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C**** on a Train

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On 12/5/2017 at 00:48, Marr1 said:

Was on the train from Dundee to Aberdeen on Sunday, the train arrives 24 minutes late as there had been trespassers on the line of the six-fingered variety.

Anyway, the train was due to stop at the Ferry, Carnoustie, Arbroath, Montrose and Stonehaven before going to Aberdeen. Anyway, to make up for the lost time, the driver says on the tannoy that the train will not be making any stops, so get off unless you're heading to Aberdeen. The Guard then goes through each of the five carriages to say the same in person to make sure that everyone got the message.

Loads of folk get off the train and it seems all well and good, until we get to Arbroath. The train slows to 15mph as it goes past the station and a man wearing dicky headphones who had got on at Dundee says to the guard, "How's the train no stopping here?!" and the Guard just looks at him and explains the situation. What an absolute fud.

The man is told to stay on the train, as it heads back past Arbroath as the train is enroute to Newcastle after it reaches it's terminus.

Half an hour later, the bloke sitting next to me wakes up, and I tell him that the trains only going to Aberdeen. I didn't wake him earlier as it says on his ticket that he's going from Edinburgh to the Granite city. The guard comes up and tells him the exact same thing, although he was Stonehaven-bound so it only added another 30 minutes or so on his journey.

Utter fuds.

I am suggesting Scotrail are the c***s there

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Some absolute dick heads from Yorkshire on this train to Inverness. Keep singing songs about cricket and shouting "Where are we?" every few minutes.

You should recommend to them that The Nip Inn is a good pub to watch the cricket and have a pint of bitter.
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Wee guy on the train sitting I'm same carriage as me, watching some video on YouTube about a guy playing call of duty. Full blast, no headphones in. Some older neddy looking guy walks up to him "turn that fu****g s***e off or put some fu****g headphones in". Aforementioned young lad looks at him, ignores him and continues watching his video full blast, letting the whole carriage hear an entire game of cod. Proper c***ish behaviour.

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Should have had his head panned in.

To be fair, CCTV has mainly put a stop to that.

An ignorant woman just barged past me, elbowing me out the way, while wheeling her two cases on to the train, even though there are no shortage of seats. I’ve heard from Pie and Bovril that some people look Muslimy. Well, these people looked European, which reconciled me with my decision to vote for Brexit.
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8 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


To be fair, CCTV has mainly put a stop to that.

An ignorant woman just barged past me, elbowing me out the way, while wheeling her two cases on to the train, even though there are no shortage of seats. I’ve heard from Pie and Bovril that some people look Muslimy. Well, these people looked European, which reconciled me with my decision to vote for Brexit.


Probably Welsh and voted Leave. 

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On 12/5/2017 at 18:05, Marr1 said:

Don't know if this is the right thread, but are they ever going to get to expanding the Subway with another loop.

Very doubtful, they've mused the idea a good couple of times now and each time the (very) rough estimate cost of another loop has been astronomical.  I think the absolute clusterfuck that was the Edinburgh tram project has probably buried any ideas for one, future Scottish Governments and Councils would be shitting themselves about a repeat scenario.

Been getting the train much more often nowadays since moving back to Glasgow. Ended up selling the motor as the transport here is pretty decent and luckily managed to avoid most of the cretins that get mentioned on this thread. The only thing that has infuriated me thus far are those c***s who tap their tickets off the table for about ten minutes. 


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Very doubtful, they've mused the idea a good couple of times now and each time the (very) rough estimate cost of another loop has been astronomical.  I think the absolute clusterfuck that was the Edinburgh tram project has probably buried any ideas for one, future Scottish Governments and Councils would be shitting themselves about a repeat scenario.
Been getting the train much more often nowadays since moving back to Glasgow. Ended up selling the motor as the transport here is pretty decent and luckily managed to avoid most of the cretins that get mentioned on this thread. The only thing that has infuriated me thus far are those c***s who tap their tickets off the table for about ten minutes. 

Shouldn't you change your username?
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This morning's c**t was the "train manager".
" I'm sorry everyone but this train is cancelled because it's needed for the 7 05 run"

The reason that i get up at half four to walk 2 miles to the station is because i'm completely indifferent to what time i get to work, so it's really no bother.

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2 hours ago, coprolite said:

This morning's c**t was the "train manager".
" I'm sorry everyone but this train is cancelled because it's needed for the 7 05 run"

The reason that i get up at half four to walk 2 miles to the station is because i'm completely indifferent to what time i get to work, so it's really no bother.

One time I was waiting for the train from Queen Street back to Edinburgh. It was announced as Platform 6 and the train was there but the doors were still locked, with everybody standing waiting for them to let us aboard. Five minutes after the scheduled departure time a Scotrail bod came along and told us the train had a mechanical fault and told us to get the next one, which was on the adjacent platform. We crammed on board, along with everybody who was planning on getting that one anyway, and the train set off. Only once it was moving did the conductor announce that the first stop was Falkirk High - which came as a bit of a shock to all the people who only wanted to go to Croy. If they had said that before departure those people could have waited an extra fifteen minutes for the train after that, which would have been a hell of a lot quicker than going to Falkirk and waiting for a train coming back to Croy.

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