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C**** on a Train

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Bag on the seat ‘sleeping’ seems to be a new craze. These people deserve to be rudely awakened by vigorous shaking, then to have c**t screamed into their face at least 3 times. The train companies should train their ticket inspectors to carry out this much required task.

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47 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Bag on the seat ‘sleeping’ seems to be a new craze. These people deserve to be rudely awakened by vigorous shaking, then to have c**t screamed into their face at least 3 times. The train companies should train their ticket inspectors to carry out this much required task.

Either that or  'Excuse me, sir.  Your bag occupied that seat between Queen Street and Stirling. That'll be 7.28 for its ticket, please'.

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Either that or  'Excuse me, sir.  Your bag occupied that seat between Queen Street and Stirling. That'll be 7.28 for its ticket, please'.

It was a Miss this morning, or in the vernacular of your standard P&B misogynist an averagey looking cocktease.
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3 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

Bag on the seat ‘sleeping’ seems to be a new craze. These people deserve to be rudely awakened by vigorous shaking, then to have c**t screamed into their face at least 3 times. The train companies should train their ticket inspectors to carry out this much required task.

Alternatively pick up the bag and drop it in the owner's lap. Bonus points if it's a heavy briefcase.

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This is a c**t not on a train -

awaiting my train on the platform in Glasgow the train on the next platform was ready to depart - meanwhile a young man (early 20s) is walking up the platform, he goes to get in the door but then decides to walk up to the next door....

...you can guess what happens next - doors close and the train pulls out before he gets there. Cue some angry language at Scotrail staff whilst the other platform tries not to snigger.

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Dundee station having come back watching the mighty Arabs lose to Ra Peepal. Guess which fans (4 off) and their takeaways pushed their way onto the south bound not waiting for the travs to disembark from the carriage soss they could get seats with a table? Many angry travs getting off angry at said bloo noses.
Seen a few fights on trains and sat beside some annoying c**ts in my time. People who claim the whole table as there's either with their laptop or a fucking newspaper that takes up half the carriage are the worst offenders and yes it was me who set fire to a Glasgow Herold which was right in my face on the Ayr line!!!

Your last point is completely justifiable.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Moaning about being called "honey". Seriously?!

I'll probably receive a complaint at some stage then. I call everyone pal.
The professionaly offended strike again. It'll be discussed endlessly in the media by those who give a f**k and saddos who live their lives on twatter and the like.
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Normally I agree that people are desperate to be offended, but she is right enough IMO as the train manager was obviously being a flippant w****r, and for Virgin in this day and age to reply like that on social media is stupidity on a fantastic scale. They deserve all they get purely for thinking that they would get away with that.

That Twitter post is asking for trouble and that c**t Branson deserves any trouble he gets.

I feel a bit sorry for the poor harassed guard who is just trying to work in a terrible system, was probably stressed to the max and getting regular negative comments from pissed off passengers.
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11 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Moaning about being called "honey". Seriously?!

I'll probably receive a complaint at some stage then. I call everyone pal.

She was probably a Rangers fan and took it the wrong way.

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