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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Yeah, I don't think there's any denying that he'd have won another term if the Coronavirus hadn't happened. He was doing just fine with the electorate. Maybe wouldn't have won the popular vote again, but might have won in a few more states.

Would have been fun to see how quietly he'd have gone in 2024.

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There are a plethora of reasons why people have bought into Trump (and still do).
In no particular order (and I'm ignoring the relative merits, short-termism, and absolute bat-shittedness of some of the thinking);
1)  It's the economy stupid!  Before the 'Chyna-virus', Americans were at work, low unemployment rates, rising wages.  People are people and first and foremost they want to provide for their families.
2)  Lower taxes (for everyone but particularly the honest hard working 1%).
4)  Stikkin it TO DA MAN!  Clearing the SWAMP!  
5)  Businessman not a politician
6)  Don't like dem foreign brown people, or whatever you're particular bigatory is, is fine, because as a 'Nationalist' President, I tacitly share your views, wink-wink.
7)  I loves me some GOD and unborn BABIES, I love the unborn BABIES, are you listening you fundamental crackpots, despite having never read a word of the Bibly, I love those unborn BABIES.
8.  I'm tough on them Chyna-ese and we takin' our joabs back.
9)  The environment is a liberal elite  hoax to keep you the 'honest Joe' down.
10)   If it wasn't for me, you'd all be talking Commie!
11)  Dissent is anti-AMERCAN, patriots vote TRUMP, traitors vote Dem.
12)  JUDGES!
13) Military spending = 'MERICAN Might!
14)  If you're still unhappy, it's because liberals/brown people/immigrants/the elite are cheating you.
15)  Good stuff = Me, bad stuff = someone else.
All of this is simple stuff that people often feel a connection with (probably even on just an emotional level).
It's not difficult to see why he's still popular.  Had it not been for the Chyna-virus, he'd still be president (think of that)!
P.S. for all my scorn, we have voted the stuffed cabbage patch doll Johnson is as London Mayor twice and Prime Minister (OK not a direct election but you know what I mean).  [emoji47]
"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

What do you mean by “not a direct election“ with regard to Johnson being PM. He took over power from Theresa May but the U.K. voted him in as PM in the last general election. Apologies in advance if I’ve misunderstood your point.
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1 minute ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

What do you mean by “not a direct election“ with regard to Johnson being PM. He took over power from May but the U.K. voted him in as PM in the last general election. Apologies in advance if I’ve misunderstood your point.

Many people would still vote Tory if a blow up doll was leader.

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4 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

What do you mean by “not a direct election“ with regard to Johnson being PM. He took over power from Theresa May but the U.K. voted him in as PM in the last general election. Apologies in advance if I’ve misunderstood your point.

What I mean is that we don't vote for PM, we vote for our local MP.  Who is PM is the choice of party members (of the most successful party), not the public at large.

Edited by aDONisSheep
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What I mean is that we don't vote for PM, we vote for our local MP.  Who is PM is the choice of party members (of the most successful party), not the public at large.

Fair enough. I was speaking to a mate last week who seemed to have genuinely completely forgotten that the last general election had ever taken place. Wondered if this was another example of the same. Thanks for clarifying.
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1 minute ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Fair enough. I was speaking to a mate last week who seemed to have genuinely completely forgotten that the last general election had ever taken place. Wondered if this was another example of the same. Thanks for clarifying.

hairy muff 🙂

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If Trump had even secured $2000 checks for everyone then he potentially staggers over the line. If they’re eventually approved under Biden then that has to be seen as a masterstroke from the Dems and the Republicans that wanted rid.

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I find it hard to understand if Trump supporters really believe their own rhetoric regarding stolen elections and all the QAnon stuff.  Are the conspiracy theories just intellectual laziness or is there an element of genuine belief?

It’s like these Evangelical preachers; they either know what they’re doing is simply a scam, in which case it’s criminal, or they genuinely believe they are communicating with/speaking for a divine being, in which case they’re nuts.


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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I find it hard to understand if Trump supporters really believe their own rhetoric regarding stolen elections and all the QAnon stuff.  Are the conspiracy theories just intellectual laziness or is there an element of genuine belief?

It’s like these Evangelical preachers; they either know what they’re doing is simply a scam, in which case it’s criminal, or they genuinely believe they are communicating with/speaking for a divine being, in which case they’re nuts.


I have two brother's-in-law who are fanatical Christians. They believe every single word in the bible.

I once told one of them that if Satan caused the great flood it would have been an act of evil. Did not go down well.

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I find it hard to understand if Trump supporters really believe their own rhetoric regarding stolen elections and all the QAnon stuff.  Are the conspiracy theories just intellectual laziness or is there an element of genuine belief?
It’s like these Evangelical preachers; they either know what they’re doing is simply a scam, in which case it’s criminal, or they genuinely believe they are communicating with/speaking for a divine being, in which case they’re nuts.

The initial Q proponents are pretty much confirmed as at it but plenty of supporters are full believers. Will Sommer was talking about his correspondence with supporters on Chapo and was mentioning that he’s spoken to supporters who have traumatic experiences like being diagnosed with cancer or having children with severe disabilities coinciding with America’s dreadful healthcare system and concluding thanks to conspiracies like Q that the problem is that the deep state is deliberately withholding their cures.
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The problem is that we're all prone to bias.  All these sub-cultures are inclusive and supportive (if you buy into them).  They are self perpetuating, people want to believe, what they want to believe and in a world of 8bn people if you go looking others with similar views, you can find it.  They confirm your bias and you go again



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Trump tweeted this when it was all kicking off, since deleted.


“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

Funny thing to say to the people he later called defilers who carried out a heinous attack and will be punished.

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Watching Trump deny a democratic result, has a striking resemblance to Scotland and denial of both the 2014 Independence Referendum and the 2016 EU Referendum results.

Thankfully the denial remains largely peaceful protest.

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3 minutes ago, Auld Heid said:

Watching Trump deny a democratic result, has a striking resemblance to Scotland and denial of both the 2014 Independence Referendum and the 2016 EU Referendum results.

Thankfully the denial remains largely peaceful protest.

America got the chance to reconsider 4 years later.

Edited by welshbairn
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