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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
8 minutes ago, Antlion said:
“Detesting a political party is. A. Disgrace. It’s that kind of thing that makes me detest that political party!”

Lolz that James will sing about being up to his knees in F***** blood but this is a disgrace. Sums the yoons up perfectly.

What these knuckle-draggers seem to miss is that in attacking Sturgeon they’re linking the UK (rightly, but stupidly) with one massively unpopular party, currently undergoing yet another meltdown.

Sturgeon isn’t an idiot. Her timing here was deliberate. Even under Johnson, the Tories weren’t this widely loathed. Sturgeon’s audience isn’t the Tories, but (if the polls are correct) the majority who want them binned. The rush of UK Nats to defend the indefensible, to protect the public bad guys, and to try and pull a “won’t someone please think of the Tories” plays right into her hands. 

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I feel I should try to bring some comfort to the poor, unfortunate Tories who feel very put out by the remarkable discovery that they aren't popular with at least some members of the SNP.

Please, please don't be distraught about that. I'm pretty certain many members of the Labour Party detest you and all you stand for as well. 😳

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3 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I feel I should try to bring some comfort to the poor, unfortunate Tories who feel very put out by the remarkable discovery that they aren't popular with at least some members of the SNP.

Please, please don't be distraught about that. I'm pretty certain many members of the Labour Party detest you and all you stand for as well. 😳

Looking at Scottish Labour Twitter, that doesn’t seem to be the case.  Rushing to the defence of their poor Tory allies. 

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All the Tory MSP puppets are back at their lazy copy/paste tweeting, calling Sturgeon divisive and pointing out “1/4” of the Scottish population are dirty divisive Tory b*****ds. That they’ve all been told by head office to draw attention to how few people like them is pretty wild.

No doubt wee Annie Chipmunk will also be using her burner Women2Win account to agree with herself, and hopefully she’ll forget which one she’s signed in to and make a c**t of herself again.

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7 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Looking at Scottish Labour Twitter, that doesn’t seem to be the case.  Rushing to the defence of their poor Tory allies. 

You do wonder why those wannabe Tories ever joined Labour’s northern Accounting Unit. I’m assuming they did so purely because, at the time, it promised them troughs for life. It appears they have no idea of the history of the real Labour Party.

At a party rally in 1948, during a speech, Aneurin Bevan stated: "That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party.”

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2 minutes ago, Antlion said:

All the Tory MSP puppets are back at their lazy copy/paste tweeting, calling Sturgeon divisive and pointing out “1/4” of the Scottish population are dirty divisive Tory b*****ds. That they’ve all been told by head office to draw attention to how few people like them is pretty wild.

No doubt wee Annie Chipmunk will also be using her burner Women2Win account to agree with herself, and hopefully she’ll forget which one she’s signed in to and make a c**t of herself again.

Should make the next PMQ's and FMQ's a bit feisty, eh? 😁 Be interesting to hear the Tories explain why everyone ought to love them instead. 

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Someone I follow on Twitter made a good point, Tory voters in Scotland are anti independence so she’s hardly going to alienate anyone and lose Yes voters.

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6 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Should make the next PMQ's and FMQ's a bit feisty, eh? 😁 Be interesting to hear the Tories explain why everyone ought to love them instead. 

Because, uh, division is bad.

Except for in Scottish elections. Except for in UK General Elections. Except for when Tories send in letters to fight over their PM. Except for continual Tory leadership contests. Except for when it’s aimed at migrants. Except for Brexit. Except for human rights legislation. Except for when Truss personally attacks Sturgeon. Except for when Tories call people Nazis. Except for …

Well, anyway, division is bad, dammit!

Edited by Antlion
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Nicola has been emollient in extremis for a long time and amongst a strategy that I'm not sure that I wholeheartedly agree with, covid has allowed that sober persona to be at the fore.

A purpose has been served.

We're now moving into a different era and tomorrow, I want Nicola to speak to me and leave me in no doubt as to why our opportunity vastly outweighs any perceived risk.

I was surprised by her choice of words this morning and on reflection, I rather think, intentional or not, they may signal that we've had enough of the greedy and the crooked.

I do hope that she delivers a speech that will serve to inspire.


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Just so everyone can keep up: Sturgeon calling the poor Tories detestable is unacceptable and divisive.

The Tories’ detestable plan to literally divide parents from their children in their ongoing pursuit of the hard right is fine.



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4 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Just so everyone can keep up: Sturgeon calling the poor Tories detestable is unacceptable and divisive.

The Tories’ detestable plan to literally divide parents from their children in their ongoing pursuit of the hard right is fine.



‘Bad migration’!

Nicola Sturgeon could learn from this and say she only detests ‘bad Tories’.

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I can see yoon twitters point. The 2 or 3 Tories that post on here sound like the sort of un-detestable chaps I could stand round the hearth listening to anecdotes about yon immigrants and those nasty unemployed and disabled chaps and chapettes all day whilst quaffing a nice Brandy at the local lodge.

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