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19 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Who are Rainbow FC? They are not in the top or second division in The Gambia.  

Hibs been conned into taking pub player on loan by agent. 


"Pub player" is being kind. Here's the Facebook page for Rainbow Football Academy. Looks far more like a charity appeal. 😐

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14 hours ago, Tommy Tappin said:

Ever been this far out of your depth before?

1. The fans cash is insufficient to operate the club. If we were reliant on the fans cash alone, we'd be bankrupt. If you understood business, you'd know this. 

2. 'Go support the old firm' - the clarion call of the individual who cannot deliver reasoned debate and is out of intellectual ammo. Not only are you aligning what you've decided are my 'values and beliefs' with the most successful clubs in Scotland, strengthening my point; you're trying to infer it as an insult however and yet have the temerity to call my post idiotic. Allergic to irony? Don't answer, you won't understand what I've just written.

3. Any self made multi-millionaire is no idiot, which you'd know, if you were one. Are you?

Carry on, your go.

1. To be fair Tommy, there are very few clubs whose spend is run purely on the cash put in by fans. Certainly not us and definitely not Hearts or Aberdeen. The days of fans having a point when they shout "Ah pay your wages!" when they fire off abuse at a player are long gone.

2. True. But I'd never suggest anyone support's the Old Firm unless they are local to Glasgow. But especially especially if they aren't tied to the centuries old sectarian crap. People should support their local clubs if they can. I grew up in the north of Edinburgh therefore Hibs was my club.

3. No argument there from me. Self Made millionaires may be delusional but certainly they aren't idiots.

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21 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Seeing as there is an agreement in place between the two clubs I wonder if Hibs couldn't dump some of the crappier players on loan to FC Edinburgh. 

It would serve them right (the club I mean) 

The FC Edinburgh chairman doesn't want our young loan players.

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3 minutes ago, Stylish Kid said:


Youan has taken to posting his “highlights” onto instagram from our previous match before the next game. Regardless of the final score.

He did it just there, obviously after we got skelped 3-0. The highlights were him megging someone and that was about it :lol: 

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4 hours ago, Zing. said:

Youan has taken to posting his “highlights” onto instagram from our previous match before the next game. Regardless of the final score.

He did it just there, obviously after we got skelped 3-0. The highlights were him megging someone and that was about it :lol: 

Do people actually care about this? It’s probably not even him that’s posting it. 

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29 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Looking like Ian Gordon will still be involved

For now.

Fully expect IG to slide into a more "appropriate" role after the new DoF arrives and reviews things on the football side.

If the new guy has any handle on Scottish football, he will know that area cant continue as is.

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1 hour ago, Slim Charles. said:

I'd take Park tbf. 

Yeah that'd seem like a reasonable appointment. I don't know too much about him but heard of him mentioned positively in passing and he seems to have good experience in the Scottish game. We don't need to set the bar high or try anything particularly risky here.

I don't necessarily hate the idea of Collins either but as far as I'm aware he's not got huge experience in this specific field and I'd worry that he'd have an overshadowing presence and may get involved in areas that he doesn't need to be.  

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