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The Official Former President Trump thread


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On 7/14/2017 at 19:20, Swordfishtrombone said:

I was listening to the pm programme on r4 yesterday and the correspondent was at a rodeo in Texas asking the people there about Trump and the Russia controversy, while this place is about as partisan as Trump support gets it did reveal that there is very little that can really hurt Trump with his core support. They don't care about this story and see it as a fabrication by the left wing#fake news media. They have picked their guy and see any criticism of him and his perpetual stupidity as the bitterness of sore losers. He would have to shit on the US flag, declare himself an atheist and promote abortion to lose their support. 

On the opposite side of that spectrum though you have people who that sensationalise every minor or major thing the guy does, he could sneeze during a meeting and people would translate that into meaning he is planning on starting a world war. Either way US politics is fucked and both sides are as bad as each other and basically take turns doing things based on who is in power, when it was Obama, the Republicans were doing the exact same things they are now criticising the Democrats for doing. 

Its a perpetual cycle and pretty much the only reliable thing about it all is whoever is in charge will wanna funnel more money into the military 

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On the opposite side of that spectrum though you have people who that sensationalise every minor or major thing the guy does, he could sneeze during a meeting and people would translate that into meaning he is planning on starting a world war. Either way US politics is fucked and both sides are as bad as each other and basically take turns doing things based on who is in power, when it was Obama, the Republicans were doing the exact same things they are now criticising the Democrats for doing. 

Its a perpetual cycle and pretty much the only reliable thing about it all is whoever is in charge will wanna funnel more money into the military 

Are you actually saying there is no difference between the likes of Obama and the likes of trump?

Surely that's not what you're saying?
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42 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The idea that Trump is uniquely dangerous as a US president on foreign policy definitely doesn't stand up to close inspection. It's more his domestic agenda that is of concern. Wonder if John McCain leaving the scene for medical reasons made this easier to do somehow given the timing.

I was thinking this about McCain too. He has been over to Syria more than once meeting terrorist rebel leaders.

I don't think Trump needed to win concessions from Russia in order to bin what was a terrible, illegal project to begin with, and has ultimately failed anyway. There's always the slim chance that, unlike previous administrations, he does actually want to get serious about terrorism and realises that what they've been doing in Syria has only made it worse.

You can see precisely why the warmongering establishment will not tolerate an improvement in US-Russian relations. Trump has met Putin twice, resulting in a ceasefire in one of the most violent parts of Syria and what looks like the scrapping of a covert CIA op to train and arm extremists against the legitimate government. Somehow this is being portrayed as a bad sequence of events.

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On the opposite side of that spectrum though you have people who that sensationalise every minor or major thing the guy does, he could sneeze during a meeting and people would translate that into meaning he is planning on starting a world war. Either way US politics is fucked and both sides are as bad as each other and basically take turns doing things based on who is in power, when it was Obama, the Republicans were doing the exact same things they are now criticising the Democrats for doing. 

Its a perpetual cycle and pretty much the only reliable thing about it all is whoever is in charge will wanna funnel more money into the military 

The liberal #resistance is so funny. Eric Garland who is the closest real life example I've ever seen to the rampant malfunctioning AI at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Louise "Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are facing execution" Mensch being held up as Serious Voices of the anti-Trump movement.
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43 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


Are you actually saying there is no difference between the likes of Obama and the likes of trump?

Surely that's not what you're saying?


Im saying the reactions to both being in charge have been largely similar and yet the opposite side will chastise the other for doing something they would do if it was the other way round. Im Saying that the democrats and the republicans are very similar and no matter who is in charge, nothing really changes.  

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1 hour ago, mjw said:

Was getting pushed aside with a new communications director coming in.

Apparently the new guy has no experience in the role to which he has been appointed.  That should work out well then, eh?  :blink:

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The liberal #resistance is so funny. Eric Garland who is the closest real life example I've ever seen to the rampant malfunctioning AI at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Louise "Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are facing execution" Mensch being held up as Serious Voices of the anti-Trump movement.

I don't know who Eric Garland is, but the vast majority of Trump opponents regard Mensch as a complete loonball.

That said, she has been way ahead of the curve on many of the events that have come to pass.

Anything with #resistance is about as significant as #MAGA... except in the sense that Dems will have to get rid of the idea that they can simply recreate the Tea party on the left.

The real "resistance" to Trump is with moderate Republicans. The guy Tom Nichols is a very level headed gauge on how much damage Trump has done to the GOP.

Trump really is a poisonous individual. The breathless responses have allowed him to look great in the eyes of his electorate, but a combination of the criminal justice system and a Democrat party with competent leadership should see him as a one term president at the very most.

His presidency is not normal.
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Apparently the new guy has no experience in the role to which he has been appointed.  That should work out well then, eh?  :blink:

And the Infowars fruit loops will herald it as draining the swamp, rather than jobs for the unqualified monied elite.
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2 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Im saying the reactions to both being in charge have been largely similar and yet the opposite side will chastise the other for doing something they would do if it was the other way round. Im Saying that the democrats and the republicans are very similar and no matter who is in charge, nothing really changes.  

If you want things to change with no concern about the consequences, Trump's your man. His supporters will still be cheering him as their children are refused healthcare, their jobs replaced by machines and their benefits are cut to subsidise the top 1% of earners, and they'll still be blaming Mexico. He's just appointed a hedge funder for Director of Communications and he's stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs people ffs. Drain the swamp?

Edited by welshbairn
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If you want things to change with no concern about the consequences, Trump's your man. His supporters will still be cheering him as their children are refused healthcare, their jobs replaced by machines and their benefits are cut to subsidise the top 1% of earners. He's just appointed a hedge funder for Director of Communications and he's stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs people ffs. Drain the swamp?

Also, the further to the right the Republicans move - and Trump is a borderline fascist - the fewer folk they lose to alienation. The Democrats can't keep moving to the left, because that alienates swathes of the country. The idea that the two parties are the same, and behave the same, isn't true.
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I don't know who Eric Garland is, but the vast majority of Trump opponents regard Mensch as a complete loonball.

That said, she has been way ahead of the curve on many of the events that have come to pass.

Anything with #resistance is about as significant as #MAGA... except in the sense that Dems will have to get rid of the idea that they can simply recreate the Tea party on the left.

The real "resistance" to Trump is with moderate Republicans. The guy Tom Nichols is a very level headed gauge on how much damage Trump has done to the GOP.

Trump really is a poisonous individual. The breathless responses have allowed him to look great in the eyes of his electorate, but a combination of the criminal justice system and a Democrat party with competent leadership should see him as a one term president at the very most.

His presidency is not normal.

Tbf Mensch has been ahead of the curve on occasion because she's made up so much shite that eventually she had to get something correct. And Garland's great. Read his TL if you can, I can't believe he's not an AI program gone rogue.
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