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P&B Bird Watch


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15 hours ago, sugna said:

The mallards were at it on the Almond, too. The drakes are not generous lovers.

We saw an interesting encounter between the 4 goldeneyes (2 pairs) and the drake merganser: it almost looked as thought the merganser was going to abandon his mate to join up with the goldeneyes, as the mergansers swam upstream past them. I like to think they were fooled by the drake goldeneyes' colour scheme.

Too early in the morning to come up with a witty caption...





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2 hours ago, The Mantis said:


Too early in the morning to come up with a witty caption...


"Rake of a Drake in Ducks Amuck Pond Porn" - The RSPB newsletter

"Rare Shag spotted on Lothian pond" - Spotters Weekly

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Just now, The Mantis said:

3rd one's a Treecreeper.

I know. I momentarily forgot I'd put the pic up 😂. Nearly had the pic of the day at musselburgh - kestrel on a post, clear as day. Set up to the take the photo, all of a sudden Two crows appear and get a bit close to the kestrel, which in turn gets a bit annoyed and chases them off and doesn't come back. Opportunity missed. 

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We get a lot of rainbow lorikeets in our area and they can be noisy wee buggers. This was the other morning in a tree near our back door. You won’t see much of them in this but hopefully you’ll here them. They’re even noisier when they fly off together.

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Saw a bit of the long staying Ringnecked Duck in the west end yesterday...it's a vagrant from North America, but it's settling in nicely enough that it seems to have found itself a GI bride in the shape of a female Tufted Duck. No idea what a hybrid between the two species would look like, but let's hope they don't inherit their old man's bizarre-shaped heid...

A Busy Twenty Four Hours A Rare Duck Cuba Optics Demo



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