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New clubs in the East of Scotland

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On 02/06/2022 at 19:15, tamthebam said:

For those interested: Fernieside was originally an athletics field used by Edinburgh Southern Harriers. Total non-drug cheat Alan Wells trained there in his early days. 

The tin shed was opened in 1991 with a game between Scottish Junior Cup Winners Auchinleck Talbot and Tollcross United. Edinburgh City ground shared with Tollcross having previously played at Paties Road from 1991 to 1995. 

There were tiny home and away dressing rooms with a couple of showers in each room. There was a tiny ref's room in the middle and I think the ref may have had to use either of the changing rooms if they wanted a shower. On top of the tin hut was lockable storage where the goal posts used to go after the game. A stone wall seperated the pitch from some unkempt tennis courts but that was demolished a few years ago. 

The new changing pavilion is actually quite nice. A similar one was built down at East Pilton Park near Ainslie Park. I'm not sure which amateur team uses that one. 


I think it was Newtongrange who played there in 1991 to open it,I was at that game but could be wrong about it.  Big crowd at the game.

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On 05/06/2022 at 23:37, Ginaro said:

When will we know if Harthill are going to return east or not - i.e. when is the EOS AGM?

Harthill have formally applied to join the EoS, so it will be upto clubs on Thursday.

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4 hours ago, Yalay said:

Is there any reason why they wouldn't be accepted?

I wouldn't have thought so, apart from the application being well past the deadline but I don't think that would be an issue.

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CLUB STATEMENT | Ormiston Primrose Football Club

Ormiston Football Club are delighted to announce as from the beginning of the 2022/23 Season, the club will revert back to their original name Ormiston Primrose Football Club.

The Club have a new sponsor - Local business The Explorer Group, and with their backing the club can go forward.

Local Support is always needed. If you are able to help in any way please get in touch.

With your help Ormiston Primrose Football Club can achieve success once again.

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Good to see a bit of history re-instated here with this one, any other changes happening there or just the clubs name? i.e - Players / management / committee etc? I think they finished rock bottom of their league, may need more than just a change in the clubs name to succeed going forward.

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56 minutes ago, Pyramidic said:

Notification of Harthill Royal joining the EOSFL subject to official confirmation by WOSFL:


You do realise the tweet you've posted is the confirmation that Harthill have officially transferred from West to East?

The original tweet mentions pending and is then quoting it to correct themselves that it's official.

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1 minute ago, razamanaz said:

How does that work with clubs ground sharing - eg Falkirk and the Shire? 

The license has a whole number of factors involved and the ground criteria is just one part of it. Both those clubs have licenses but, another example, say Clydebank and Yoker. Same ground, Clydebank can be licensed because they have, I dunno, a specified fire marshal, club chaplain and their physio has been trained to use a defibrillator (or whatever the details are). Yoker play at the same ground but don't have those key aspects to get a license. 

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1 hour ago, Eric's Cantina said:

What was the rationale for Harthill moving to the west?

Probably the same reason they had for joining the west. They can’t be arsed travelling to play a game of football.

Thought they would cover less miles playing in the West, discovered that wasn’t the case so moved back to the primarily West Lothian 3rd division where they’ll happily play for years to come.

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Beyond trips to Campbeltown after moaning about Tweedmouth from that standpoint, finishing bottom of the WOS fourth division against former amateur and youth clubs:


may have provided a reality check on where they were going to fit in competitively in the west.

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On 14/06/2022 at 16:44, Dev said:

With Broomhil leaving Alloa for Broadwood Stadium for next season could that open up Alloa for a prospective EoS applicant club in 2223/24?

Maybe Edinburgh City if they dont get their ground sorted soon.


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