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I'm pretty sure he has ADHD and is taking drugs which makes him so relentless, an absolute nightmare. The foreman was away on holiday for the last 3 weeks so I couldn't be asked to be moved elsewhere but it's sorted as of next week thank f**k!

Kick his c**t in? The annoying boy at work, then shandon then the foreman if he doesn't sort t, then the annoying boy again.
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36 minutes ago, throbber said:

I'm not a violet person, i have no interest in falling out with him as i wouldn't put it past him showing up to my house at a weekend with a knife tbf. I don't bite to him as well because he will get the satisfaction from winding me up but i would have expected him to get bored from not getting a reaction out of me time after time but it doesn't seem to be this way sadly. Wont have any more dealings with him now and i wouldn't be surprised if he has gotten the boot this week when I've been away, no one else at the company wants to work with him either he is just a really awful person. 

What colour are you?

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I'm not a violet person, i have no interest in falling out with him as i wouldn't put it past him showing up to my house at a weekend with a knife tbf. I don't bite to him as well because he will get the satisfaction from winding me up but i would have expected him to get bored from not getting a reaction out of me time after time but it doesn't seem to be this way sadly. Wont have any more dealings with him now and i wouldn't be surprised if he has gotten the boot this week when I've been away, no one else at the company wants to work with him either he is just a really awful person. 

Maybe he reckons he's being a laugh rather than trying to wind you up though?
Ps, can't believe you're scared of shandon.
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Most of the boys I work with are fairly sound, bar a snakey old c**t who grasses on people for taking 10 minutes extra piece break and petty shit like that. He is best pals with one of the gaffers, who is dour faced worst c**t who spends all his time moaning about how shite our company is and how useless everyone apart from him is. Luckily the other gaffer is sound as f**k.

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Colleagues are mainly sound, apart from two Sevco fans who never shut up.


There was also a fud who had his tablet propped up on a stand on his desk playing music while he worked. Not giving a f**k that his screen saver was a slideshow of him in the buff... someone did report him but i think the gaffer was too scared to confront him.


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I honestly don't know, he isn't particularly unpleasant as a person and i have worked with people who are genuinely bad spirited he is just an absolute nightmare to be around and its completely suffocating. I actually can't be bothered with any hi jinx in the work place nowadays, i just view it as a place where i go to to do a bit of work until its time to clock off. I have no interest in making friends there and don't bother anyone else so i certainly don't deserve to be putting up with this sort of nonsense.

That's what I'm guessing. He thinks it's a laugh and is just a roaster.
I'm similar tbh. It's better to get along and have a laugh, the day will pass quicker, but I'm just here because I get paid to come.
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In the last few weeks I have been working with the worst person I have ever met in my life. An absolute jakeball who is constantly on Valium or stoned who will come up to me at least once an hour and disrupt me when I'm working, hide my tools, throw stones at me, scream incessantly in my face things that make absolute no sense and just utterly exhaust me until the point I am mentally and physically drained of him. I have been off this week and told the boss to sort it out so I don't need to work with him again when I come back.

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8 hours ago, throbber said:

In the last few weeks I have been working with the worst person I have ever met in my life. An absolute jakeball who is constantly on Valium or stoned who will come up to me at least once an hour and disrupt me when I'm working, hide my tools, throw stones at me, scream incessantly in my face things that make absolute no sense and just utterly exhaust me until the point I am mentally and physically drained of him. I have been off this week and told the boss to sort it out so I don't need to work with him again when I come back.

I'd tell him he'd get a much better buzz by doubling the Valium.

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Pretty sound folk for the most part. Everyone seems decent at their job, which goes a long way to avoiding conflict and simmering resentment. There's a good level of social activity as well, i.e. occasional. Have worked other places where everyone is each other's best mate and I constantly had to make excuses for/actually attend shite that I had no interest in.

There's one wifey with Limmy's that accent voice though, who also happens to be the loudest person I've ever met. I get the sense she's probably a fairly good person which actually makes things worse because my daily feelings of murderous rage towards her feel a bit unreasonable.

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I touched on this on pttgoyn the other week. This woman irritates me, even though she's not really doing anything wrong. It takes her 15 minutes to get ready to take a break and the same when it's finished to get ready to work again. E.g. Her morning break finishes and she then goes to the coffee machine but has to go round the whole room taking orders. This is actually alright but she occasionally digs people up to take a turn going too. She takes an hour for lunch but only actually eats on her return and it's loud crunchy food that she eats. And she chews with her mouth open. We're supposed to work until 15 minutes to clock off time and then pack up but she's so fucking slow, it takes her three times that to get out. Her IT skills are abysmal for a grown adult although her mental age is probably about twelve. Not a 2017 twelve year old but a twelve year old from when she was that age. If any procedure changes, it takes her about a month to pick it up and giggles when she forgets. She gets all excitable if someone is wearing the same colour top as her. I think the worst thing is her annual leave. I view this as respite from her annoying ways but the last few years, she's only taken one week off all year. The rest is taken as the odd day here and there. Every December, she has to scramble about taking random days.  Even at Christmas she will only take two days in between and come in on Hogmanay(which she calls New Years Eve, aaarrgghh) because we get away early. Seriously, take the day off and get about nine days in total. And she is fucking obsessed with the weather. I think she gets the vibe from me that I don't like her because she hasn't spoken to me for a few months now about non work stuff which suits me fine but she still irritates the life out of me.


And breathe!

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About 18, girlfriend on hols, a couple of spectacularly nice female work colleagues asked if I fancied a threesome after our shift. The words of a P&B poster rang in my ears "if you cheat on your bird I'll stab you with a screwdriver". Little did I know she was off servicing some Tenerife bouncers as I thanked the two lovelies for their kind offer but declined. Henry Hill is a terrible cock-blocker. Be A Ware xx

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1 minute ago, Shandon Par said:

About 18, girlfriend on hols, a couple of spectacularly nice female work colleagues asked if I fancied a threesome after our shift. The words of a P&B poster rang in my ears "if you cheat on your bird I'll stab you with a screwdriver". Little did I know she was off servicing some Tenerife bouncers as I thanked the two lovelies for their kind offer but declined. Henry Hill is a terrible cock-blocker. Be A Ware xx

Image result for really gif

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3 hours ago, microdave said:

I touched on this on pttgoyn the other week. This woman irritates me, even though she's not really doing anything wrong. It takes her 15 minutes to get ready to take a break and the same when it's finished to get ready to work again. E.g. Her morning break finishes and she then goes to the coffee machine but has to go round the whole room taking orders. This is actually alright but she occasionally digs people up to take a turn going too. She takes an hour for lunch but only actually eats on her return and it's loud crunchy food that she eats. And she chews with her mouth open. We're supposed to work until 15 minutes to clock off time and then pack up but she's so fucking slow, it takes her three times that to get out. Her IT skills are abysmal for a grown adult although her mental age is probably about twelve. Not a 2017 twelve year old but a twelve year old from when she was that age. If any procedure changes, it takes her about a month to pick it up and giggles when she forgets. She gets all excitable if someone is wearing the same colour top as her. I think the worst thing is her annual leave. I view this as respite from her annoying ways but the last few years, she's only taken one week off all year. The rest is taken as the odd day here and there. Every December, she has to scramble about taking random days.  Even at Christmas she will only take two days in between and come in on Hogmanay(which she calls New Years Eve, aaarrgghh) because we get away early. Seriously, take the day off and get about nine days in total. And she is fucking obsessed with the weather. I think she gets the vibe from me that I don't like her because she hasn't spoken to me for a few months now about non work stuff which suits me fine but she still irritates the life out of me.


And breathe!

All those things are just her being a woman.
Does she at least have big chebs?

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When I worked in Iceland in Aberdeen there was a sad as f**k jobsworth woman who genuinely seemed to believe the bullshit corporate stuff. She would actually come in on her days off fairly often to help stack shelves and took the pishy menial job deeply seriously and expected everyone else to do the same, despite most of us being students who came in for our weekend shifts hungover and tried to hide in the back for most of it.

Even worse is that she was an assistant manager so didn't actually have to do the grunt work we did and could just sit in the manager's office dozing most of the day should she wish.

I quit that job 7 years ago but I bet she's still there.

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