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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Hannity taking time on Fox News to deny he has had a lifetime free pasta pass revoked as part of this was an interesting turn. Really covering the important issues.

Him and Tucker Carlson have been a great watch the last couple of days. 

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7 hours ago, Blootoon87 said:

Permanently suspended from Twitter.

Given all the ongoing mayhem in certain other countries that have undergone western mainstream media backed Twitter-driven attempts at regime change (e.g. Libya or Syria) there is a certain delicious irony to the United States eventually having a problem with this as well. 

Scary though that around half of Republican voters think the attack on the Capitol was justified according to some opinion polling and what might happen if they now silo themselves on parler creating an echo chamber in which there are very few voices contradicting their world view.

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On what medium? He's been fucked off Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 
Has he got a dormant Bebo account?
This is brilliant. The leader of the fucking free world emptied from social media for basically being a shit-stirring liar [emoji23]
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21 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Seems to have been missed that as well as Donnie, top political cartoonist Ben Garrison has also been removed from twitter. What's everyone's favourite BG cartoon? This is mine 



It's not even close



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America hasn't really evolved since the Gangs of New York 19th century era of massive City Hall corruption and hired thugs organizing fools and people on the make. They even use the same archaic language, like defiling the Capitol, sacred landslide election victory, great patriots etc.

Edited by welshbairn
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2 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Muh followers

Hard to believe that any of those dreary p***ks thought that people followed them on Twitter for any reason other than the jobs they're about to leave, and to keep tabs on the screaming dumpster fire that they worked for  :lol:

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

America hasn't really evolved since the Gangs of New York 19th century era of massive City Hall corruption and hired thugs organizing fools and people on the make. They even use the same archaic language, like defiling the Capitol, sacred landslide election victory, great patriots etc.

Can't wait for dorlomin to quote this in 3 weeks with his usual comradely charm

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Loads of dodgy accounts have been banned. If you've lost a shitload of followers, maybe consider that you might be a fucking right wing looney tune nutcase followed by people even more fucking mental than you are before crying yourself to sleep in a tin foil sleeping bag about Big Tech. 

Dont imagine they're going to get the numbers for impeachment. Utterly astonishing. If inciting a mob to attack the capitol to overturn a legitimate election isn't an impeachable offence, what on earth did they have in mind when they came up with the concept? Can't imagine it was getting a blowjob and telling a lie about it. 

I might have to ditch twitter if he doesn't go - it's not good for the mental health. Had a good 6 months off after he first got elected I was so pissed off. 

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