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Most of the boys I work with are fairly sound, bar a snakey old c**t who grasses on people for taking 10 minutes extra piece break and petty shit like that. He is best pals with one of the gaffers, who is dour faced worst c**t who spends all his time moaning about how shite our company is and how useless everyone apart from him is. Luckily the other gaffer is sound as f**k.

There's always one who likes grassing on work mates. Just ignore the c**t
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One guy I work with gets right on my tits.


He is a total scrounger with no concept of money and is permanently skint. Each month after payday he will spend a fortune every day in our canteen on total shite for a week or so and leave himself with no money. (Godknows where it all goes) He then spends the other 3 weeks of the month lurching around looking for free stuff other people have brought in that he can eat - cakes, sweets etc and nicking stuff off other people's desks because he's starving. I wouldn't mind this so much but any time the team have a group buffet or what not he brings f**k all yet will be the first to get up and tear into the grub. I lost a bet yesterday which has a forfeit of bringing in some cakes for the team - he started waving his arms celebrating and demanding what kind of cakes he wanted brought in. He can f**k right off - I'll be bringing them on his day off.


Me and a couple of colleagues actually started a game where we were leaving stuff lying around to see if he would eat it- manky stuff like foosty biscuits and fruit that had seen better days etc but this c*** is like a fucking seagull - he nabs the whole lot.



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15 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

About 18, girlfriend on hols, a couple of spectacularly nice female work colleagues asked if I fancied a threesome after our shift. The words of a P&B poster rang in my ears "if you cheat on your bird I'll stab you with a screwdriver". Little did I know she was off servicing some Tenerife bouncers as I thanked the two lovelies for their kind offer but declined. Henry Hill is a terrible cock-blocker. Be A Ware xx

I love P&B. It's as if there always has to be only the one resident bullshitter. Was sjc, but then as soon as he stopped, BFTD strolled straight in with his stories and now he's calmed down Shandon has taken his place. 

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One guy I work with gets right on my tits.
He is a total scrounger with no concept of money and is permanently skint. Each month after payday he will spend a fortune every day in our canteen on total shite for a week or so and leave himself with no money. (Godknows where it all goes) He then spends the other 3 weeks of the month lurching around looking for free stuff other people have brought in that he can eat - cakes, sweets etc and nicking stuff off other people's desks because he's starving. I wouldn't mind this so much but any time the team have a group buffet or what not he brings f**k all yet will be the first to get up and tear into the grub. I lost a bet yesterday which has a forfeit of bringing in some cakes for the team - he started waving his arms celebrating and demanding what kind of cakes he wanted brought in. He can f**k right off - I'll be bringing them on his day off.
Me and a couple of colleagues actually started a game where we were leaving stuff lying around to see if he would eat it- manky stuff like foosty biscuits and fruit that had seen better days etc but this c*** is like a fucking seagull - he nabs the whole lot.

There's someone like that at my work. Constantly skint but takes home 10k more than me with all the raises and overtime he does. He always asks me in front of others 'oh what's that where did you get that from' knowing full well it's m&s as a treat myself once a week. He then plays the hard luck card with his yellow sticker food. It pisses me off and it turns out his missus is blasting £200 a week on weed to get over post natal shit. I take a different break now, pretty petty but it's devious and deliberate to wind me up and justify his greedy over time bollocks. Look at poor little me I have to work seven days.
f**k off.
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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

There's someone like that at my work. Constantly skint but takes home 10k more than me with all the raises and overtime he does. He always asks me in front of others 'oh what's that where did you get that from' knowing full well it's m&s as a treat myself once a week. He then plays the hard luck card with his yellow sticker food. It pisses me off and it turns out his missus is blasting £200 a week on weed to get over post natal shit. I take a different break now, pretty petty but it's devious and deliberate to wind me up and justify his greedy over time bollocks. Look at poor little me I have to work seven days.
f**k off.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you do come across a little bit like you think the entire working population are out to get you. The amount of work complaints/bullying accusations you have made on here is incredible and if they're genuine then any sane person would've left their job a long time ago. 

Again not wanting to be a dick, but you seem very sensitive - maybe the guy just wonders where you got something for lunch cause it looks nice?

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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Better than I would have thought. Most of them a bit younger than me but we still have a laugh and good banter. Had a cracking night out in Manchester last night. In saying that there is, and isn't there always, one dick who doesn't participate.

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

Not when it's said in a sarcastic voice or when he accuses me of being posh or snobby. It's just cuntish behaviour from someone who can't budget or tell his missus to stop buying weed.

We've had a similar conversation before. There doesn't seem to be anywhere or anybody you can cope with. Offices are all much the same, maybe it's a complete change of direction you need. 

Do a Wunfellaff and live in the wilds and work on boats or whatever else there is around.

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2 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Not when it's said in a sarcastic voice or when he accuses me of being posh or snobby. It's just cuntish behaviour from someone who can't budget or tell his missus to stop buying weed.

I think you're reading far too much into it. Its hardly cuntish behaviour mocking M&S food. 

Just call him a fucking tink for hanging around the reduced aisle. 

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Work beside a Polish fucker, tried to tell him numerous times about the great Pole that played for the Dee.................Dariusz Adamczuk, but he's not interested as he doesn't like football. Apart from that he's alright, we have a good laugh.

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On 30/06/2017 at 16:08, The_Notorious said:

Colleagues are mainly sound, apart from two Sevco fans who never shut up.


There was also a fud who had his tablet propped up on a stand on his desk playing music while he worked. Not giving a f**k that his screen saver was a slideshow of him in the buff... someone did report him but i think the gaffer was too scared to confront him.


That was clearly you.

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5 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Not when it's said in a sarcastic voice or when he accuses me of being posh or snobby. It's just cuntish behaviour from someone who can't budget or tell his missus to stop buying weed.

Are you not the same boy that let someone shout at you for painting your fence?

Sounds like the boy is trying to have a bit workplace banter. The worst thing you can say about him is he works overtime to medicate his Wife? You really are the most pathetic character I have ever saw posting on a forum. 

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My current work isn't that bad. Everyone is on temp contracts and they've all started at various points over the last 6 months, so the office is pretty quiet. I've only been there 3 weeks so maybe it'll get a bit more lively as the weeks go on.

My last job, I worked from home which was class as I could go weeks without speaking to colleagues unless it was about a project.

Before that my office had literally every stereotypical office nutjob you can imagine and a couple of gid c***s I still keep in contact with, and consider to be pretty close friends.

Reading this thread, I count myself lucky.

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3 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Work beside a Polish fucker, tried to tell him numerous times about the great Pole that played for the Dee.................Dariusz Adamczuk, but he's not interested as he doesn't like football. Apart from that he's alright, we have a good laugh.


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18 minutes ago, RR #1 said:

Are you not the same boy that let someone shout at you for painting your fence?

Sounds like the boy is trying to have a bit workplace banter. The worst thing you can say about him is he works overtime to medicate his Wife? You really are the most pathetic character I have ever saw posting on a forum. 

That's poor and a bit much really. Loads of folk are wanks, and when you have to see wanks in a job you might not be interested in its hardly going to make you wake up in joyous anticipation.

Neither of us know D.A.F.C. but I can empathise having put up with shit when I was younger, for various reasons, that I simply wouldn't let happen these days, and at the time it definitely tainted how I viewed things at work and people at work.

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Started a new job a couple of months back (teaching gun-wielding gang members in Chicago's worst areas finally did it for me, so I'm back in the real world now).

Small company, our office has 3 full time, the owner, the service tech guy and myself and the owner's wife comes in a couple of days a week to do some of the paperwork stuff. We have a call answering service at a different location, and an inside sales guy in Texas. The people are great (even if the wifie does occasionally get strange ideas about tidying things up when we don't have the space to do what she wants), last 2 weeks the boss has hardly been in as he's had pneumonia (which meant I was in charge)

Good people, when they discovered I don't drink coffee she bought a shit-load of Keurig teas for me. I think I'll hang around for a while.


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