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The Official Former President Trump thread


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I thought Fox couldn't get dumber than O'Reilly.  Then they found your man Hannity, and sunk even lower with Tucker Carlson.  But Tomi Lahern really is incapable of even remotely lateral thought.  Because she doesn't understand something, she projects onto sports people who are ten times smarter than she is.   Of course, despite the Wotsit buffoon pretending otherwise, Fox News has never been about presenting news.

She's a useful idiot. A shouty, useful idiot.
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I thought Fox couldn't get dumber than O'Reilly.  Then they found your man Hannity, and sunk even lower with Tucker Carlson.  But Tomi Lahern really is incapable of even remotely lateral thought.  Because she doesn't understand something, she projects onto sports people who are ten times smarter than she is.   Of course, despite the Wotsit buffoon pretending otherwise, Fox News has never been about presenting news.

I like to switch over to Fox News once in a while for a laugh. That Judge who just shouts all the time is hilarious.
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14 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

No, I think the fact that Donald is both unintelligent and in the early onset stages of dementia meant that, as we have seen multiple times when he speaks publicly and says things which weren't written down beforehand for him by someone else, he tried to say something similar in sentiment at least to what Obama said there but couldn't.  He couldn't manage four sentences of being a vaguely empathetic or coherent person. tbh I can see why you're pretending you would cream yourself over him practicing free throws with kitchen paper after some life-altering natural disaster, his personal attempt at comfort would probably be him saying he could make a lot of money by building a Trump Tower where the family home used to be.

Trump is clearly an intelligent person.

I'm not sure what evidence you have that he has dementia. Just a year ago he was traveling across the country giving hour long speeches day after day and giving constant press interviews. I'm sure if he had dementia we'd be able to tell.

It seems like all the other families he talked to have had nice things to say. This includes other families from the same group of soldiers who died and have come out defending his tone on the calls.

I agree with you that Trump doesn't seem like the most naturally empathetic person. He's probably very uncomfortable in these types of situations.

I'll preface this with saying that I understand what I'm about to say will upset you. Here's what I think. I think this was an instance of white and black people getting their wires crossed on what's an appropriate social interaction. This happens from time to time. It would happen to you if you learned to speak with an American accent and then started interacting with a range of black people. I think that we have a radical racialist congresswoman who considers Trump not just her political enemy, but her racial enemy. I think she knows a significant portion of her constituency believe the same. I think this congresswoman was willing to use a dead soldier to try and score political points. 

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I'm curious what Trump has done so horrendously wrong that his supporters are supposed to turn on him or risk being thrown in the same lot as North Koreans.

Did Mr. Danger really pump up George W. Bush's advisors? That might be the funniest thing I've ever seen on this forum.

If it only affects a tiny % of the population, why am I supposed to care about the Death Tax?

Dubya's speech was a joke.

1. Globalism is a policy choice. It's not inevitable. There are plenty of countries which aren't on board to the extent that the US has been over the past few decades. They remain prosperous, democratic, and plugged into the world economy. It's not like US economic growth and long term fiscal health has gotten better under post-Cold War globalism. 

2. Poisoned politics and a rise in extremism is the natural result of large movements of diverse people. It's his policies which have caused this. Your utopian vision is being proved wrong. All you had to do was look at the last wave of mass immigration to the US to see this. Foreigners brought radical ideologies and terrorism / anti-state violence was rampant. Large portions of the American public was forced to flee from their homes to avoid foreigners. Corrupt and ethnic based politics became the norm in large parts of the country. Inequality rose to unprecedented levels. The KKK reached it's height and ugly forms of nativism burst to the front lines of our politics. Some smarter left wingers who gave up on Americans ever buying into their ideas know what is happening, and it's the society they want. I suspect that Bush really believes what he says, same as believing he could turn Iraq into a democratic example for the entire Muslim world.


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Prolonged human interaction is the reason for sexual assualt according to Donald Trump.  

His tweet about people should have expected a massive number of sexual assualts in the military because men and woman serve together is fucking stupid.  That shows you his history on saying dumb things.  

How this man won is astonishing.  Did he finish School?

Edited by Antiochas III
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So Kelly, in one of the most unconscionable press conferences you’ll ever see, was wheeled out to defend the president’s grotesque lack of empathy. While you can be fair to the President and say he basically messed his words up, which is what Kelly did say, at no point did he apologise to the grieving widow, who was clearly upset by the President. One of the ugliest moments of a very ugly and malfunctioning administration.


And now Trump, as you might expect, is doubling down on Twitter, making it all about him. Utterly loathsome.

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I'd suggest watching this whole thing. Very informative, no matter what you think of me or my politics. John Kelly, who lost a son in combat, explains exactly what happens for the family in this event.

He says he's the one who told Trump that Obama did not always call families. He said it was a neutral observation and recommended that Trump not call. When Trump decided to call he followed Kelly's advice on what to say. Kelly said that when his son died it helped to hear his best friend say that his son was doing exactly what he wanted to be doing and knew exactly what he was getting into. He says that he's stunned and brokenhearted to hear a member of Congress play politics with a soldiers death.

It's flooring the position that Savage Henry is taking after seeing this video. It seems very genuine and moving.

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Guest Moomintroll
On 12/10/2017 at 20:05, KarlMarx said:

What's offensive about not standing for the anthem of black oppression?

Not really sure what the Defence of Fort M'Henry has to to do with black oppression to be fair, more a GIRFUY to us pesky Brits if you ask me.

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In amongst all this phone call stuff the major issue(s) are being missed. This thread is worth a read:

It is alleged that one, possibly more, of the US soldiers were left behind, alive, amid a chaotic rescue operation, and were slaughtered by ISIS troops.

Edited by RiG
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2 hours ago, mjw said:

Imagine being 'stunned ' at a congresswoman hearing a conversation she was allowed to listen to on speaker phone.

Not stunned at his boss defending white supremacist though.

It's ugly on so many levels.  One of those levels being the Congresswoman's milking of the attention, but certainly not the fact that she was able to listen in.  

John Kelly should never have had to go through with that, but he had to cover up Trump's pointless lies, and in doing so he actually made Trump - and himself - look worse.  

3 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Trumps that batshit mental the George W is doing the talk show rounds and looking normal :lol:

Dubya's reputation is being rehabilitated before our very eyes.  But then, so is Richard Nixon's.  

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John Kelly doesn't strike me as a guy who can be "persuaded" to hold a press conference simply to cover up for Trump.

I abhor Trump and the Alt-R movement. Until proven otherwise I'll take Kelly's words at face value. He was giving a detailed, sequential account of what happened (from his point of view).

Trump has no empathy and is extremely clumsy with words. I can imagine, on this occasion, that he was trying to do the right thing by telephoning the families. Unfortunately, getting the press off his back (for not phoning earlier) and trying to gain one-upmanship over Obama & Dubya is probably closer to the truth . The fact it is being used as a political football is distasteful.

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9 minutes ago, mike rankine said:

John Kelly doesn't strike me as a guy who can be "persuaded" to hold a press conference simply to cover up for Trump.

I abhor Trump and the Alt-R movement. Until proven otherwise I'll take Kelly's words at face value. He was giving a detailed, sequential account of what happened (from his point of view).

Trump has no empathy and is extremely clumsy with words. I can imagine, on this occasion, that he was trying to do the right thing by telephoning the families. Unfortunately, getting the press off his back (for not phoning earlier) and trying to gain one-upmanship over Obama & Dubya is probably closer to the truth . The fact it is being used as a political football is distasteful.

The press were on his back for not even mentioning the deaths until they asked why, 12 days after. It was then that he lied about phoning the families of every soldier who had died on his watch and how previous Presidents didn't bother. He also rushed out a cheque to the father of a dead soldier that he had promised months ago but, like most of his charitable promises, he conveniently forgot about. 

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