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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Trump's wasted in property and politics, he should be a pulp fiction writer. This is pure Elmore Leonard, the master.


"And then you have Sleepy Joe Biden who’s dumb as a rock,” Trump went on. “This guy was dumb on his best day and he’s not having his best day right now. He’s dumb as a rock. So you have Sleepy Joe and his kid, who’s got a lot of problems, he got thrown out of the Navy — look, I’m not going to, it’s a problem ... so we won’t get into why. He got thrown out of the Navy and now this kid goes into Ukraine, walks away with millions of dollars, he becomes a consultant for $50,000 a month and he doesn’t know anything compared to anybody at this firm. He’s a stiff. He knows nothing. He’s walking away with $50,000."


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Oh, for a world in which news outlets refused to broadcast politicians when they deviate from the truth.

(whataboutery artists: you'll notice nobody specific is mentioned there, you can stand down)

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Prediction: impeachment ends up showing Hunter Biden to be corrupt while failing to dent Trump, fucking Joe's chances, Warren wins nomination, Trump wins in 2020.
This trump impeachment story is odd. Basically Biden's son got a multimillion pound job in a Ukrainian gas company when he had no sector experience and cant speak the language. Biden was vice president and responsible for Ukraine relations at the time.
Now trump asks Ukraine to investigate that potential corruption so the Dems are yelling to impeach trump?
I'm no political strategist but when the American public hear the basics of that story it's hard to think they're not gonna come down on trump's side.
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No interest in sticking up for the wealthy American presidential candidate, but is that not why these folk get into politics in the first place? Getting themselves and their families high-paying, work-free jobs with firms they've scratched the backs of while in power, changing laws to benefit themselves and their sponsors, that kind of thing.

The amusing thing is that some supporters of the incumbent seem to genuinely think their man is different. Must be the kind of folk who hand out their social security number and bank details to cold callers.

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51 minutes ago, Stevieda said:

This trump impeachment story is odd. Basically Biden's son got a multimillion pound job in a Ukrainian gas company when he had no sector experience and cant speak the language. Biden was vice president and responsible for Ukraine relations at the time.
Now trump asks Ukraine to investigate that potential corruption so the Dems are yelling to impeach trump?
I'm no political strategist but when the American public hear the basics of that story it's hard to think they're not gonna come down on trump's side.

I don't think the dirt search on the Bidens will come up with much. Biden's son got a job at pretty standard rates for a petrochemical company director, no doubt helped by his Dad's name, but in his mid 40's with a decent CV. He stayed with it for 5 years. About a year after he started there were complaints by the likes of the IMF and others that the Chief Prosecutor was taking it too easy investigating corruption, especially friends of the old President who'd ran off to Russia with squillions. Obama sent Biden Snr out to tell them to sort it out, not lay off investigating but increase it. According to all the officials in Ukraine the company Biden Jnr was working for was not under investigation anyway, despite massive pressure from Trump to say the contrary. Whatever is the truth probably doesn't matter though, whoever spins the best story wins, and most people will decide on who they like most or hate least.

Edited by welshbairn
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I don't think the dirt search on the Bidens will come up with much. Biden's son got a job at pretty standard rates for a petrochemical company director, no doubt helped by his Dad's name, but in his mid 40's with a decent CV. He stayed with it for 5 years. About a year after he started there were complaints by the likes of the IMF and others that the Chief Prosecutor was taking it too easy investigating corruption, especially friends of the old President who'd ran off to Russia with squillions. Obama sent Biden Snr out to tell them to sort it out, not lay off investigating but increase it. According to all the officials in Ukraine the company Biden Jnr was not under investigation anyway, despite massive pressure from Trump to say the contrary. Whatever is the truth probably doesn't matter though, whoever spins the best story wins, and most people will decide on who they like most or hate least.

You put it politely but accurately. It’s basically an insane infowars conspiracy theory. There’s absolutely no legitimate reason for Trump to be bringing this up now. It’s also completely irrelevant, as even if were Trump wishing to improve corruption in Ukraine (and quite clearly he doesn’t give a crap about corruption in the UK), you don’t investigate that corruption by encouraging foreign leaders to meet with civilian personal lawyers and the head of the justice department on the hush hush.

This will all come down to whether enough voters think the news of the last 48 hours is worth a string of beans.

Incidentally, my favourite part of the memorandum was the dictated section where Trump appears to believe the “missing DNC server” is laying around somewhere in an office in Ukraine.
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Warren is different and has actually got some good stuff done, but she'll just get portrayed as a shrill woman and lose.

Who is Trumpy boy most afraid of? Quite clearly it’s Biden. I like Warren too, I prefer a couple of the candidates in fact, but Biden is the guy who will win the swing states. The electoral college is all that matters, alas.
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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:

Who is Trumpy boy most afraid of? Quite clearly it’s Biden. I like Warren too, I prefer a couple of the candidates in fact, but Biden is the guy who will win the swing states. The electoral college is all that matters, alas.


Warren is overtaking Biden gradually as folk become aware of his limitations though.  She's excellent.

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Joe is senile. He'll f**k his own chances.
Yeah I'd be surprised if he wins the nomination, he havers a lot of nonsense and has some sketchy stories in his past. I think when it gets down to it, some will pull out and back each other (Warren, Bernie or maybe Harris).

If it's Trump V Biden, I think it's all set for another Hillary where Democrats stay at home in the crucial states. Someone else may at least try to articulate something on poverty and globalisation that counters Trump's appeal in the rust belt.
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11 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

No interest in sticking up for the wealthy American presidential candidate, but is that not why these folk get into politics in the first place? Getting themselves and their families high-paying, work-free jobs with firms they've scratched the backs of while in power, changing laws to benefit themselves and their sponsors, that kind of thing.

The amusing thing is that some supporters of the incumbent seem to genuinely think their man is different. Must be the kind of folk who hand out their social security number and bank details to cold callers.

Message me your phone number, I've mislaid it...

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Much as I rate Sanders he's just too old for the job, as is Biden, they'd both be 80 half way through their first term. Having Trump as the young blood in a fight would be ridiculous. Final TV debate between Sanders and Biden:


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Yeah I'd be surprised if he wins the nomination, he havers a lot of nonsense and has some sketchy stories in his past. I think when it gets down to it, some will pull out and back each other (Warren, Bernie or maybe Harris).

If it's Trump V Biden, I think it's all set for another Hillary where Democrats stay at home in the crucial states. Someone else may at least try to articulate something on poverty and globalisation that counters Trump's appeal in the rust belt.

The crucial states are precisely where Biden does best. He beats Trump consistently in literally all of them. On a national level, it’s not important how popular he is - 2020 is entirely about the swing states where Clinton did so badly, and winning the electoral college. No Democrat stronghold is going to vote for Trump at this point.
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