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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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12 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Is that true? I thought at the referendum if every other voter who didn't participate had voted no it would still have been yes.


The polls have been pretty much the same as here, without the recent pick up in Scotland. I don't think anything can be taken from that chaotic and boycotted referendum, with ballot boxes confiscated along with everything else. If the Popular Party were still in power I'd think there would have been a bigger swing towards indy, they were insane.

Edited by welshbairn
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13 minutes ago, AB de Villiers said:

They didn’t just campaign for that though. In the most recent of all elections, the UK GE, all I saw was STOP BREXIT everywhere. I know countless amounts of Labour voters that tactically voted SNP to keep the Tories out. 

We can’t just have referendums for the sake of it, they cost a LOT of the taxpayers money. I’d hope you could understand that. Given this will be a repeat referendum, there needs to be clear and consistent support. Polling around 55% for at least year straight whilst continually electing the SNP. Not the current scenario of polling at 51% once every year when there’s a huge political occurrence, then dropping back to the mid-forties when it all dies down.

If you're going to peddle the nonsense that people weren't aware the SNP wanted an independence referendum then I think I'll bow out.

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1 minute ago, AB de Villiers said:


What have I made up about you?

You’ve just posted several lies in some sort of attempt to win a debate. When you go straight to lies and ‘f**k off’ you know you’ve lost.


You said I was literally calling unionists sub-human scum when I did no such thing.

By the way, the 'lies' you're referring to wasn't about you or to you, except for the last sentence. Which was valid given the circumstances.

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3 minutes ago, AB de Villiers said:

I never explicitly referred to you, I was referring to Nationalists as a whole. Unionists are constantly ridiculed, abused and treated like sub-human scum for their political views. This is not a lie. 

You said 

Just because somebody doesn’t agree with your pro-indy views, doesn’t mean they are sub-human scum like you try to portray. It’s beyond embarrassing.

Yes, it's beyond embarrassing.

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Just now, AB de Villiers said:


Well, once again, you’re either spectacularly missing the point or choosing to bend the truth of what I said. I said independence wasn’t the only thing the SNP proposed, not that people weren’t aware.


You said "all I saw was STOP BREXIT everywhere" which suggested that you felt others may only have seen the same.

I'm well aware that people vote for parties for various reasons, I just find it a bit weird that we're selecting which parts of the mandate said party are allowed to press on with once they've won. I realise that referendums cost money, I am not an idiot. I guess I see our independence as something worth spending money on, you don't, hence these "reasons" why we can't follow through on the mandate our parliament has been given.

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Can you prove that everyone voted the SNP in ‘to deliver a referendum’?


Not only will not every SNP voter back independence, the SNP will also have recieved an inflated number of votes due to people refusing to vote Labour, tactically voting etc to keep the Tories and Brexit out.


Having an overwhelming majority in the Scottish Parliament means very little when support for independence has consisted returned a ‘No’ in 95% of polls over the last 4 years. Of the 5% of polls that have returned a ‘Yes’, they have been scattered out across a few years, and have been very narrow majorities. I’m also afraid you’re not in the position to decide what is ‘acceptable’.

Can you prove that everyone who voted for someone other than the SNP are against a referendum?


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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Here's a radical thought. Why not get the polls to routinely show a string Yes preference first before saying all this?

Actually I agree somewhat.

I think the polls need to stay firmly on Yes from this point onward. Any deviation is a big step backwards.

I can still state my opinion though.

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15 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

We found out. In 2014.

Like it or not, the Tories are not going to just hand over this power until the Yes side can demonstrate sustained polling for Independence and that sufficient time has passed to respect the last result.

Really? You think Johnson/Tory party will transfer the powers to have a referendum when the yes side have a significant and sustained lead?

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20 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

We found out. In 2014.

Like it or not, the Tories are not going to just hand over this power until the Yes side can demonstrate sustained polling for Independence and that sufficient time has passed to respect the last result.

We could have sustained polling for 100 years and it won't be handed over. 

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23 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

We found out. In 2014.

Like it or not, the Tories are not going to just hand over this power until the Yes side can demonstrate sustained polling for Independence and that sufficient time has passed to respect the last result.

 You mean the Tories who got 43%, and the SNP who have won every election since 2014 on a bigger share? I'd have said that was a mandate for a referendum at the very least.

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9 hours ago, Donathan said:

I’m fairly pessimistic about the prospect of international community support for self-determination in Scotland. Catalonia certainly hasn’t enjoyed such support.

The Eu doesn't interfere in the internal matters of member states. There's been some support in the nordic nations though.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

People do not, never have and never will vote in a General Election on a single issue.


^^^^ Forgets about the ignorant, ageing bigots and racists who wanted Brexit to get the immigrants out. 

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