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12 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Ron De Sanctimonious hasn't quite resonated to the same extent that Low Energy Jeb did. They finally got Al Capone for fiddling his taxes rather than any of the big stuff so maybe this is the easier way to take Trump down rather than anything directly linked to his failed Jan 6th coup attempt.

They're supposed to be charging him with 30 acts of fraud, hopefully some of them are like his tawdry stiffing of contractors rather than cheating on his taxes so it doesn't seem like it's just him against the State.

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28 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

100% agree. For all his bluster, he is $hitting bricks right now. Mostly because as much as he is a total fvckwad, he isn't totally stupid. He know that when it comes to the business side of things, he cannot pull the wool over folks eyes like he does with other stuff. Hank in Arkansas will have a view on Woke Liberals etc, but be clueless about financial crimes.

Equally, it is a total ball ache for Republicans. If it goes wrong, he is probably next president and they don't want that (sensible ones dont) or he goes down and they all seem complicit.

The prosicuters wouldn't go this far if they didn't think they could get a conviction and he and his lot know this.

I don't see him ever going to trial though. He will either do some deal behind the scenes in return for turning on others and never run for office again OR (and what I think will happen) is that he will be dead before it ever gets that far.......


He'll have been building up leverage over the years, allowing him to cut a deal.

Not going through with investigating Hilary Clinton for one.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They're supposed to be charging him with 30 acts of fraud, hopefully some of them are like his tawdry stiffing of contractors rather than cheating on his taxes so it doesn't seem like it's just him against the State.

The word ‘misrepresentation’ is getting bandied about so I’m wondering if he’s been over and undervaluing Trump Tower per raising finances/tax. Tish James will have already done a lot of legwork into that and his other NY properties and it’ll fall under Bragg’s jurisdiction in Manhattan. 

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20 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Ron De Sanctimonious hasn't quite resonated to the same extent that Low Energy Jeb did. They finally got Al Capone for fiddling his taxes rather than any of the big stuff so maybe this is the easier way to take Trump down rather than anything directly linked to his failed Jan 6th coup attempt.

It's a horrendous nickname!  Up there on the cringe-scale with 'Sloppy Steve'

I always raise a smile with 'Shifty Schiff' though.

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3 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

He'll have been building up leverage over the years, allowing him to cut a deal.

Not going through with investigating Hilary Clinton for one.

He did investigate Clinton. Came up with nada. 


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2 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

The word ‘misrepresentation’ is getting bandied about so I’m wondering if he’s been over and undervaluing Trump Tower per raising finances/tax. Tish James will have already done a lot of legwork into that and his other NY properties and it’ll fall under Bragg’s jurisdiction in Manhattan. 

It was quite clever of the NY AG to leak that the Grand Jury is all about Stormy Daniels to suck up all the media oxygen and speculation if he's actually got much more serious stuff to throw at him.

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14 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

It's a horrendous nickname!  Up there on the cringe-scale with 'Sloppy Steve'

I always raise a smile with 'Shifty Schiff' though.

Donald’s been workshopping “Meatball Ron” recently.

49 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

100% agree. For all his bluster, he is $hitting bricks right now. Mostly because as much as he is a total fvckwad, he isn't totally stupid. He know that when it comes to the business side of things, he cannot pull the wool over folks eyes like he does with other stuff. Hank in Arkansas will have a view on Woke Liberals etc, but be clueless about financial crimes.

Equally, it is a total ball ache for Republicans. If it goes wrong, he is probably next president and they don't want that (sensible ones dont) or he goes down and they all seem complicit.

The prosicuters wouldn't go this far if they didn't think they could get a conviction and he and his lot know this.

I don't see him ever going to trial though. He will either do some deal behind the scenes in return for turning on others and never run for office again OR (and what I think will happen) is that he will be dead before it ever gets that far.......


1) He’s shitting bricks at having to go through surrender because he’s a notorious germophobe. He’ll want cuffs with “sanitized for your protection” bands for the trip between the Court and the Booking Desk.

2) This will generate millions from his supporters, money he’ll end up surrendering in fines.

3) The felonies, for the payoff, likely won’t stick. The possible tax fraud charges…

19 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

The word ‘misrepresentation’ is getting bandied about so I’m wondering if he’s been over and undervaluing Trump Tower per raising finances/tax. Tish James will have already done a lot of legwork into that and his other NY properties and it’ll fall under Bragg’s jurisdiction in Manhattan. 

This is the big dog. Taxes have put away lots of people they couldn’t get on other charges. Tax fraud is black and white in law…you can plead ignorance, but you signed it, you own it.

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2 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Yup. The closet door doesn’t keep Miss Lindsey’s eyes off the objective 


It’s amusing that the RNC (Republican National Committee) was paying most of his legal bills until he declared as a candidate. Which means he calculated that the fund raising as a candidate was worth more than the free legal support.

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53 minutes ago, btb said:

What I don't understand is why Trump coughed up, OK it's coming up to the election but it's not like he was running as Mr. Squeaky Clean.

Do you mean announcing his run so he needs to go on full grift mode instead of getting the GOP to pay for his lawyers?

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Do you mean announcing his run so he needs to go on full grift mode instead of getting the GOP to pay for his lawyers?

No, more would anyone have been surprised/bothered he slept with a porn actress?

Given the other stuff he's brassnecked eg "I like to grab them by the pussy" it just surprises me he tried to buy her off.

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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I wonder if Trump will manage to appear on court without mouthing off to the judge?

Would faf if he got another contempt of court charge as well.

I’d imagine he’d have a good case against his defence for misconduct if they allowed him to take the stand. 

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The problem is that the US is so partisan that half of America will believe this is a political hit job (by a Democrat AG) and the other half believe its justice working as it should, without fear or favour.

Hopefully, the independents (who let's face it, decide US elections) realise that he is dangerous and won't buy into his propaganda. Whatever the outcome.

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