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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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2 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Typical Unionist response, I gave the most recent figures I found and yet without any evidence otherwise you deny.

In all honesty have a look at your response, it is foolish.

We still have lots of money.

I’m not a Unionist.

You quoted an inaccurate figure with no source.

You, therefore, are ‘foolish’.

We don’t have lots of money.

Why do people think denial and wishful thinking is how political movements win?

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Just now, The Ghost of B A R P said:

No you don’t.

No I really do, the mentalist wing of the indy movement is doing far more damage to the cause than anything. I dont believe for a second, a single second that any of the middle aged da types foaming at the mouth about the GRA would even have given it a second read had the Ba’athist’s not told them to be outraged. What it really is is that Nicola Sturgeon is trying to achieve independence properly in a way that would see international recognition and its not moving fast enough for the absolute psychopath wing led by McEleny et al. There’s even Yes da’s calling for violence on the streets of Scotland, thats not a winning strategy.

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18 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

No I really do, the mentalist wing of the indy movement is doing far more damage to the cause than anything. I dont believe for a second, a single second that any of the middle aged da types foaming at the mouth about the GRA would even have given it a second read had the Ba’athist’s not told them to be outraged. What it really is is that Nicola Sturgeon is trying to achieve independence properly in a way that would see international recognition and its not moving fast enough for the absolute psychopath wing led by McEleny et al. There’s even Yes da’s calling for violence on the streets of Scotland, thats not a winning strategy.

The whole GRA thing is a fuckin diversion and the Campbell guy is more guilty than anyone of buying it... but it’s still a fuckin diversion.

The rest of your post is just straight denial. Sturgeon has missed the historic open goal of Brexit, which effectively ends the Treaty of Union, and should have been argued as such from 24th June 2016 on; that would either have accelerated the move towards independence or put a genuine obstacle in the way of Brexit. Win or win. Sturgeon instead tried, and failed, to save England from the Brexit it had explicitly chosen. The SNP’s role in delivering Johnson his GE at the end of 2019 was the final act of outright political stupidity.

She has no strategic ability whatsoever.

You just keep telling yourself that it’s all the fault of the ‘yes das’, whoever the f**k they are, and that there’s nothing to see on the Salmond affair; that’ll definitely help achieve ‘independence properly’ (again, what the f**k does that mean?) and guarantee ‘international recognition’... another complete red herring you’ve bought from the Unionist propaganda machine because you ‘think’ so much.

Edited by The Ghost of B A R P
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1 minute ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

The whole GRA thing is a fuckin diversion and the Campbell guy is more guilty than anyone of buying it... but it’s still a fuckin diversion.

The rest of your post is just straight denial. Sturgeon has missed the historic open goal of Brexit, which effectively ends the Treaty of Union, and should have been argued as such from 24th June 2016 on; that would either have accelerated the move towards independence or put a genuine obstacle in the way of Brexit. Win or win. Sturgeon instead tried, and failed, to save England from the Brexit it had explicitly chosen. The SNP’s role in delivering Johnson his GE at the end of 2019 was he final act of outright political stupidity.

She has no strategic ability whatsoever.

You just keep telling yourself that it’s all the fault of the ‘yes das’, whoever the f**k they are, and that there’s nothing to see on the Salmond affair; that’ll definitely help achieve ‘independence properly’ (again, what the f**k does that mean?) and guarantee ‘international recognition’... another complete red herring you’ve bought from the Unionist propaganda machine because you ‘think’ so much.


No the GRA is a piece of legislation aimed at providing protection to a marginalised group and the bigotry it faces shows exactly why it is needed.

Its not denial, Sturgeon has criticised brexit but ultimately been focused on the pandemic, which is what the majority of the public want her to focus on. The campaign for May hasnt even started so let her make capital from it then, the only people who think this is the ideal time to do it are the people who wont change their vote over it, The best time to highlight it is when its in the minds of voters, also gives time for the shit show to develop more fully. 

Id argue shes far more politically more strategically astute than you imagine, she gave Johnson enough rope to hang himself and support for indy has never been as high and as consistent. Things will start to ramp up naturally, especially over the summer so get ready to campaign.

as for the rest of your post, wow, im cringing for you. 

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8 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I think I actually prefer the posts of Stormzy and Kincy to these Yes Da nutters. Absolute fucking eye rape.

Theres an element of pantomime villain to Stormzy and Kincy, its quite amusing. The other lot, well tbh its just scary. That they cant see the similarities between their madness and Maga types is just staggering.

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40 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think the yes da types are absolutely dying for independence to fail, thats why they are clinging to things like opposing gender recognition and supporting a sex pest with some of the most outlandish claims of ‘cRiMiNaL cOnSpIrAcY’ ive ever seen. Its trumpian in essence. You only have to look at the people they champion, Chris ‘i hate the uk but happy to work for the MOD/Laughing stock of greenock council’ Mceleny and Angus the bampot Macneil and a fucking video games reviewer with obvious mental health issues bordering on psychosis and demands to be called a ‘rev’. These people are essentially the Scottish equivalent of the Tea Party, they are the exact same as the psychopaths on the other side like British Alba and Effie and Janella. 

Mate you're a fuckin idiot, seriously. There's nowhere to even begin with how much nonsense this is. You're just an angry wee man, and I don't even support most of the people you list.  Its the ultimate strawman people who are mental about independence want independence to fail, then goes downhill from there.  On ignore.

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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

No the GRA is a piece of legislation aimed at providing protection to a marginalised group and the bigotry it faces shows exactly why it is needed.

Its not denial, Sturgeon has criticised brexit but ultimately been focused on the pandemic, which is what the majority of the public want her to focus on. The campaign for May hasnt even started so let her make capital from it then, the only people who think this is the ideal time to do it are the people who wont change their vote over it, The best time to highlight it is when its in the minds of voters, also gives time for the shit show to develop more fully. 

Id argue shes far more politically more strategically astute than you imagine, she gave Johnson enough rope to hang himself and support for indy has never been as high and as consistent. Things will start to ramp up naturally, especially over the summer so get ready to campaign.

as for the rest of your post, wow, im cringing for you. 

Appreciate you’re cringing...

All she gave Johnson was a way out of the trap the Tories had worked themselves into by autumn 2019... and the added bonus of a secure majority that will allow them to say ‘f**k off’ to any S30 request for the duration of this Parliament.

You’ve lost me completely, tho, on how she’s going to make capital out of Brexit _now_. It’s too late. A window opened and now it’s closed.

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2 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Mate you're a fuckin idiot, seriously. There's nowhere to even begin with how much nonsense this is. You're just an angry wee man, and I don't even support most of the people you list.  Its the ultimate strawman people who are mental about independence want independence to fail, then goes downhill from there.  On ignore.

Im an idiot but youre the one who pointed very closely to the identity of a victim of a crime protected by court determined anonymity. 
I look at your posts, i look at Yes Da twitter, thats the anger. You’re the one who cant take someone disagreeing with you without absolutely exploding into a mouth foaming fists off the keyboard rant filled with expletives as you’ve done so absolutely consistently. I just pity you. I hope you get some help. 

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4 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

Appreciate you’re cringing...

All she gave Johnson was a way out of the trap the Tories had worked themselves into by autumn 2019... and the added bonus of a secure majority that will allow them to say ‘f**k off’ to any S30 request for the duration of this Parliament.

You’ve lost me completely, tho, on how she’s going to make capital out of Brexit _now_. It’s too late. A window opened and now it’s closed.

It never ceases to be amusing how the ones who think they're smarter and more enlightened than everyone else are always thick as shit.  Its comical. 

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54 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

The most recent membership I can find still stands at over 125,000 and it's expected to exceed that in the run up to the May elections as the demand for Independence gathers pace.

Just had a look at latest Accounts - December 2019.

M’ship - 125k.

Odd though that there is only under £100k in the bank when there was supposed to be £500k ringfenced?

Ah well, no doubt we’ll find out when the Treasurer responds to Campbell's letter.

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5 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

Appreciate you’re cringing...

All she gave Johnson was a way out of the trap the Tories had worked themselves into by autumn 2019... and the added bonus of a secure majority that will allow them to say ‘f**k off’ to any S30 request for the duration of this Parliament.

You’ve lost me completely, tho, on how she’s going to make capital out of Brexit _now_. It’s too late. A window opened and now it’s closed.

 Would I have supported the election, no, but he’s got his majority, hes making an arse of it, its worked out ok, I dont think he’ll continue to say no and I think the non mouth breathing snp plan is going to be effective. 
Right so you’re obviously into your politics, you’re no doubt angry about brexit, but most of the population won’t sustain that anger into a polling booth. They’ll unfortunately get tired if (even if they are right) they keep hearing the same things, it puts them off. However in the period between March and the election, thats the time to drum all the mad shit the tories have done, keep your powder dry approach. 

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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Theres an element of pantomime villain to Stormzy and Kincy, its quite amusing. The other lot, well tbh its just scary. That they cant see the similarities between their madness and Maga types is just staggering.

Request for clarification: are you comparing SNP supporters who are concerned about a. The effectiveness of the party’s strategy sinc 2014; and b. The strong inference that there is corruption in both the SG and the civil service, with the wilder fringes of Trumpism?

If so, you might want to think again about various people’s inability to see ‘similarities’.

Cos that’s just nuts.

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Just now, The Ghost of B A R P said:

Request for clarification: are you comparing SNP supporters who are concerned about a. The effectiveness of the party’s strategy sinc 2014; and b. The strong inference that there is corruption in both the SG and the civil service, with the wilder fringes of Trumpism?

If so, you might want to think again about various people’s inability to see ‘similarities’.

Cos that’s just nuts.

Just for clarity, yes that’s absolutely what im saying. Its borderline Qanon. 

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4 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Just had a look at latest Accounts - December 2019.

M’ship - 125k.

Odd though that there is only under £100k in the bank when there was supposed to be £500k ringfenced?

Ah well, no doubt we’ll find out when the Treasurer responds to Campbell's letter.

Why do you take Stuart Campbell’s word as gospel on this? Pretty certain someone posted earlier that the treasurer already responded that it’s utter nonsense.

FWIW, I haven’t read any of it, because I don’t give a f**k about the finances of the SNP, 

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33 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

Sturgeon has missed the historic open goal of Brexit, which effectively ends the Treaty of Union, and should have been argued as such from 24th June 2016 on; that would either have accelerated the move towards independence or put a genuine obstacle in the way of Brexit. Win or win. Sturgeon instead tried, and failed, to save England from the Brexit it had explicitly chosen. The SNP’s role in delivering Johnson his GE at the end of 2019 was the final act of outright political stupidity.

Aye, well I don't think that would have worked, her strategy of patience seems to be paying off.


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37 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I think I actually prefer the posts of Stormzy and Kincy to these Yes Da nutters. Absolute fucking eye rape.

This is a better way to read the thread - right up to the point where they all get quoted back in. 


Screenshot_20210130-130732_Samsung Internet.jpg

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