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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Just did a little Google search to see if anyone is offering odds on who will flip next.  No luck.

Maybe Kutti?  She’s not even into politics so has no real skin in the game.


The others have increasingly less value as flips, except as a matter of clearing the decks for the main event. With testimony now available from the flippers on most events, anyone looking for a good deal may have missed the train unless they have something new. On that front the candidates would be Eastman, Meadows and Clark. Of the three, Meadows would be the crown jewel, but is the least likely to flip in my view. Much like Clark, he only faces two charges, so the pressure is probably on Eastman now.

Eastman faces nine charges, and likely significant additional Federal risk beyond what he’s already be indicted for. If he flipped, he would be a much bigger prize than Chesebro, with all of his work to overturn the election then able to be openly testified about in court. His career is destroyed, and his only future income paths are to remain chained to Trump and hope for scraps from his followers or he could follow the John Dean path and squeal.

On the whole, I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone other than a central figure pleading guilty now gets mostly a moderate reduction in sentence…and while agreeing to testify, probably won’t even be called.

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30 minutes ago, TxRover said:

ABC now reporting Mark Meadows received immunity from Jack Smith in exchange for testimony against Trump in the Federal case. If true, he might be the next to flip in Atlanta.


I think they can put a fork in Trump, he's done.

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5 hours ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

There will be some amount of tears and snotters if ol' Donny avoids the jail.

So 91/91 for Donnie in his upcoming cases then? The DA in Georgia is currently 4/0 in convictions of his codefendants in that case. Decent case it would seem. 

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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump calls Cohen ‘a proven liar’.

What’s the highest level of irony?

I dunno, he's been referring to his opponents as "fascists" lately, so either he means proper fascists instead of his piss-weak, half-hearted, incompetent variety, or he just repeats whichever descriptions of himself that hit closest to home.

Maybe we'll get to hear Biden described as a bizarre obese failure before this is through.

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6 hours ago, Trogdor said:

He's not going to jail. The US justice system is built to avoid old white men going to jail. 

Unless they've pissed off other old white men, like Madoff, or how Dick Cheney feels about his daughter.

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The reported deal that Jack Smith has made with Meadows must be the biggest blow to Trump to date.  He will have unparalleled information on Trump’s words and actions. I wonder if a deal with Willis is to follow.

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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The reported deal that Jack Smith has made with Meadows must be the biggest blow to Trump to date.  He will have unparalleled information on Trump’s words and actions. I wonder if a deal with Willis is to follow.

Fun fact: Diff'rent Strokes' Gary Coleman ran for Governor of California in 2003 and came 8th. 

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25 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

That was deliberate.  His advisers figured that the base would be confused by the leader of 'Hungry', so they chose a word more familiar to Americans. 

They'd have been OK as long as they were born before 1975 - https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/President_Cookie

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4 hours ago, ForzaViola said:

Imagine being Trump's lawyer and having to prep him for cross-examination. 

There are dozens of stories online about how difficult it was to brief him when he was President.  The attention span of a five year old with the analytic capacity to match.

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