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The Official Former President Trump thread


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4 hours ago, KingRocketman II said:

Debating with Trump - Christ,  the Mark Twain quote about never arguing with an idiot would never be more apt. 

It's a cross between that, and the old internet adage about arguing with trolls.

Trump will never "lose" a debate because all he has to do is pull something horrifically vile and/or patently untrue out of his ass, the home crowd goes wild, and that's all anyone will talk about in the aftermath. Biden would be as well launching into a few rounds of The Dozens.

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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Trump will never "lose" a debate because all he has to do is pull something horrifically vile and/or patently untrue out of his ass, the home crowd goes wild, 

We call this the "Gish Gallop" after the creationist Duane Gish. 


The Gish gallop is a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott and named after the creationist Duane Gish, who used the technique frequently against proponents of evolution.[1][2]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop#:~:text=The Gish gallop is a,or strength of the arguments.

Creationists and climate change deniers have been doing this for decades.

The way to beat it is not to rebut it. Not even repeat it. In that kind of debate you people tend to trust people who they feel they share social values with. Obama was so good at these kind of things because he sounded like someone mid westerner "centerists" shared more in common with than his opponents. Clinton sounded as far from them as Trump. Biden here does not have to sound like Mr Suave to UK political nerds, all he needs to do is sound more in keeping with swing voters than Trump. Damn trying to win on facts, damn trying to build complex arguments. He needs to sound like a man who loves his wife and takes a care to be truthful. The hard boiled Trumpers will lap up Trumps OTT lies and bluster. The presidency hangs on who sounds more like the values of moderates. 

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I’ve read it a couple of times, and have absolutely no idea what his point is supposed to be. I mean, I assume he’s on about the media having a go at him, but f**k knows.
He has this bizarre habit of repeating things, as if his brain is desperately buying time. That could get him into trouble if he ever says 'Hello' in parts of the West of Scotland.
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7 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
16 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:
I’ve read it a couple of times, and have absolutely no idea what his point is supposed to be. I mean, I assume he’s on about the media having a go at him, but f**k knows.

He has this bizarre habit of repeating things, as if his brain is desperately buying time. That could get him into trouble if he ever says 'Hello' in parts of the West of Scotland.

If I have said it before I will say it again.  I am always suspicious of people who repeat themselves.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I feel whooshed did I make a joke about this and forget I made it?


Just your stuff with dorlomin yesterday about mail-in ballots, lack of polling stations and the Republicans using it for their own advantage.

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17 hours ago, NotThePars said:

He’s slumping in the polls, and now he’s going to claim the election is rigged.  He’s gearing his idiot base up to not accept the result. Wonder what he’ll say in the off chance he’s re-elected?

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Guest SJP79
5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

He’s slumping in the polls, and now he’s going to claim the election is rigged.  He’s gearing his idiot base up to not accept the result. Wonder what he’ll say in the off chance he’s re-elected?

Really hope he does'nt get re-elected. 

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:

Think his internal polling must be horrific reading.  This isn’t him bumping his gums - he’s scared.

It could be. But I do not think he is really the kind of delve too deep into polling numbers.

I strongly suspect much of the wave he rode to power is receding and he is facing a very different world and Democratic Party.

The 2016 party was very internationalist, holding to the free trade consensus of the past 25 years. But now the Democratic candidates were trying to out protectionist each other on issues like China tariffs during the presidential nominations. For them a pivot towards talking about protecting American jobs is a strong appeal to much more of their base in rust belt states than promising more NAFTA, WTO, China. Trump has broken that system and they are happy to walk through the hole he made. This is not great for the UK and EU but thats for another thread. 

The anti Obama hype is no longer there. There is not really the anti Hillary vibe around Biden, all he has to be is not Trump this time around, last time around all Trump had to be was not Hillary\Obama. 

Covid has hurt him with middle class America. For all the videos of clowns refusing to wear masks, they are the exception. 



But the earthquake that like has broken his spirit is the wake of Black Lives Matter. That stunt with the bible, hurt, it hit to the core of a lot of Christian values. People will still line up to get an anti abortion president putting people in courts, but that sucked a lot of enthusiasm for him out of  mainstream Christians. 

The military turning on him as he tried to dial up the populism, senior generals making veiled statements. This hurt. 

And nothing has blown open the zietgeist of his "redneck rebellion" quite like NASCAR banning the stars and bars then all the drivers and pit crew walking behind Bubba Wallace's car in solidarity against a racist incident. 


And finally NFL allowing kneeling. 

He looks a man out of his time and place. Its not 2016 anymore and Tusla proved it to him this week. 

All he has for now is the (as mentioned) loyalty to his views on abortion, second amendment and some anti immigration rhetoric. 

Times change quickly something may spark a big wave of support for the police or something.


Edited by dorlomin
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20 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


They’re running ads in solid blue DC to placate him by the looks of it


They were talking about this on the Bulwark podcast the other week, I think.  His team are basically cowards and incompetents who are financially tied to Trump, and it’s only malevolence and apathy that will get him a second term at this rate.   Great to see.

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49 minutes ago, RiG said:

Makes perfect sense really. No testing = no coronavirus.

Well that's fucked the line from his comms team that he was only kidding when he said this at the rally in Tulsa.

He's about 2 steps away from "f**k it - if you die, you die". Which is news to nobody because that's clearly what he thinks anyway.  But he's eventually just going to say it. 

After November he'll spend the rest of his life raising and defending lawsuits. Not much change from before right enough. With a bit of luck he'll be deid soon. 

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