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Junior football, what is the future?


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Just now, A.M said:

No rod, a genuine observation.

Talbot have received a lot of criticism on here for their views , but at least they were honest and open with their fans.

I would think all clubs would at least let their fans know of their thoughts and recommendations.  Need less to say the club are well aware of mine.

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Just now, Burnie_man said:

I would think all clubs would at least let their fans know of their thoughts and recommendations.  Need less to say the club are well aware of mine.

Every body is aware of yours :whistle

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I wonder if Camelon's upcoming announcement will lead to a few more going public, or whether most clubs will bite their tongues until the EoS AGM? Like someone said earlier, the SJFA needs to know asap to try and restructure the East region accordingly.

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5 hours ago, energyzone said:

It doesn't really. Talbot at best could be a SPFL 1 or 2 side. They simply don't have the population base to get higher than this. I'm not really seeing where these bigger trophies are. When was the last time one of the current SPFL 1 or 2 sides won one of the major competitions?

The Spfl 2 trophy is bigger than any trophy in the juniors, hell, even the challenge cup is bigger than any trophy in the juniors. 

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6 hours ago, Robert James said:

* how will clubs like Auchinlech & other juniors who are opposed to the pyramid, seek to reorganise and participate in the remaining Junior leagues, in the interim, and longer term ?

The Auchinleck chairman seemed to indicate that they would be participating in the pyramid, even though they were against the decision to join.

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Here's the Camelon statement: http://www.camelonjuniors.co.uk/a-new-future-beckons/


Statement from Chairman, Eric Henry.

Earlier this month the club took the decision to apply to join the pyramid by submitting an application to the East of Scotland League. It’s not a decision we came to lightly but after carefully evaluating the financial options and considering our footballing ambitions, it was felt this was the best way to secure the clubs long term future.

We are also applying for a club licence in order to be a full SFA member.  Being a licenced club has obvious benefits with participation in the “Big Scottish Cup” being one of them.  I’m sure that will be something all of us will look forward to.

There is a great deal of work to be done in order to achieve our aims, and work will begin next week at our ground to ensure we meet the criteria for being a member club.

The decision of taking our place in the 6th tier of Scottish football has been embraced by all at the Club and we are looking forward to a new chapter in our great history.



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The Spfl 2 trophy is bigger than any trophy in the juniors, hell, even the challenge cup is bigger than any trophy in the juniors. 
Is it?

Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Who really cares what is bigger? I don't think 90% of football fans in this country could tell you who won either last year.
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Ormiston here we come!

Its not a shock, if you've been following events at Carmuirs over the past few months (toilet improvement, drainage work, a PA system, bringing youth teams under the Camelon banner) then its been clear where things are heading.

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Ormiston here we come!
Its not a shock, if you've been following events at Carmuirs over the past few months (toilet improvement, drainage work, a PA system, bringing youth teams under the Camelon banner) then its been clear where things are heading.

Wel welcome u with open arms bring a big support buy plenty pies n programmes remember
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I'm starting to have my doubts over Tranent & Musselburgh putting in a last minute application. The tweets they made regarding their EGMs suggested more of a discussion over what to do, rather than a definitive vote. Just about every club we've seen publicly discuss things have apparently delayed a move until a later date (Clydebank, Bonnyrigg and Arniston).



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51 minutes ago, Born To Run said:

Great news. I hope that we can get the Stirlingshire Cup back up and running next season and with Camelon FC back as Stirlingshire FA members.

As a Shire fan I'm looking forward to the possibility of competitive games between the teams. The artificial barriers that were in place when you had two teams a few miles apart not playing each other was daft. Surely local derbies are what fans at the non-SPFL level, no matter what side of the Juniors/Seniors debate you are on, want.

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I'm starting to have my doubts over Tranent & Musselburgh putting in a last minute application. The tweets they made regarding their EGMs suggested more of a discussion over what to do, rather than a definitive vote. Just about every club we've seen publicly discuss things have apparently delayed a move until a later date (Clydebank, Bonnyrigg and Arniston).
With the best will in the world Arniston were never going to move and Clydebank never gave a timeline for their move, only that at some point in the future they would go senior, the same statement that Bo'ness have made previously.

Other than Dalkeith and Camelon everything else at the moment is just supposition and guesswork, all will become clear after the EoS EGM but too many people think they are in the know about this club or that club when they don't actually know, for a fact, any more than the next man. It's all 2+2=5 stuff and suddenly 5 has become the gospel truth.

All we really know is that there are more than those 2 applications in and the face of junior football in the east is changing, driven by the clubs who look set to leave the SJFA and their west coast bias behind.
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1 minute ago, John S said:

The deadline for applications to the E of S League has passed so surely any EGMs from now on are to form an opinion to put forward at the SJFA EGM?

Not necessarily, they will have put them in on the premise they get backing at EGM.

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Just now, John S said:

The deadline for applications to the E of S League has passed so surely any EGMs from now on are to form an opinion to put forward at the SJFA EGM?

Should be. Much in the same way some people were taken in by the Bo'ness April fool's is that some clubs may have put in a last minute application. The application was fairly simple, 2 sides of A4, wouldn't have required much effort and you could always withdraw it after the fact.

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I'm starting to have my doubts over Tranent & Musselburgh putting in a last minute application. The tweets they made regarding their EGMs suggested more of a discussion over what to do, rather than a definitive vote. Just about every club we've seen publicly discuss things have apparently delayed a move until a later date (Clydebank, Bonnyrigg and Arniston).

I'll be shocked if Bonnyrigg are still in the junior's next year. I think the lack of a definitive statement is much the same as Kelty's was last year, they don't want there to be repercussions in what could still be a very successful season
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