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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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10 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

1) I never said the underspend accumulated before the SNP came to power.

2) The only reason it did was because the SNP demanded the recuperation of those funds. Something that wouldn't have happened had Labour still been running Holyrood.

3) The Scottish Government has a borrowing cap (from Westminster) of approximately £500m. A significant detail that for whatever reason, you chose not to mention.

I'm not sure if you're just clueless or wilfully ignorant. There hasn't been free money available to invest in this technology. As i've already pointed out, the underspend acts as a buffer to prevent any accidental overspend. Yes, the Scottish Government can borrow a maximum of £500m from the UK Treasury, but it is then subsequently subtracted from the overall budget for the next financial year effectively nullifying the safety buffer that the underspend provides.

1) You quite clearly did


No, he really isn't. If the underspend wasn't spent, then it would accumulate upwards year on year.

2) Agreed, however that was additional funds that were made available to the SNP and were available to spend as they wished.

3) I know what the borrowing limits are, which is obviously more than you did when you stated "Which is vitally important for a government that can't borrow." and that they can "borrow a maximum of £500m".   The capital borrowing powers are £3bln total at a drawdown of 15% or £450m per year and resource borrowing of upto £600m capped at £1.75bln.  Capital borrowings are not subsequently subtracted from the overall budget for the next financial year, although it is borrowings that have to be paid back with interest.

As I have shown now on numerous occasions, the money was available but successive governments have chosen not to spend it on renewables.

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4 hours ago, strichener said:

1) You quite clearly did

2) Agreed, however that was additional funds that were made available to the SNP and were available to spend as they wished.

3) I know what the borrowing limits are, which is obviously more than you did when you stated "Which is vitally important for a government that can't borrow." and that they can "borrow a maximum of £500m".   The capital borrowing powers are £3bln total at a drawdown of 15% or £450m per year and resource borrowing of upto £600m capped at £1.75bln.  Capital borrowings are not subsequently subtracted from the overall budget for the next financial year, although it is borrowings that have to be paid back with interest.

As I have shown now on numerous occasions, the money was available but successive governments have chosen not to spend it on renewables.

We got borrowing powers for infrastructure, you disingenuous, duplicitous c**t.

Edited by Baxter Parp
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On 24/10/2020 at 12:40, MixuFruit said:

Yeah I'm not buying we're suddenly as smart as singapore.

Through my big kid, his school and his pals I can well believe that there's a very large minority here that are clued up, very knowledgeable about the world and how it works, and know where to go for reliable information. That spreads a little to the others. I imagine that kids in Singapore have better science, literacy and numeracy skills, but ours could well have more global awareness. In Europe I would guess that only the Nordics and the Germans are ahead of us. There are a few factors in this, but I think the major ones are Brexit and independence, plus the Gen Z culture online.

Obviously there are still epic numbers of clueless jakey shitgibbons, too. We possibly have a bigger range than somewhere like Singapore.

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I've been hugely impressed by Sturgeon in recent years, and think she's been the outstanding politician in the UK for some time - I also think she's the best person to take us forward.

Sadly, though, I reckon that Coronavirus could be a nail in her political coffin.

Mainly because people can't understand what's going on. 

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I've been hugely impressed by Sturgeon in recent years, and think she's been the outstanding politician in the UK for some time - I also think she's the best person to take us forward.

Sadly, though, I reckon that Coronavirus could be a nail in her political coffin.

Mainly because people can't understand what's going on. 


Her approval ratings have only been going in one direction since Covid

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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:


Her approval ratings have only been going in one direction since Covid

...and in a good way, I expect - and hope. 

I've noticed a lot of negativity towards her in recent weeks - often from SNP supporters who are now saying they'll never back the SNP while she's at the helm.

Cranks, obviously, but cranks vote. 

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12 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Plural of anecdote warnings and all but I think @paranoid android is right, I'm hearing more folk saying they're scunnered with it all now. When it was the phases and it was all laid out nice and simply and folk could understand at a glance, it was all fine and dandy. For reasons they ditched all that and went for these tiers and applying regional restrictions all over the shop. I've absolutely no idea what tier I'm in and no real inclination to find out.

^^^^ genuine tiers

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20 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

We got borrowing powers for infrastructure, you disingenuous, duplicitous c**t.

You can call me anything you want. 

One word covers yourself - Wrong.   The Scotland Act 1998 and Scotland Act 2012 both provided the Scottish Government the ability to borrow from the NLF for resource expenditure.  Here is the fiscal framework agreed between the UK and Scottish Governments.  Fiscal Framework.   I suggest you read it before posting more ignorant nonsense.  @BawWatchin You would do well to read it as well.

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40 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Plural of anecdote warnings and all but I think @paranoid android is right, I'm hearing more folk saying they're scunnered with it all now. When it was the phases and it was all laid out nice and simply and folk could understand at a glance, it was all fine and dandy. For reasons they ditched all that and went for these tiers and applying regional restrictions all over the shop. I've absolutely no idea what tier I'm in and no real inclination to find out.

Folk are not scunnered by the tiers/levels or regional restrictions. They're just scunnered with Covid-19. The details are not clear because they can no longer be arsed looking. If they could be arsed, they'd find their tier or level within seconds. There isn't much Nicola Sturgeon can do about this - the second wave is impacting everywhere in Europe and she's got the choice of managing it or just taking the "f**k it, I'm scunnered" route. 

There are things I don't agree with in the way this has been managed - not letting football fans into lower league grounds for a start - but I wouldn't want her job over the last 8 months as the stress for her and all those working to her and for her has been incredible. 

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12 minutes ago, HTG said:

Folk are not scunnered by the tiers/levels or regional restrictions. They're just scunnered with Covid-19. The details are not clear because they can no longer be arsed looking. If they could be arsed, they'd find their tier or level within seconds. There isn't much Nicola Sturgeon can do about this - the second wave is impacting everywhere in Europe and she's got the choice of managing it or just taking the "f**k it, I'm scunnered" route. 

There are things I don't agree with in the way this has been managed - not letting football fans into lower league grounds for a start - but I wouldn't want her job over the last 8 months as the stress for her and all those working to her and for her has been incredible. 

Aye poor her, my main takeaway from Coronavirus is how sorry I feel for the dear leader, it must have really hurt her ruling over us whilst all the old folk were dying in care homes. Poor Nicola. 

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17 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Aye poor her, my main takeaway from Coronavirus is how sorry I feel for the dear leader, it must have really hurt her ruling over us whilst all the old folk were dying in care homes. Poor Nicola. 

You're a fuckin plank though. 

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You can call me anything you want. 
One word covers yourself - Wrong.   The Scotland Act 1998 and Scotland Act 2012 both provided the Scottish Government the ability to borrow from the NLF for resource expenditure.  Here is the fiscal framework agreed between the UK and Scottish Governments.  Fiscal Framework.   I suggest you read it before posting more ignorant nonsense.  [mention=73494]BawWatchin[/mention] You would do well to read it as well.

"In summary, the Scottish Government can borrow up to £450m per annum for capital investment (a cap of £3bn). On resource spending, they can borrow up to £600m per annum (a cap of £1.75bn), but only for ‘forecast error’ and ‘cash management’. They cannot borrow to fund discretionary resource spending."


"Scottish Ministers currently have no powers to raise extra resources by borrowing or sanctioning borrowing."


Maybe you're just too stupid to consider the circumstances under which Scot Gov can borrow before you post your shite.
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