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The Official Former President Trump thread


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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I hope the left doesn't get "goaded" into pulling down statues of 19th and 18th century figures who behaved badly according to current mores, and anyone with an ounce of sense. But it's a deliberate fishing strategy from the fascists that will only help them. That's why Trump is pumping up the issue.

Heard somebody make the point that it was good the Christians didn't start destroying statues when they got power in Rome. Of course the difference was that those emperors who had persecuted Christians were still of their Roman culture for the early Christians. Black radicals in America view American historical figures as an alien people to be destroyed as an exercise of power in the present day, more like how radical Muslims view old Buddhas.

It's already started. Prominent black leaders are already calling for the removal of various monuments to slave owning Presidents in black areas of the country. It's not going to stop. And eventually the white left will get around to siding with the black radicals, because they for some reason let radicals define what constitutes racism. Once enough radicals start saying something is racist you can be sure a bunch of weak moderate Democrats will fall in line. 

7 hours ago, Glenconner said:

They lost but it was 4-3.

100 years worth of Jim Crowe laws rather than a one way ticket back across the Atlantic and the land handed over to the ex slaves and what was left of the natives.

The Indians generally favored the Confederacy. In the South and in the Indian Territory which became Oklahoma they were slave owners. The last Confederate General to surrender his army was a Cherokee Chief. 


Edited by TheProgressiveLiberal
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Where are we getting the idea that Trump didn't condemn the Nazi rally that day? I saw several tweets. 

Also, Ann Coulter on the situation::lol:

But so far, all we know is that Fields said he was "upset about black people" and wanted to kill as many as possible. On his Facebook page, he displayed a "White Power" poster and "liked" three organizations deemed "white separatist hate groups" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. A subsequent search of his home turned up bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a personal journal of combat tactics.

Actually, none of that is true. The paragraph above describes, down to the letter, what was known about Micah Xavier Johnson, the black man who murdered five Dallas cops a year ago during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. My sole alteration to the facts is reversing the words "black" and "white."

President Obama held a news conference the next day to say it's "very hard to untangle the motives." The New York Times editorialized agnostically that many "possible motives will be ticked off for the killer." (One motive kind of sticks out like a sore thumb to me.)

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21 hours ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

I was brought up with the knowledge that the Battle of Cable Street was something for Londoners to be hugely proud of. Clearly I was wrong, and both sides were to blame (the blackshirts did have permission after all).

It's times like this when you can pick out the people who would have been on the side of slavery/Facism/Jim Crow/Apartheid if you could transport them back in time.


Yes, a Nazi rally in the 1930s has the same significance as a Nazi rally in 2017. Jesus! Context matters. A bunch of weirdos from around the country stepping off the internet for one day is not the end of democracy. Democrats condoning street violence from the same far left organizations which also attack mainstream Republicans might actually have serious consequences for democracy, though. 

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16 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Guns is probably the number one reason I would not like to live in America.

Centuries ago, America started off with lots of frontier country involved which meant there were lots of dangerous people about and not enough policemen and soldiers to provide protection.
If you wanted to live in a log cabin miles from anyone, nobody was going to protect you but you.

Back then it made sense but why that mindset still exists now - I have no idea but it does.

I am also astonished that anyone is entitled to have their own private arsenal that goes way beyond protecting themselves from a bear or something.

I get that your fear of guns is emotional not rational, but I'd wager British people are just as safe from murder in the US as they are in Britain, assuming you're not a criminal and your missus doesn't want you gone. What would probably get you is a car crash. We have to drive a bunch more here. That would be the bigger leap in danger from moving from the UK to the US.

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Where are we getting the idea that Trump didn't condemn the Nazi rally that day? I saw several tweets. 
Also, Ann Coulter on the situation:[emoji38]
But so far, all we know is that Fields said he was "upset about black people" and wanted to kill as many as possible. On his Facebook page, he displayed a "White Power" poster and "liked" three organizations deemed "white separatist hate groups" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. A subsequent search of his home turned up bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a personal journal of combat tactics.

Actually, none of that is true. The paragraph above describes, down to the letter, what was known about Micah Xavier Johnson, the black man who murdered five Dallas cops a year ago during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. My sole alteration to the facts is reversing the words "black" and "white."

President Obama held a news conference the next day to say it's "very hard to untangle the motives." The New York Times editorialized agnostically that many "possible motives will be ticked off for the killer." (One motive kind of sticks out like a sore thumb to me.)

Fox news comes to P&B.
No matter what Trump does you can always what about back to Obama or Hillary.
You only found this site searching for rangers,didn't you?
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I'm going to start by saying I think the violence at the Trump rallies themselves was wrong. The morons have the right to express their moronic political views and cheer on their cretinous perma-tanned hero without fear of assault. 

1 hour ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Yes, a Nazi rally in the 1930s has the same significance as a Nazi rally in 2017. Jesus! Context matters. A bunch of weirdos from around the country stepping off the internet for one day is not the end of democracy. Democrats condoning street violence from the same far left organizations which also attack mainstream Republicans might actually have serious consequences for democracy, though. 


You're right, they don't have anything like the same significance. The protesters in the East End in 1936 had yet to experience World War 2. They didn't know about the Holocaust. Germany had yet to annex Austria or Czechoslovakia. They had yet to learn about gas chambers, or ovens, or cattle trucks packed with starving, innocent people being transported to their deaths. While news of some of the Nazis' racial policies had reached Britain, many still viewed the Reich as a thoroughly modern and science-led regime to be admired. 

In 2017 we have the benefit of all this historical knowledge, and yet astonishingly we're supposed to believe that there were decent people marching under Nazi banners, amongst hundreds chanting Nazi slogans.  These are the sons and grandsons of people that hung black men from trees for sport. That planted burning crosses on people's lawns. Those that, in another time, and another place would have been enthusiastic recruits to the Waffen SS. I have absolutely no problem with them being met with violence whenever and where-ever they show up. In fact, I would actively encourage it.

Edited by Carl Cort's Hamstring
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18 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

I'm going to start by saying I think the violence at the Trump rallies themselves was wrong. The morons have the right to express their moronic political views and cheer on their cretinous perma-tanned hero without fear of assault. 

They were the ones doing the assaulting, cheered on by Trump himself.

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2 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Heard somebody make the point that it was good the Christians didn't start destroying statues when they got power in Rome. Of course the difference was that those emperors who had persecuted Christians were still of their Roman culture for the early Christians. Black radicals in America view American historical figures as an alien people to be destroyed as an exercise of power in the present day, more like how radical Muslims view old Buddhas.

I try to avoiding feeding this but



The persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire began late during the reign of Constantine the Great, when he ordered the pillaging and the tearing down of some temples.[1][2][3] The first anti-pagan laws by the Christian state started with Constantine's son Constantius II,[4][5] who was an opponent of paganism; he ordered the closing of all pagan temples, forbade pagan sacrifices under pain of death,[2] and removed the traditional Altar of Victory from the Senate.[6] Under his reign ordinary Christians began to vandalise pagan temples, tombs and monuments.[7][8][9][10] This persecution had proceeded after a period of persecution of Christians in the Empire.



They were at it from the word go. First Christian emperor and they were ripping down statues and shortly there after killing people they disagreed with. In the East they enthusiastically shut down centres of learning and murdering philosophers like Hypatia (415AD) who had an especially brutal death at the hands of Christians. 

Edited by dorlomin
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27 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Aye the Trump supporters are c*nts. But there's still incidents from the other side in that list as well.

Edited by Carl Cort's Hamstring
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16 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

I'm going to call fearing neo-Nazis with guns as a perfectly rational fear.

Since l'm not Jewish, Black, Asian, Slavic, Roma, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, a Jehovah's Witness, a mason, a homosexual, a feminist, an anarchist, disabled, a communist, a socialist, a trade unionist, a social democrat or a priest I'm cool with it. 

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10 minutes ago, The OP said:

Since l'm not Jewish, Black, Asian, Slavic, Roma, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, a Jehovah's Witness, a mason, a homosexual, a feminist, an anarchist, disabled, a communist, a socialist, a trade unionist, a social democrat or a priest I'm cool with it. 

I notice you didn't mention the Catholic faith.

Best hide in the cupboard under the stairs, mate.

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Since l'm not Jewish, Black, Asian, Slavic, Roma, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, a Jehovah's Witness, a mason, a homosexual, a feminist, an anarchist, disabled, a communist, a socialist, a trade unionist, a social democrat or a priest I'm cool with it. 

Seriously? You are ok with Nazis going round with guns just because you are lucky enough to not be on their target list?
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5 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:



Seriously? You are ok with Nazis going round with guns just because you are lucky enough to not be on their target list?


Aye, that's exactly the point he was making...

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