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Junior football, what is the future?


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In theory, the wjfa option could happen. Totally understandable that Junior teams have this as their preferred option. That makes sense.

If it won't be decided until June and you have put all your eggs in this basket, its risky.
If their proposal is not accepted, then the teams who stuck it out will be back at square one. No access to the pyramid.

That might be fine too.

If some teams decide to apply for WOSL, to avoid the risk of the above, then they will have access to the pyramid of football in Scotland.

If there is a basis in which the LL are not allowed to run this league, I haven't heard or seen it yet.

Can the SFA, HL, SPFL stop it? I simply dont know

There is no official junior position of ‘all in’ in terms of the west, my club’s never been asked to back this move.
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7 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

ooooft, head in hands stuff 🤣

THe Lowland League are doing the right thing by ignoring them anyone who wants to join can join but to be honest. A lot of these guys are deluded like the Darvel guy who claims to have saw us and not 1 player is good enough for darvel yet. One was on trial at Livingston and another going on trial with SPFL Premiership club but not good enough for the grade though. Better off without these people. If its only forward thinkers like Kilwinning and Clydebank that come so be it

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3 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

There is no official junior position of ‘all in’ in terms of the west, my club’s never been asked to back this move.

You weren't a Junior club when this was passed, in 2001 (ie the SJFA's position)

Edited by Burnie_man
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No we don't. I was poo pooed on here weeks ago by certain individuals when I said that the WoS (as run by the LL) was not at that point certain to start next season.

As yet there has still been no guarantee or confirmation that the WoS will run next year. Anyone saying anything to the contrary is not being wholly truthful at this point.



You’re correct it’s not guaranteed it’s only highly likely to happen the only way I see it not happening are


1. There’s not enough teams to get the WOSFL started, I think they’d only need ten from SOS, WRJFA and the Amateurs so I’d think this option is highly unlikely unless the SJFA manage to get every club unified in rejecting the league. Unlikely with so many publicly stating an interest that there won’t be at least ten.


2. The WRJFA and SJFA manage to negotiate a deal with the LL and EOS to abandon their WOSFL and back the WRJFA plan with access to the pyramid. More likely than option one but it’d take a hell of a change in attitudes on both sides to happen and threatening legal action has probably destroyed the last good will between the organisations.


If they both form viable WOS leagues there will only be one winner as the LL and EOS can veto the other league and provided the SOS are not going to veto the LL WOSFL it’s going to get the playoff spot.


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I'm still waiting for someone to provide proof of this......
Saying something is happening does not mean it will happen.

Anyone know if the World Cup will happen in 2022? I’ve heard talk of stadiums and matches and the like but I haven’t actually seen any teams being named as participating yet?
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21 minutes ago, Junior Pub League said:

Please, stop embarrassing yourself - glib smart answers just make you look like a lickspittle.

And again you cant answer the actual question because you know there is no proof of their being a league starting in July/August.

WoS promises from the LL hold less validity to the West Clubs than the information that is coming from the West Region - at this point in time there is NO WoS league for next season, people saying there is are lying. 

You might as well promise Kilbirnie that they will be playing Barcelona in the league next season, at this point in time it holds as much validity as saying there is guaranteed to be a WoS league next season.

Right now there is no guarantee that there will be a functional WoS next season and neither you or anyone else on here can provide definitive evidence that there will be.

People can flap their gums all they like about constitutions and new leagues but ask yourself - who has the clubs, who has the office at Hampden? How many clubs are signed up to the WRJFA (63), how many clubs are signed up to the WoS (0). At this point there is no league.

Its staggering that  posters are parroting a line whilst simultaneously slagging off Beenze for presenting a differing side of the exact same argument.

In theory, no, there is no guarantee that there will be a WoS league. But the previous comparison with Liverpool is correct. There is no guarantee that Liverpool will win the Premier League. The chance that it will happen is close to 100%. 

And people are not slagging off Beenze, but merely pointing out that what he is presenting is pure fantasy. If the LL don't agree to his idea, it's not going to happen. He's spread clear lies, like that the SFA will choose between the WJFA & LL proposals. That's just not the case. The rules have been pointed out to him on various places, here, on social media and elsewhere. By people on this forum, people involved with WJFA clubs (including his own) and others. So far he had NO answer to any of these points. Muddying the waters is the last thing that's needed.

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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Mr Ronney’s emails have apparently caused a surge in interest for the wosl. Have largs been able to clarify if they’ve been counted amongst the ‘staying junior lot’ when clubs are being visited? I know Ronney has asked to come and speak to Clydebank tomorrow...

Im sure he wont get a good welcome at the bankies

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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Mr Ronney’s emails have apparently caused a surge in interest for the wosl. Have largs been able to clarify if they’ve been counted amongst the ‘staying junior lot’ when clubs are being visited? I know Ronney has asked to come and speak to Clydebank tomorrow...

That's nice of him.

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Mr Ronney’s emails have apparently caused a surge in interest for the wosl. Have largs been able to clarify if they’ve been counted amongst the ‘staying junior lot’ when clubs are being visited? I know Ronney has asked to come and speak to Clydebank tomorrow...

Might have missed it in all the updates but have the SJFA said anything about the WRJFAs plan to form this league?
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10 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Im sure he’ll be offered a coffee and an opportunity to explain his proposals as no one else in the west region management apparently can. Hopefully once he explains he can answer our board members questions.

an uncomfortable evening for him then

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Mr Ronney’s emails have apparently caused a surge in interest for the wosl. Have largs been able to clarify if they’ve been counted amongst the ‘staying junior lot’ when clubs are being visited? I know Ronney has asked to come and speak to Clydebank tomorrow...
Know how many clubs it's swayed to the WOSL by any chance? Assume you are referring to the emails from Friday & Saturday or have their been more since then?
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