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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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18 hours ago, BawWatchin said:

No, you'd nuke about 0.1% of Russia in a second. They'd nuke about a third of the UK in retaliation in a second m8.


Didn't @renton post about this before?

iirc the entire UK nuclear arsenal (factoring in that the subs carry 1/2 of their max payload) would be able to wipe out multiple large Russian cities, but the Russian state apparatus would be intact.

The entire Russian nuclear arsenal would obliterate every blade of grass in the UK.

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2 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Didn't @renton post about this before?

iirc the entire UK nuclear arsenal (factoring in that the subs carry 1/2 of their max payload) would be able to wipe out multiple large Russian cities, but the Russian state apparatus would be intact.

The entire Russian nuclear arsenal would obliterate every blade of grass in the UK.

Pretty serious disincentive to them attacking us though.

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15 hours ago, Cerberus said:


The nukes belong to the US. You’ll need to ask Donnie first.


Id say we were aiming them at snowflakes.  It would be partially true.  Donny likes partial truths...


...and downright lies too of course.


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From the Sky News website.  The third paragraph simply exposes the lie  of “the no hard border” without a customs union.

“There is no evidence to support the claim Britain could have a post-Brexit open Irish border without any checkpoints, according to a report by MPs.

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee examined whether it is possible to leave the single market and customs union without creating a hard Irish border.

The report concludes it has been unable to find border solutions anywhere in the world which avoid physical infrastructure.”

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So this week, yet more businesses leaving the UK (unilever saying its not brexit but thats a good way to stop boycotts from the knuckledraggers). other businesses looking for large concessions and the UK government spending billions preparing for brexit, yet we can’t find the money to give kids hot meals in school, leave people waiting for days in hospital corridors and think its ok for people to work for free in trial shifts. Do people honestly honestly think removing the checks and balances the EU gives us and giving the tories free reign to do whatever they want. Its fucking scary that blue passports are enough to allow mutants to be happy at the absolute destruction of any decency from our government. If the SNP go for an indy ref and we’re defeated again we deserve it. f**k brexit, f**k the tories and f**k anyone who thinks this is a good move.

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Apparently the UK Brexit Select Committee are seeking an extension to the Article 50 two-year period from the EU. :lol:

Hopefully the EU laugh off any attempt on the part of the UK to break the rules to suit itself (and extend its own incompetence). 

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