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20 hours ago, Ric said:

Really? The definitive version of Mafia 3 is terrible, considerably worse than the original version. I fear the state their remake of the first game will be like.

Mafia 1 original was a classic, no doubting it, I still love that sweeping intro with the music changing tempo as it takes you through the city, with it ending seamlessly with you starting the game.


Thing is play it now and it's aged badly - understandably mind, but it's not good. Mafia 2 was sort of OK, but didn't really progress the game, while 3 was just a mess.

My biggest hope is that it goes as well as the FF7 remake. My biggest worry is that it will be super buggy or they try and change too much.

Keeping the classic game and just give it a facelift would be fine for me.


I would also be excited about a Half-Life reboot.

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I'm just getting round to Bioshock. Had it in my library for ages.

First impressions are setting and atmosphere are really, really good. Sound effects and controls are clunky and offputting.

I've got a few different guns and plasmid things. The combat is generally uninteresting but I'm only a couple of hours in and I'm sure the game has more to come.

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I'm just getting round to Bioshock. Had it in my library for ages.
First impressions are setting and atmosphere are really, really good. Sound effects and controls are clunky and offputting.
I've got a few different guns and plasmid things. The combat is generally uninteresting but I'm only a couple of hours in and I'm sure the game has more to come.
I remember doing a run through on thay using the shock and wrench for the most of it. Zap and twat I called it
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11 hours ago, Doctor said:

Don't want to say to much if its your first time through the game but yeah Bioshocks real strength is the setting. 

Yup. Strip away the setting and it's a fairly nondescript first-person shooter. But the setting is what makes it. Take your time, don't rush it. Find all the audio diaries and really learn the lore behind it. It's amazing.

Bioshock Infinite is even better.

Infinite > 1 > 2

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Bioshock 2 had the best gameplay of the three; it's just a shame that the story was such a retcon'd mess appended to the original.

It seems to have become fashionable to dismiss Bioshock Infinite as being overrated, derivative sci-fi - I'd argue that it wasn't the story so much as the way it was told. Irrational absolutely nailed that, even more so than the first game. Just a shame that it wasn't as much fun to actually play; I definitely felt myself slogging through the combat because I wanted to find out where we were going next, rather than enjoying the action itself.

Of course, they all pale in comparison to System Shock 2  :P

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4 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Bioshock 2 had the best gameplay of the three; it's just a shame that the story was such a retcon'd mess appended to the original.

It seems to have become fashionable to dismiss Bioshock Infinite as being overrated, derivative sci-fi - I'd argue that it wasn't the story so much as the way it was told. Irrational absolutely nailed that, even more so than the first game. Just a shame that it wasn't as much fun to actually play; I definitely felt myself slogging through the combat because I wanted to find out where we were going next, rather than enjoying the action itself.

Of course, they all pale in comparison to System Shock 2  :P

I think the sci-fi aspect of Infinite was the strongest part of it as it seemed really well thought out and added to the plot with a great callback to the original. The gameplay was really dull and in the current climate the both sides position they take on Daisy Fitzroy and Comstock is misjudged at best and totally ignorant and tone deaf at worst.

Edited by NotThePars
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8 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Bioshock 2 had the best gameplay of the three; it's just a shame that the story was such a retcon'd mess appended to the original.

It seems to have become fashionable to dismiss Bioshock Infinite as being overrated, derivative sci-fi - I'd argue that it wasn't the story so much as the way it was told. Irrational absolutely nailed that, even more so than the first game. Just a shame that it wasn't as much fun to actually play; I definitely felt myself slogging through the combat because I wanted to find out where we were going next, rather than enjoying the action itself.

Of course, they all pale in comparison to System Shock 2  :P

Agree 100% with this post

See a lot of hate for Bioshock games in general but in particular Infinite which is understandable, the story is kinda convoluted and they arn't mechanically astounding games across the series. I've heard a lot of people prefer Bioshock 2 because it's "the better game" but like you say it feels like they rushed it out and tacked its narrative involvement with the first game on and in a series where setting, plot and presentation are the most well done aspects, Bioshock 2 just felt like a forced cash in on the prequels success. 

Infinite had a lot of memorable moments that even BS1 couldn't match, no point listening them out as you've played it so you'll know all the big beats- they are the most memorable partso of the game but most importantly as you said - where the **** is a system shock 2 remake! 

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Just now, Doctor said:

Agree 100% with this post

See a lot of hate for Bioshock games in general but in particular Infinite which is understandable, the story is kinda convoluted and they arn't mechanically astounding games across the series. I've heard a lot of people prefer Bioshock 2 because it's "the better game" but like you say it feels like they rushed it out and tacked its narrative involvement with the first game on and in a series where setting, plot and presentation are the most well done aspects, Bioshock 2 just felt like a forced cash in on the prequels success. 

Infinite had a lot of memorable moments that even BS1 couldn't match, no point listening them out as you've played it so you'll know all the big beats- they are the most memorable partso of the game but most importantly as you said - where the **** is a system shock 2 remake! 

I heard that Nightdive are going to move on to a System Shock 2 remake once they're done remaking of the first game, whenever that will be. Wish I could remember where I read it; hopefully it's not just a dream! It's a game that could use more than just the obvious graphical overhaul, but a complete rebalancing of the character classes. Navy is obviously the intended choice; Marine and OSA are both a pain in the hole, in different ways.

Anyone not familiar with the remake story: Nightdive started a Kickstarter for an SS1 remake years ago, worked on it until the launch date was near, then announced they were scrapping most of it and starting afresh. Apparently project drift had crept in, they felt they were moving far away from the original idea of a modern remake, and had been constructing a whole new game. The internet was outraged, and there was a lot of talk about this being a scam, that the game would never be released, etc. Meanwhile they're still posting regular updates on their progress. It's been four years now, but I'd rather they work on it until they feel they've got it right than rush something out just to keep the angry internet happy. It's not quite a Duke Nukem Forever situation yet.

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I replayed Bioshock Infinite a year or so ago and it's still one of the most beautiful things I've ever played. Still looks amazing for a 7-year-old game.

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My biggest hope is that it goes as well as the FF7 remake. My biggest worry is that it will be super buggy or they try and change too much.
Keeping the classic game and just give it a facelift would be fine for me.
I would also be excited about a Half-Life reboot.
Check out Black Mesa
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The good thing abbout Titanfall 2 multiplayer @MixuFruit is a game mode called "attrition" where there are computer controlled soldiers as well as player controlled so even if you are gash like me and your best days of multiplayer shooters were stabbing folk in call of duty you can still feel like a hero

plus the giant robots 

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On 06/08/2020 at 20:48, MixuFruit said:

Finished Titanfall 2 which was short and sweet but good fun. I kinda felt there wasn't much point in further weapon unlocks past ion, the weapons core mega laser wrecks other titans in no time. Didn't bother with multiplayer as I assume anything that's been out since 2016 is going to be mainly populated by hard core players and it's no fun as a casual. Was I wrong?

I played one match of it a month ago and I was the second best player on my team as we won.

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Is Witcher 2 any good? How does it play compared to the 3rd game? Considering trying to find it cheap online.
I know it has everybody's favourite kind of magic in it, but does it stand up to a modern play through?
The controls are horrible, especially to begin with. Once you get used to them it's brilliant.
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On 14/08/2020 at 19:33, BallochSonsFan said:

Is Witcher 2 any good? How does it play compared to the 3rd game? Considering trying to find it cheap online.

I know it has everybody's favourite kind of magic in it, but does it stand up to a modern play through?

I loved the first game. I've tried the second a few times, but haven't got into it yet. As Stellaboz says, the controls are by no means intuitive. I'm sure it is good eventually, but I think you need to spend a bit of time with it to get past the initial feeling that the game just doesn't want to be played.

Unfortunately, there's no way I'm playing 3 until I've played 2, so it feels like the nasty medicine I'll need to drink if I want to get to the good stuff. The good news is that you regularly only have to pay a couple of quid for it on GOG, so you aren't losing much.

Edit: actually, I'm pretty sure I still have a code for it on GOG, if you want it for nowt. Hit me up, bro.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Think W2 cost me like 3 euros on GOG.

Try get past the controls, forget bombs and level up strength. Honestly worth it, especially as the choices you make really define the ending and then, when playing W3 you can choose your ending after the initial prologue, which in turn defines how W3 looks like. Incredible.

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