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44 minutes ago, jamieson87 said:

Perhaps, but that is nothing to do with what is being discussed here. 

Quite, skipping bail to avoid sexual assault charges has nothing to do with colluding with the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence.

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Aug. 10:
Stone tells a local Republican Party group in Florida "I've actually communicated with Julian Assange."
Aug. 12:
Stone says on the #MAGA podcast he believes Assange has emails deleted by Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. He adds that he knows he has them and they should be expected to drop in the next three months.
"In fact I know [Assange] has them," Stone said. "And I believe he will expose the American people to this information in the next 90 days."
Aug. 14:
Stone engages in direct messages with DNC hacker Guccifer 2.0, according to direct messages reported by the Washington Times and The Smoking Gun. Stone tells the hacker he was "delighted" Twitter reinstated his account.
Aug. 15:
Stone tells World Net Daily he communicated with Assange and forthcoming material will be related to the Clinton Foundation.
Aug. 16:
Stone tells radio host Alex Jones he has "backchannel communications" with Assange who has "political dynamite" on the Clintons.
Aug. 18:
Stone says in an interview on C-SPAN he's been in touch with Julian Assange "through an intermediary—somebody who is a mutual friend." WikiLeaks would later tweet in response to Stone's appearance, "We are happy to hear true information from everyone. But so far, we have not heard from Mr. Stone."
Aug. 21:
Stone says he is not "at liberty to discuss" information he received from Assange. Stone claims he was hacked after speaking with Assange.
Aug. 21:
Stone says on The Blaze radio that he had "communicated" with Assange through a "mutual acquaintance."
Aug 21:
Stone tweets that "it will soon the Podesta's time in the barrel." Stone later says his tweet was about Podesta's business dealings.
Aug. 21:
Stone denies Guccifer 2.0 is connected to the Russians on local Maryland radio.
"The DNC leaks that nailed Deborah Wasserman Schultz in the heist against Bernie Sanders was not leaked by the Russians, it was leaked by Cruccifer [sic] 2, I should say hacked and leaked first by Cruccifer 2, well known hacker who is not in the employment of the Russians and then Wikileaks. So that whole claim is a canard."
Aug. 26:
In an interview with Breitbart Radio, Stone says, "I'm almost confident Mr. Assange has virtually every one of the emails that the Clinton henchwomen, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, thought that they had deleted, and I suspect that he's going to drop them at strategic times in the run up to this race."
Aug. 29:
Stone says on local Florida radio of Assange and the Clinton Foundation, "Perhaps he has the smoking gun that will make this handcuff time."
Sept. 16:
Stone says on Boston Herald Radio that he expects Assange the WikiLeaks to "drop a payload of new documents on a weekly basis fairly soon. And that of course will answer the question of exactly what was erased on that email server."
Stone adds of Assange, "I am in touch with him through an intermediary."
Oct. 1:
Stone tweets, "Wednesday @HillaryClinton is done. #Wikileaks."
Oct. 12:
Stone tells a local Florida radio station that he has "a back-channel communication with Assange, because we have a good mutual friend."
"That friend travels back and forth from the United States to London and we talk. I had dinner with him last Monday," Stone said.
Oct. 19:
Stone writes on Breitbart: "I had no advance notice of WikiLeaks' hacking of Podesta's e-mails."
Oct. 29:
Stone says on local Florida television that he had no advanced knowledge of the forthcoming hack of Podesta's emails, but says he has a "backchannel contact" to Assange.
"We have a mutual friend," Stone says.
When asked about the content of the information shared, Stone said, "Broad information pertaining to the fact that Wikileaks has information pertaining to massive secret surveillance, war, oil, the U.S. election."
Stone says he only knew about emails being released "in the broad sense." He says he has never met or spoken to Assange and didn't pass any information about it to Trump.
Jan. 10:
Stone calls claims that he colluded with Assange "false" in a blog post and says he only knew of forthcoming material because, "Julian Assange of WikiLeaks on numerous occasions had signaled that he had unspecified political dynamite that would shake up the presidential race."
Feb. 3:
Stone explains his WikiLeaks contacts in a Reddit ask me anything.
"I have been forthright about the fact that Julian Assange of Wikileaks and I share a common friend who has communicated with both of us," he writes. "I was simply told Wikileaks was in possession of 'political dynamite' that would 'rock Hillary's campaign,' and they would release it in late October."
"I had no previous knowledge of the subject of the disclosures, although I've speculated that it would be related to the Clinton Foundation. I've had no advance knowledge of the hacking of Podesta or anyone else. Nor do I believe that Assange is an agent of the Russians, a charge which is yet undocumented with proof and which he denies."
March 6:
Stone tweets -- then deletes -- about communicating with Assange, writing that he "never denied perfectly legal backchannel to Assange who indeed had the goods on #CrookedHillary."
March 11:
Stone says charges he colluded with Russian hacker Guccifer are "demonstrably false."
March 20:
Stone tweets in response to the House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russian interference in the 2016 election: "It's only fair that I have a chance to respond 2 any smears or half truths about alleged "Collusion with Russians" from 2day's Intel Hearing."

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On 22/01/2019 at 22:46, renton said:

"The country was founded on the principle that the primary role of government is to protect property from the majority, and so it remains."


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Not enough was made of Stone and Bannon being sidelined IMO as they were the two who were most likely to articulate any sort of Republican agenda that differed from the norm of just cutting taxes and indulging any shite that saw that goal achieved. Remains to be seen whether Tucker Carlson’s weird sort of Strasserite turn gains any traction.

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