The example he was asked about was Welsh lamb. Over 40% of their business goes to the EU, on WTO terms you’re looking at somewhere between 35-90% tariffs on sending to the EU, alongside potential customs issues. The business is no longer viable as it was, it’s finished. Kaput. This isn’t good businesses shut for a few months by Covid so support them, there is no chance the industry can survive at anything approaching its current size. It’s gone.


Surely to f**k this isn’t where we’re headed? Government throwing tens or hundreds of billions at businesses ruined by their failure to get some sort of trade agreement?

They bailed out the banks...

5 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
6 hours ago, dirty dingus said:
This is doing the rounds on social media might be true, might be false but the way Bozo acts it sounds right on the money.

I'm never one to advocate folk losing their jobs but it would be delicious to see redundancies now rip thro the the greedy, grubbing, English middle classes like wildfire. Only then will the stooge Johnson and his puppet masters begin to be held to account. The City of London would be an excellent place to start.

No chance. Those would just become more racist and blame the big bad EU and become more fervent supporters of the Conservatives.

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