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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Leaving the cherrypicking of a partial quote aside, do the SNP have as many seats as they did two years ago? No? did they just give the seats away then?

The SNP lost some momentum and people didn't turn out to vote for them. The tories and labour gained momentum by constantly bashing on about independence, getting more people to turn out and vote for them. There wasn't much jumping from one party to another going on at all.

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Just now, BawWatchin said:

The SNP lost some momentum and people didn't turn out to vote for them. The tories and labour gained momentum by constantly bashing on about independence, getting more people to turn out and vote for them. There wasn't much jumping from one party to another going on at all.

You've just described what parties should be doing during election campaigns, are you not?

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2 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

You've just described what parties should be doing during election campaigns, are you not?

That's what it has come down to. Whoever shouts about independence the most in Scotland will get the highest turn out of support.

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1 minute ago, BawWatchin said:

That's what it has come down to. Whoever shouts about independence the most in Scotland will get the highest turn out of support.

I have no problem with parties doing that if it gets them votes. Ultimately, that's what campaigning is supposed to achieve. The thing that sours is that it actually works.

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18 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

How many times would you like the Leader and his Shadow Cabinet to say it? Labour's principal aim is absolutely to bring down the Government. If you think it isn't you really, really haven't been paying attention.

That may very well be Labours principle aim, but they appear to be missing open goal, after open goal, after open goal, after open goal in their attempts to do so.

May's government is probably the weakest UK government in the last 30 years, in an even worse position than Gordon Brown was in 2008 when the financial crash hit, and instead of nailing them on every single little mistake, Labour appear to push them on anything but the obvious targets.

Yes, Universal Credit is important and has to be looked at, but there is no way that it will be looked at unless Corbyn is in the big seat. To be in the big seat he needs to be crucifying May over absolutely everything, but at times it seems he is doing as much as he can not to twist the knife.

Right now, Brexit is the only topic being talked about. To not push the Tories on it is not letting them rip themselves apart, it's letting them set the narrative that the only options out there are the options they have put forward.

Sun Tzu also told us that we are only as strong as our weakest link. Brexit is the governments weakest link. It should be getting attacked from all angles at all times, if Labour want to win power any time soon.

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It must be shite, living in England and having this Labour party as the only thing vaguely worth voting for.

I can only assume the Labour internal numbers are worse than the public ones. It’s the only way to explain Corbyn’s incompetence today.

Of course, the fan boys are now having a go at the “elite” who called him out for it.
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Hard to be a lifelong supporter of something which only became a live issue in recent years, imho. He has never "worked for Brexit" - the Party have respected the result of the referendum. Quite a different stance.
Eurosceptic, Aye, I'll give you that. His position in the campaign, like mine, was that the least worst option was that of remain and reform. I can tell you, from actually listening to him rather than the soundbites available through the media, that his campaigning (which was just a wee bit more intense than he's given credit for) was presented thus.
Since the vote, he's had to balance all sorts of opinions and aims within the Party, let alone the wider electorate. Imho, the leadership team have played a blinder by simply allowing the Tories to pull themselves to pieces, as May made it quite clear this clusterfuck was to be a Government project - rejecting all offers of cross-party co-operation from Labour, SNP, Plaid, Lib Dems and others. She wanted ownership - let the bitch keep it.
Labour have simply followed Sun Tzu's advice - "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".

The left are used to taking L’s and are quite happy to sit back and watch this mess unfold while it hopefully takes the Tory party with it. The conspiracies over Corbyn secretly voting for Brexit is good banter though, keep it going.
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Corbyn respects the result of the referendum. He could attack the illegal spending, the potential outside interference and the lies told before it and question the validity of said result and have good reason to do so.
He doesn't want to do that though. This blind faith in Corbyn is both hilarious and sad at the same time.

None of that addresses the underlying causes behind the Brexit vote and let’s the Tories (and neoliberal Blairites) off the hook for decades of neglect. It’s the exact same as the folk over the pond that want to declare 2016 null and void and have a do over with Hillary again.
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We're undoubtedly heading for yet more shambles with a 2nd referendum, now normally I would think this was a good idea, however the fact remains that "the people" just aren't qualified, nor can they be trusted, to make the sort of huge decision that will have profound effects on this country both economically and politically for years to come.

We also have the "influencers" and "media commentators", who again, have their own selfish and sinister agendas which could potentially see us heading for the sort of hard brexit which is sheer and utter lunacy.

Honestly, this is just one screwed up country being run (using the term loosely) by complete and utter incompetent fools................

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