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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Tusk saying the same as he did last week...

...and the week before...

...and the month before that...

...and last year...

...and ever since the Brexit vote.

You are not getting to cherry pick Theresa, not now, not never.


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Scottish Fishermen Federation "This latest gambit must be rejected. When we leave the EU we leave the Common Fisheries Policy and assume our rightful place at the table as a Coastal State. Each year we will then decide who catches what, where and when."

Think May will sell them down the river North Sea  for a trade deal. Actually hope she does!!


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Scottish Fishermen Federation "This latest gambit must be rejected. When we leave the EU we leave the Common Fisheries Policy and assume our rightful place at the table as a Coastal State. Each year we will then decide who catches what, where and when."
Think May will sell them down the river North Sea  for a trade deal. Actually hope she does!!
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2 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Do you have a link / source for this? I’m spending time with my leave voting fishermen family & I’d love to get it right fucking up them!

I don't have a link but it's an actual quote from Tusk.  Also reported by SKY News

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1 minute ago, Tynieness said:

I don't know who I dislike more, the fishing crew or the farmers.

I just hope that both groups of no voting entitled cuntos get shafted.

Yip, next up the no voting, Brexiteer farmers

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If the fisherman get their waters back, who exactlly are they going to sell the fish too. The EU will put tarriffs on the price of exporting plus transporting of fresh fish especially shellfish/prawns will get more expensive as there will be more red tape and hold ups and I'm sure the freezer trucks don't come cheap.


Edited by dirty dingus
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6 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

If the fisherman get their waters back, who exactlly are they going to sell the fish too. The EU will put tarriffs on the price of exporting plus transporting of fresh fish especially shellfish/prawns will get more expensive as there will be more red tape and hold ups and I'm sure the freezer trucks don't come cheap.


Conventional economics would suggest that an expansion of production coupled with a reduction in exports will force prices down in the domestic market

Which is a bad thing for Fishermen (who will be work harder for less money) but a good thing for those of us who like eating fish and don't want to pay too much for it.


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9 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Conventional economics would suggest that an expansion of production coupled with a reduction in exports will force prices down in the domestic market

Which is a bad thing for Fishermen (who will be work harder for less money) but a good thing for those of us who like eating fish and don't want to pay too much for it.


I like a bit of fish but the price of cod, sole, haddock etc...is mental. Think a lot of people may be lost to the market as people are eating more cheaper fish like tapalia, pollock and farmed salmon. I remember watching trawlermen and the guy was saying most of his prawns went to france and spain.

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37 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

I don't know who I dislike more, the fishing crew or the farmers.

I just hope that both groups of no voting entitled cuntos get shafted.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread only about 55% of farmers voted leave. Fishermen voted leave in their shoals. Some estimates put the number of fishermen voting leave above 90%. So they are definitely more deluded than the farming mob.

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Haven’t Grimsby, where 70% (!) voted to Leave, already demanded ‘free port’ status or something equally ridiculous because they realised they sell the majority of their fish to Europe?

Truly, there are no words. May will shaft them chasing some sort of trade deal and the fucking morons will STILL vote for her at the next election. No doubt in my mind.

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14 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Despite it being only 55% I'm sticking by my conviction that they are c***s.

No arguments from me. Always wanting to get a better deal without really thinking of the consequences. Private Eye had a piece a while back about how the NFU lobbied for the abolition of the old Milk Board because they wanted a better price for the milk farmers were producing. Fast forward several years and the farmers are getting felt up by supermarkets paying them a pittance for their milk. Round them!

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25 minutes ago, Paco said:

Haven’t Grimsby, where 70% (!) voted to Leave, already demanded ‘free port’ status or something equally ridiculous because they realised they sell the majority of their fish to Europe?

Truly, there are no words. May will shaft them chasing some sort of trade deal and the fucking morons will STILL vote for her at the next election. No doubt in my mind.

Grimsby is a f**king hole!

Makes Beirut look like the Maldives

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44 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Despite it being only 55% I'm sticking by my conviction that they are c***s.

Farmer:  “I voted Leave”

Tynie: “You’re a c**t”

Farmer: “I voted Remain”

Tynie: “You’re a c**t too”

I see a flaw there somewhere.


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