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Old Firm Colts in L2

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3 minutes ago, haufdaft said:

I wonder if the guaranteed 250 tickets will be used to "boost" the reported attendances.

I await the compliant press reporting huge percentage increases in attendances across the league due to the Colts involvement even though the seats sit empty.

It will be the responsibility of the Colts to distribute these tickets.  So our clubs have to provide 250 tickets for less than the adult admission where the colts teams can provide access to their supporters for less than the home fans??????

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A. League 2 clubs could benefit from extra money like I said in the opening post

Utter tripe, a great number of L2 fans will stay away if Colts are allowed in, do you really think an annual payment of £15k will make up for this lost Season Ticket / Pay at gate revenue, not to mention Hospitality, club shirts & merchandise.

B. The same clubs that want to stay in the Highland & Lowland Leagues? Nothing but they will still be able to get promoted

Why implement a pyramid system then? I’m pretty sure all HL & LL clubs played their play-off games? It’s parachuting a club with money in one case, and a club who thinks they have money in over & above real clubs, with real fans who turn up every week to see their team compete.


C. A lot more players (18-21) will play within the old firm teams and they will develop a footballing DNA

What is footballing DNA? Does it mean these players will be taller? It’s a load of shite just like Strachans comments after another failure to qualify for a major tournament. The younger players already have an opportunity to play competitive games against more experienced players- it’s called the loan system.


D. Who knows I believe it could benefit them having OF cast offs who don’t make it and they will have a 21 year old with 100 appearances and more experience then most

Yeah, because the OF have the best youth teams? Not according to the league that one of them currently play in, the other arse cheek doesn’t even compete in Scotland.

E. A chance to develop together and form a footballing DNA. And to improve quality of football within the lower leagues

Can’t even be arsed to reply to this utter tripe.


F. Will improve massively and will encourage more B Teams

B teams or reserves should play against other B teams or reserves, in a separate league structure.


This whole idea is proposed to benefit Scottish Football, which in the authorities eyes is the OF.

Although I’d argue that it won’t benefit them in player development as they will probably get trounced every week, which will breed a generation of young guys into a losing mentality.

But let’s imagine that the colts do well & finish above mid-table.

Then we have, what happens after the 2 year trial period? Do Aberdeen, Hibs, Hearts etc want to join? Do we have a 20 team L2? No, relegation / promotion will be introduced & we will lose teams who are well supported locally forever. It’s shite for everyone involved & anyone supporting this is either stupid or doesn’t care about Scottish Football.

I’m from Montrose & I’d be heartbroken if Arbroath went out of business.


ETA- my computer skills are shite, so my answers to yours are in the quoted post, please read fellas!

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If this is purely about improving the National team we'd be better off flooding (no pun intended) the sperm banks of Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Spain et al with our good wholesome Scottish spunk.

We could get @Dryhorce to keep track of everyones progress.......

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Will the colt teams play each other? If so, at what neutral ground, as both teams will need to play an “away” fixture. It’s farcical & will be the potential death knell to many lower league clubs as fans stay away & as will happen, promotion will be allowed & more Premiership clubs get involved, aye, let’s have 4 leagues of this. Utter pish!

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That many?
Somebody said eight required to say no
Am I correct in saying that this "pilot" will purely be decided by the current L2 teams therefore will not require the agreed upon votes to be successfully implimented.

The other 3 leagues won't have a say even though L1 relegated teams will be affected and possibly current Championship sides who me be relegated twice in a row.

SFA have clearly done their homework (and bribery) and figured out a way to squeeze this through.
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Am I correct in saying that this "pilot" will purely be decided by the current L2 teams therefore will not require the agreed upon votes to be successfully implimented.

The other 3 leagues won't have a say even though L1 relegated teams will be affected and possibly current Championship sides who me be relegated twice in a row.

SFA have clearly done their homework (and bribery) and figured out a way to squeeze this through.

No you are not correct
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Dear Mr Campbell

What is the club's position on the proposed move to introduce Colt sides to League Two?  Along with many other supporters I believe this to be a disastrous and nonsensical idea that will be to the detriment of Scottish football. I would hope that Falkirk FC, as a forward-thinking community club with a strong record of youth development will show some leadership by publicly opposing these plans.
I look forward to your reply

Reply from Falkirk Chairman


We have been contacted by a few supporters regarding this. Really useful to get a broader view on opinion.


As this stage we haven’t seen any detailed proposals from the SPFL so difficult to comment. 


As with all proposals that affect League set up we will consider in detail when we receive them and make any statement as appropriate. 


Sorry I can’t be any more specific at this stage. I can’t really be until we learn more about the detail. 


All the best. 


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I'd be hugely against the idea of 'Colt' sides, even if Ross County or St Johnstone were the driving force behind it.
How can the same net effect of improving young players not be achieved by loaning them out to lower league clubs? Even if there is a benefit, how will this be significant enough to justify changing Scottish football so drastically and pissing off supporters?

Well I guess the conclusion is that loaning them out to lower league clubs isn't delivering the desired end product so an alternative plan is mooted which might indeed work better in terms of overall development - or it might not. Try something different though is a call made by fans all the time so difficult to be that critical of the basic idea. However, just looking at it in that one dimensional way is ignoring the many downsides which many will feel outweigh the potential positives.
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Email to the club.


Dear Raith Rovers,

Can I please query the club's position on the proposed move to introduce Colt sides to League Two?  Along with many other supporters I believe this to be a disastrous and nonsensical idea that will be to the detriment of Scottish football. I would hope that Raith Rovers as a forward-thinking community club with a strong record of youth development and opposing 'bullying' from Scotlands two largest clubs will show some leadership by publicly opposing these plans.
Not only is this a disaster for established L2 clubs, it is very likely the start of a slippery slope. As the dreadful attendances across scottish football have shown when senior sides have played colt sides in the cup, I am confident that the vast majority of proper football fans agree. I think it is importnat to note that myself, and our 6 season ticket holding 'home and away' group will never attend any Raith Rovers games where we play colt sides. 
I very much look forward to your reply.
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2 hours ago, mrman2011 said:

Im a big fan of B teams and believe it will work to the benefit of everyone in Scottish Football, amount of kids playing in lower leagues will increase. I do believe that a bit of money should go to the teams way , which they could spend on upgrading their clubs


  • Turns League 1&2 into Development leagues. Don't want to make an assumption on who you support but would you be happy if Man U, City, Chelsea, etc played U21 teams in the top flight of Scottish football? Just because teams are less supported doesn't mean their competition is any less important
  • Leagues too small for it to work. potentially teams finishing 6th out of 12 teams getting promoted
  • Sporting integrity out the window with teams not being able to be relegated, them leap frogging to league levels and money to bribe chairman to go against wish of their fans
  • Will likely cost teams higher up league 1, Championship and potential some SP clubs young promising players. St Mirren as an example. We have five or six promising young players loaned to league 1/ 2 teams right now. Potentially difficult to keep them when they could have their head turned signing for bigger clubs yet playing at the same level
  • SPFL are saying the whole point (they're lying, the point is only to benefit Rangers and Celtic) is to develop better Scottish quality young players. Players good enough to play at a World Cup final will not still be playing at Scottish league 1/2 level at 19/ 20 years old
  • If the SPFL, Rangers or Celtic really want to better develop young Scottish players why is there nothing in the plan that players have to be home grown? Why are they not campaigning for more homegrown players in starting 11s?
  • Not to mention the main point, it will take football fans away from their clubs. Fans have already voted with their feet at Challenge cup games and that will continue. 
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