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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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On 7/19/2017 at 10:16, LongTimeLurker said:

Latest Scotland subpoll numbers for a repeat Westminster election over the last week or so:

ICM Lab 30 SNP 27 Con 17 LD 4 DK/refuse 16

Survation SNP 32.5 Lab 25.3 Con 22.0 LD 12.5

Opinium SNP 35 Con 31 Lab 29 LD 1

YouGov SNP 36 Lab 31 Con 25 LD 5

Combined you get a pretty decent sample size. Looks like the SNP would probably lose a few more to Labour but might gain a few back from the Tories. Not long to wait now until the negative impacts of Brexit become much more obvious to people and it will be interesting to see what unfolds after that.

If there was an election I don't believe the SNP would run as near a bad campaign as they did at the last one.

It was the election the SNP didn't want and it showed in the campaign. They thought we'll lose a few seats and move on.

It was a very lackluster tired looking campaign and they paid the price for that. They simply never gave a reason for SNP voters to leave the house and vote - and of course many of them didn't

Corbyn is going through a good period just now but it seems superficial and I don't believe it will last. A slight dip in fortune and he'll be target no.1 again by the Blairites.   


Tories are in disarray and it will be interesting to see who takes over from May - who most definitely won't lead another election campaign.

The Libdems will hope for more tactical voting in Scotland to enable them to keep the seats they won. Apart from that they're irrelevant.

Then you have Brexit. How that unfolds will be interesting for every party and for Independence itself 

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38 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

If there was an election I don't believe the SNP would run as near a bad campaign as they did at the last one.

It was the election the SNP didn't want and it showed in the campaign. They thought we'll lose a few seats and move on.

It was a very lackluster tired looking campaign and they paid the price for that. They simply never gave a reason for SNP voters to leave the house and vote - and of course many of them didn't

Corbyn is going through a good period just now but it seems superficial and I don't believe it will last. A slight dip in fortune and he'll be target no.1 again by the Blairites.   


Tories are in disarray and it will be interesting to see who takes over from May - who most definitely won't lead another election campaign.

The Libdems will hope for more tactical voting in Scotland to enable them to keep the seats they won. Apart from that they're irrelevant.

Then you have Brexit. How that unfolds will be interesting for every party and for Independence itself 

If there is an election any time soon it will be dominated by the Brexit issue.  Corbyn's position on Europe will come under a great deal more scrutiny; as things stand his position on the EU is no more credible than the Tory one.  That would hopefully be exposed.


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Who's going to hoover up this apparent Remain bloc who will abandon a proper left of centre Labour Party? The Lib Dems? A Sensible Centrist Party led by JK Rowling, Richard Osman and Gary Lineker or are we going to have the SNP standing UK wide?

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Has to be the Lib Dems eventually south of the border, but they have lost many of their most able politicians over the last two elections so a repeat of Cleggmania isn't easy to engineer and Labour voters in the Tory shires are still a lot less inclined to vote tactically than they used to be after what happened with the coalition. Corbyn's window of opportunity will probably be quite narrow because pro-Remain centrists and hard left Syriza/Podemos style populists are unlikely to stay in one place electorally for long and the Tories and DUP are unlikely to go to the polls before the Brexit negotiations have fully unfolded. At that point the Tories will probably ditch Theresa May and might try their luck at the polls if the opinion poll numbers look solid in a new leader honeymoon sort of way, but that may be too late for Corbyn.

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8 hours ago, bob the tank said:

Corbyn showing his true colours by targeting SNP seats in the next election, rather than Tory ones. The SNP would back him in power, but the hatred them and entitlement of labour, just shows that labour and Tory are two cheeks of the same arse

He's targetting both though. And given there's Labour/SNP marginals they have a shot at, I don't really see the issue here. If they're to win an election, it's really a case of trying to win everything they can.

I don't really forsee much success for them. A little probably, but not much more than that.

Edited by Randy Giles
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Corbyn showing his true colours by targeting SNP seats in the next election, rather than Tory ones. The SNP would back him in power, but the hatred them and entitlement of labour, just shows that labour and Tory are two cheeks of the same arse

A left and right cheek then ?
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Corbyn can tell Scottish students how he's going to get rid of tuition fees and promise the wider population that he will scrap Trident.

He will win support for his objectives of creating greater fairness with his promise to abolish prescription charges and the bedroom tax.



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He's targetting both though.


Which Tory seats in Scotland is Jeremy Corbyn targeting? Be extremely specific. And while you're there, also try to specifically demonstrate how winning marginal seats from the SNP would contribute towards Jeremy Corbyn being more likely to overcome the existing Tory/DUP bloc at Westminster. Given that it is literally the case of two opposition parties swapping seats.




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Which Tory seats in Scotland is Jeremy Corbyn targeting? Be extremely specific. And while you're there, also try to specifically demonstrate how winning marginal seats from the SNP would contribute towards Jeremy Corbyn being more likely to overcome the existing Tory/DUP bloc at Westminster. Given that it is literally the case of two opposition parties swapping seats.

Corbyn's had his moment in the sun (or as close as he'll ever get). He's barely landed a blow on the tories since the election and both he and SLab will soon slither back to complete irrelevance.

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Corbyn's had his moment in the sun (or as close as he'll ever get). He's barely landed a blow on the tories since the election and both he and SLab will soon slither back to complete irrelevance.



That this disgrace of a government get to carry on their merry ways just because you're done with Scottish labour?
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I don't think Corbyn's had a vintage week and am particularly perturbed by his at best badly worded stuff on immigration that's why I'm supporting Jacob Rees Mogg's leadership ambitions so we can get on with putting the aristocracy's heads on spikes like we should've done ages ago.

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3 hours ago, pandarilla said:



That this disgrace of a government get to carry on their merry ways just because you're done with Scottish labour?


Dry your eyes FFS

This disgrace of a government are carrying on, arguably assisted by Scottish Labour's ludicrous tactical voting campaign. They have only themselves to blame, so quite frankly, f**k them. 

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Dry your eyes FFS
This disgrace of a government are carrying on, arguably assisted by Scottish Labour's ludicrous tactical voting campaign. They have only themselves to blame, so quite frankly, f**k them. 


f**k them, f**k right in the ear.

Thoroughly enjoying reality slamming into Corbyns bullshit this week.

Don't you just love when folk support political parties like they do their football teams?

It absolutely oozes maturity.
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3 minutes ago, pandarilla said:



Don't you just love when folk support political parties like they do their football teams?

It absolutely oozes maturity.



I can understand people's 'f**k Labour' attitude.  However there are millions of folk in the UK suffering and I think they would be suffering less if Corbyn rather than May was in Downing Street.  

Mind you Corbyn's attitude of the EU has all the hallmarks of Trump's protectionist approach and that will be his Achilles heel.

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