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C**** on a Train

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Interesting watch, have to admit I’ve never really saw any fans singing like that or being arrested on trains to/ from matches in Scotland - some of the songs being passed off as ‘football banter’ were c***ish like you say. Currently doing my dissertation on football fan violence & disorder in Scotland & feel that the programme is another example of media overreaction when in actual fact vast majority of fans are well behaved
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Think I was a cu nt on a train once, getting the train back from London to Glasgow a few years ago. Train was quite delayed, running about 30 minutes late by the time we reached Warrington or some other shite no mark English town at about 2pm. Loads of people get on at Warrington and it becomes clear that this train was so delayed that it arrived after the next one was due. So there is way too many people on and not enough room for everyone to sit down, these 2 older women come up to me and my cousin sitting in our booked seats show us their tickets which are for the same seats, we try to explain to them what has happened and how they are on the wrong train but they just look back blankly, look around and theres quite a few other older people who have just got on aswell, we eventually work out they are all deaf and must be part of some group. Trying to explain what has happened to 2 death women through iPhone notes is as hard it sounds. Eventually they fucked off, probably should've just given them the seats tbf but f**k standing all the way back to Glasgow. 

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Aye thats the spirit, make the auld deaf women stand instead...no wonder this country is fucked with shite mannered fannies like you around the place

If I'm reading his post correctly they've got on the wrong train so why should he have to move because they've fucked up?
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If I'm reading his post correctly they've got on the wrong train so why should he have to move because they've fucked up?

Because they’re old deaf c***s. That trumps young lazy c***s.
If an old deaf wife wants your seat, you give her the seat. Another seat will become available soon enough or just stand.
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Because they’re old deaf c***s. That trumps young lazy c***s.
If an old deaf wife wants your seat, you give her the seat. Another seat will become available soon enough or just stand.

In general I agree. I've been brought up to give up your seat for older folk and still do it to this day. In this instance I wouldn't be too keen though. Provided their train wasn't cancelled and they've just make a cock up of getting on the wrong service then I don't see why the guy should give up his seat due to their stupidity.
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In general I agree. I've been brought up to give up your seat for older folk and still do it to this day. In this instance I wouldn't be too keen though. Provided their train wasn't cancelled and they've just make a cock up of getting on the wrong service then I don't see why the guy should give up his seat due to their stupidity.

Can see your point to be fair, but they’re old ladies...old deaf ladies. I’m not saying like it, but do the right thing.
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Just now, NJ2 said:

Can see your point to be fair, but they’re old ladies...old deaf ladies. I’m not saying like it, but do the right thing.

I see your point about being old, but I don't see what difference them being deaf makes to whether or not they can stand for a journey.

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I see your point about being old, but I don't see what difference them being deaf makes to whether or not they can stand for a journey.

It makes me more sympathetic towards them. I’d fucking hate to be deaf tbh, so if I’ve a pretty easy way to make their day a little bit better then I will. It might mean nothing to them but it’ll make feel a bit better about the world.
I stood from London to Edinburgh once, was pretty shite but you get used to it.
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4 minutes ago, Rugster said:

I see your point about being old, but I don't see what difference them being deaf makes to whether or not they can stand for a journey.

If they weren't deaf you could explain they're on the wrong train and if they get off at the next stop they'll be able to get on the right one. 

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1 hour ago, The Golden God said:

Think I was a cu nt on a train once, getting the train back from London to Glasgow a few years ago. Train was quite delayed, running about 30 minutes late by the time we reached Warrington or some other shite no mark English town at about 2pm. Loads of people get on at Warrington and it becomes clear that this train was so delayed that it arrived after the next one was due. So there is way too many people on and not enough room for everyone to sit down, these 2 older women come up to me and my cousin sitting in our booked seats show us their tickets which are for the same seats, we try to explain to them what has happened and how they are on the wrong train but they just look back blankly, look around and theres quite a few other older people who have just got on aswell, we eventually work out they are all deaf and must be part of some group. Trying to explain what has happened to 2 death women through iPhone notes is as hard it sounds. Eventually they fucked off, probably should've just given them the seats tbf but f**k standing all the way back to Glasgow. 

Ouija Board required for communication

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I still tend to give up seats for old people, and I've even done cliched stuff like help old dears with their shopping, etc.

I just need to say that as a preface to the next thing.

I'm getting more an more tempted to stop doing so. On a few occasions I've gone away from the situation a little aggrieved that the person I've helped out has been quite rude to me, or has seemed to expect my help, like it's a given. There seems to be a shitload of old people with nothing approximating basic manners, and I'm getting fed up with looking like a mug by pandering to them. Not to mention my growing disgust at their voting habits, etc.

I do accept that if I cut it out altogether there will be some victims, and some lovely old women needing seats will get blanked because of the behaviour of completely unrelated Daily Mail reading old b*****ds, however that seems to be the way it's heading.

Old people: It's in your hands. Start being nicer and not reactionary old bigots or lose your seats.

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Loads of people get on at Warrington and it becomes clear that this train was so delayed that it arrived after the next one was due. So there is way too many people on and not enough room for everyone to sit down.

Simple solution . Give the auld deaf ladies your seats , get off the train feeling morally superior for your good deed , get on the train they were supposed to be on which will be practically empty now and have a full table each to yourselves if u want and no queue at the drink counter .
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