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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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4 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

A/ You must've known that JG?  B/ Didn't big Ian also have his own Orange Order at some point?  C/ You're right about parallels in Scotland.  My aunts in Glasgow were Gaelic-speaking FPs of the 'No to Rome rule' variety and were bitterly opposed to the Common Market.

Edit: I;d be amazed if there's nothing on the web about Pastor Jack Glass campaigning against the CM too.'

A/ I was being sarcastic (doesn't work too well on the internet), although, as I've already posted, I wasn't 100% sure of when the DUP were founded.

B/ No, that is a much pedalled myth. You're probably thinking of the Independent Loyal Orange Instituiton, which is "only" 114 years old. Paisley often spoke at their 12th Demonstrations, which is where this myth probably springs from.

C/ I don't recall any posters a la Paisley's church, but there were definitely similar rumblings about Rome, etc.


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3 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

A/ I was being sarcastic (doesn't work too well on the internet), although, as I've already posted, I wasn't 100% sure of when the DUP were founded.

B/ No, that is a much pedalled myth. You're probably thinking of the Independent Loyal Orange Instituiton, which is "only" 114 years old. Paisley often spoke at their 12th Demonstrations, which is where this myth probably springs from.

C/ I don't recall any posters a la Paisley's church, but there were definitely similar rumblings about Rome, etc.


A.  Well I was surprised - you needed to add a wee smiley or something.
B. Every day IS a school day!  I'd not looked in to it and just believed the myth.
C.  I don'r recall posters either but do remember similar rhetoric.

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3 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

A.  Well I was surprised - you needed to add a wee smiley or something.
B. Every day IS a school day!  I'd not looked in to it and just believed the myth.
C.  I don'r recall posters either but do remember similar rhetoric.

You don't want to make too easy...

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Strangely, the highly principled Ian Paisley was pleased to attend that den of iniquity, the European Parliament, and collect his salary, along with his Westminster and Stormont salaries, simultaneously. I'm sure he made a valuable contribution to all three, including working nights to protect the Cretan olive growers subsidies.

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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

At least he attended...

Occasionally, the lowest record of any British MEP. Guess that meant he wasn't screwing expenses Farage style though.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, Cerberus said:


A 1973 DUP poster.

Right wing, racist, angry fucks like McSpreader would lap this shit up.


1 hour ago, Cerberus said:


A 1973 DUP poster.

Right wing, racist, angry fucks like McSpreader would lap this shit up.

Wierdo.......Get a life, ffs..  

You were the  casual homophobe just recently, from what I recall. You should be working on dealing with those issues, dude!

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3 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

Probably not going to take any life advice from the drunk-posting divorcee but cheers for the concern.

I wouldn't either, if I knew any, lol! I mean.......a divorcee, how sinful, how immoral, how shocking, gosh.

All divorcees go hang your heads in shame, along with all same sex couples, rape victims and anyone who has had an abortion......

Seriously......Therapy. It's a very powerful tool for recovery. You would seriously benefit  because you are fucked up! 

All that stuff you're holding on to..........You need to let it go, man!

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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

I wouldn't either, if I knew any, lol! I mean.......a divorcee, how sinful, how immoral, how shocking, gosh.

All divorcees go hang your heads in shame, along with all same sex couples, rape victims and anyone who has had an abortion......

Seriously......Therapy. It's a very powerful tool for recovery. You would seriously benefit  because you are fucked up! 

All that stuff you're holding on to..........You need to let it go, man!



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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:


Wierdo.......Get a life, ffs..  

You were the  casual homophobe just recently, from what I recall. You should be working on dealing with those issues, dude!

A few of us were having a low-key and rant-free discussion about DUP/Paisley/Comon Market/Scotland and all was pretty good-humoured.  You don't have to steam in to every conversation. Cool yer jets, Mucky.  

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10 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

A few of us were having a low-key and rant-free discussion about DUP/Paisley/Comon Market/Scotland and all was pretty good-humoured.  You don't have to steam in to every conversation. Cool yer jets, Mucky.  

Apologies, but I keep getting that unnecessary abuse that seems to be a feature on this forum, so I give some in return. I try hard not to, but......fail completely ! The good natured conversation included a poster from the early 1970's with a completely unwarranted comment that called me a right wing racist bigot ( or somesuch).........what is that all about.? I'm more left than right, just not extreme and not in the least bit bigoted and about as a racist as Jesus f*cking Christ.

11 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

Nobody mentioned shame or immorality, champ. Quite the wee rant though.

Thank you but you intimated morality and that was enough !......Suggestion- In future , when you next read a post that you disagree with, refrain from sarcastic abuse  and unfounded name calling. That way you'll not get a 'wee rant' in return.

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11 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Apologies, but I keep getting that unnecessary abuse that seems to be a feature on this forum, so I give some in return. I try hard not to, but......fail completely ! The good natured conversation included a poster from the early 1970's with a completely unwarranted comment that called me a right wing racist bigot ( or somesuch).........what is that all about.? I'm more left than right, just not extreme and not in the least bit bigoted and about as a racist as Jesus f*cking Christ.

Image result for dril log off

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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

Thank you but you intimated morality and that was enough !.....

No I didn't. You were telling me that I needed therapy for some reason and I simply pointed out that when it comes to advice, I probably won't be looking to the guy drunkenly posting details of his tragic life in discussions about which nationalities he doesn't like.

Then you decided to bring up rape up victims and abortions, which was a bit weird.

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Thank you but you intimated morality and that was enough !......Suggestion- In future , when you next read a post that you disagree with, refrain from sarcastic abuse  and unfounded name calling. That way you'll not get a 'wee rant' in return.

If you didn't post click-baiting crap it might make a difference.
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