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Blast From The Past!

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Big Daddy wrestling Giant Haystacks on a Saturday afternoon anyone? We all used to love watching them fight each other screaming at the TV for Big Daddy to batter the shit right out of Giant Haystacks.

The tag team was the best one to watch, Big Daddy's tag partner getting slammed all over the ring like a rag doll and all sorts of slamming on top of the poor guy. Big Daddy's partner always trying to get that all important tag in but never quite gets the tag and then when you think Giant Haystacks is going to win somehow he makes the tag and Big Daddy then runs into the ring battering the complete shit out of Giant Haystacks with the crowd in uproar as well as us at home because Giant Haystacks was shitting bricks and getting rag-dolled all over the shop. I know it's theatre but as a wee kid this was a real exciting fight to watch.


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As a 70s child primary school history lessons used to consist of the TV getting wheeled into the classroom and we would get to watch How We Used To Live.





The added bonus was that as it was almost lunchtime when it finished we would get to watch the next programme, which was usually this...





Or this...




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