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The Official Former President Trump thread


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6 minutes ago, TxRover said:

He pleaded guilty to conspiring with Trump and others in attempting to subvert the 2020 presidential election, potentially more serious for Donald than the flippers who have gone before.

Edited by welshbairn
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Trump complaining that he was forced to be at the New York trial instead of campaigning in New Hampshire, then when asked if he'd be back tomorrow replied probably not, he's got a major pro-am golf tournament on. :1eye

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Alex Jones will not be able to use his bankruptcy to avoid his debts to the Sandyhook families.

OK they’re only going to get a pittance but hopefully there will be eyes on every cent he has and earns in the future.  Hopefully he will try some scam to avoid this and end up in the pokey.


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16 hours ago, welshbairn said:

They're all coming out of the woodwork now that the scary wrestler is out of the picture, apparently Jordon only got 80 votes in the secret ballot.

Runners and riders 

Final vote on of Jordan should continue to run was apparently 112-86. The 112 is a key figure, as that’s a clear majority of the Republican caucus (221 members). Meanwhile, Trump’s allies already attacking the de facto front runner, Emmer. Emmer’s the only remaining member of the R House team who has won an internal vote before, but even though he signed on asking the Supreme Court to overturn the election in 2020, he also voted the “wrong way” against Trump in the end. Bannon apparently spent his whole show slating Emmer.

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On 20/10/2023 at 20:54, TxRover said:

Thanks for showing, once again, your complete inability to read and comprehend a simple statement of facts. I said nothing about Trump’s ability to win the Republican nomination, I simply pointed out his fund raising is proceeding at a rate below replacement, and thus will reduce his ability to transfer any funds toward the primary challengers that he loves to threaten people with. Now, as for the polls, it’s far too soon to start throwing out that kind of shite, especially with trials to come and both leading contenders in the negative numbers.

Your fixation with fund-raising figures is completely absurd in light of the Republican Party being already captured by Trump, who sucks in all the political oxygen in any given room. He really doesn't need money from traditional sources to tilt the odds in favour of his candidates within Republican primaries. 


As for your preoccupation with Biden’s dodderiness, surely that’s a transference of concern at your rapidly aging state and deteriorating mental acuity.

Bless, I was waiting for when Pop Psychology for Dummies would get it's inevitable rollout in your litany of fail. And so... here we are. 

It's really not anything to do with me that the majority of the American public themselves recognise the obvious fact that their geriatric head of state is incompetent to run for a full second term. You and I may agree that Trump should also be disqualified from running for all sorts of reasons, but that's not how the system is going to work. 


Finally, I expressed a belief that the moderate Republicans were sending a message with more steadily defecting from the Trumpanzee camp on each vote, so you can continue to believe whatever you wish as you look guiltily around before sneaking into your dank outbuilding to visit your shrine to whatever bitter and vindictive god it is you worship.

Any 'message' that moderate Republicans may choose to send is irrelevant in light of the already established, near-total capture of their party by the Trump faction. It's not 2015 any more - their views are not serious. A shutdown of Congress - which is where this discussion started - only favours Trump's faction because their M.O. is to point to a democratic political system that 'isn't working', which makes it easier to demolish without uproar.

So quite why anyone is taking victory laps that the Democrats and moderate Republicans have to date merely denied a Trumpist candidate being elected - while completely failing to actually solve the outstanding problem - is anyone's guess. This is why politics in every democracy has gone to shit since the Twitter hot-take phenomenon emerged. 

Edited by vikingTON
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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Your fixation with fund-raising figures is completely absurd in light of the Republican Party being already captured by Trump, who sucks in all the political oxygen in any given room. He really doesn't need money from traditional sources to tilt the odds in favour of his candidates within Republican primaries. 

Bless, I was waiting for when Pop Psychology for Dummies would get it's inevitable rollout in your litany of fail. And so... here we are. 

It's really not anything to do with me that the majority of the American public themselves recognise the obvious fact that their geriatric head of state is incompetent to run for a full second term. You and I may agree that Trump should also be disqualified from running for all sorts of reasons, but that's not how the system is going to work. 

Any 'message' that moderate Republicans may choose to send is irrelevant in light of the already established, near-total capture of their party by the Trump faction. It's not 2015 any more - their views are not serious. A shutdown of Congress - which is where this discussion started - only favours Trump's faction because their M.O. is to point to a democratic political system that 'isn't working', which makes it easier to demolish without uproar.

So quite why anyone is taking victory laps that the Democrats and moderate Republicans have to date merely denied a Trumpist candidate being elected - while completely failing to actually solve the outstanding problem - is anyone's guess. This is why politics in every democracy has gone to shit since the Twitter hot-take phenomenon emerged. 

Dear, dear, it must then be shocking to you that the Trump wing is now in a fight to even keep a minor ally in the Speaker of the House role, eh? Trump, as a force in the Republican Party, is waning, and your stubborn unwillingness to consider that possibility is enough of a sign that you might need someone to dab the corners of your mouth.

The “shutdown” of Congress has already backfired on the Trump faction because all their “trumps” have been eliminated from contention. The institutional wing/Bush wing of the Republican Party is now in the ascendancy in the House, which is potentially bad for Democrats in the 2024 election if Trump is removed from the scene due to legal issues.

You have, for once, stumbled onto a correct assessment of the bomb-throwing Trump faction as a group fundamentally unwilling (and unable) to govern, but rather suited to opposition because all they do is seek likes and retweets.

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On 20/10/2023 at 12:43, Trogdor said:

To show how far removed I am from this I genuinely thought cheesebro was an allias for some sort of cheddar baron. Like pharmabro was for that cretin who raised the price of aids medication.

Gordon Ramsay Facepalm GIF by Masterchef

Could be a thing in Wisconsin, but probably not Georgia. 

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

Dear, dear, it must then be shocking to you that the Trump wing is now in a fight to even keep a minor ally in the Speaker of the House role, eh? Trump, as a force in the Republican Party, is waning, and your stubborn unwillingness to consider that possibility is enough of a sign that you might need someone to dab the corners of your mouth.

Only an absolute moron would judge Trump to be a 'waning' force within a political party that he is likely to canter to winning an open primary to represent in a Presidential election next year. In a far more convincing manner than 2016. What more does he have to do to be a dominant force exactly - leaving aside your irrelevant fixation with fund-raising like it's 1992?

That the Trumpist right marginally failed to elect a House Speaker is not the great triumph you think it is. Their movement does not actually require such posts to cause fatal damage to a democratic system regardless. 

Ultimately the question must be raised about why Democrats chose to  upend McCarthy (by no means a likable figure) without actually having a viable alternative in place. The only winner from both parties trashing a democratic chamber are those who wish to demolish that democratic chamber.


The institutional wing/Bush wing of the Republican Party is now in the ascendancy in the House, which is potentially bad for Democrats in the 2024 election if Trump is removed from the scene due to legal issues.

Erm the institutional wing of the Republican Party was already and always in charge of its House/Senate positions - just as it was between 2016 and 2020.

The past month has only weakened that existing hold which - see above - is not actually as critical to the cause of an authoritarian movement as you assume it is.

Which leaves pretty much everything in your argument hanging on the always miraculous 'legal judgment' taking Trump out of the election. No mention of Trump being, err, rejected as a candidate by either main party or being trounced by a competent alternative in a Presidential election. Because neither of those options are on the table.

What a great triumph for American democracy!

Edited by vikingTON
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17 hours ago, virginton said:

Only an absolute moron would judge Trump to be a 'waning' force within a political party that he is likely to canter to winning an open primary to represent in a Presidential election next year. In a far more convincing manner than 2016. What more does he have to do to be a dominant force exactly - leaving aside your irrelevant fixation with fund-raising like it's 1992?

That the Trumpist right marginally failed to elect a House Speaker is not the great triumph you think it is. Their movement does not actually require such posts to cause fatal damage to a democratic system regardless. 

Ultimately the question must be raised about why Democrats chose to  upend McCarthy (by no means a likable figure) without actually having a viable alternative in place. The only winner from both parties trashing a democratic chamber are those who wish to demolish that democratic chamber.

Erm the institutional wing of the Republican Party was already and always in charge of its House/Senate positions - just as it was between 2016 and 2020.

The past month has only weakened that existing hold which - see above - is not actually as critical to the cause of an authoritarian movement as you assume it is.

Which leaves pretty much everything in your argument hanging on the always miraculous 'legal judgment' taking Trump out of the election. No mention of Trump being, err, rejected as a candidate by either main party or being trounced by a competent alternative in a Presidential election. Because neither of those options are on the table.

What a great triumph for American democracy!

What a complete mess of a response. Trump is nowhere near cantering, bud. To call the shitstorm on the House a marginal failure is mindblowingly ignorant. To suggest it’s the Democrats fault smacks of your potential genesis as an abused Tory voter. As for the institutional wing being in charge, do please explain why then we have a struggle to elect a Speaker of the House?

Your judgement on Trump, and an inevitable victory parade, is clearly based upon something, perhaps a recent Putin payment? You realize this isn’t the Ukraine War thread.

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Reads like our boy might be giving up on encouraging people to vote for him and suggesting they harass his opponent's voters on election day instead. I guess we'll see more of this as it becomes more apparent that he won't be winning.


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